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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Billie, Congratulations. WE are all anxioous to know how this works for you. You are the first person I have heard of actually accepted into the trial. What kind of NSC do you have? Is it adenocarcinoma and do you have BAC features? Keep us up to date please! Cheryl
  2. -Cheryl-


    Berisa, Your father will live for all eternity now. It is God's promise to us. What a special time of the year to celebrate such an event, with the resurection of christ. He lives! Happy Easter!!! Cheryl
  3. -Cheryl-

    Results are in

    Ray, Dag Nab it! I would use more explicit words to describe my frustration right now for you, but don't want to offend anyone. Don't you dare give up. I have talked to researchers who tell me that there will be a cure for lung cancer coming down the pipeline in the not to distant future. Your goal right now should be to try to stay as healthy as possible and hang on to your faith. You are allowed to get bummed and discouraged for now, just regroup my friend. Tomorrow is another day. I will keep you in my prayers. Cheryl
  4. Fay, Where are you? Just wondering how you are doing, and wish direction you have decided on going as far as radiation? Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. Cheryl
  5. -Cheryl-

    Happy Easter

    Hello Folks, Just wanted to wish you all a Blessed Easter and a prayer for Healing. I want to thank all of you who have kept me in your prayers as well. God hears your prayers and I can attest to you that they have seen me through this disease thus far. The love and support that I have felt from the members of this board humbles me. Despite your own situations, you all manage to find emphathy and encouragement for other's. I am impressed by this groups altruistic nature as well. So many people here give of their time, money, and support. I would list all of you, but the multitude of those deserving mention are too great. You have restored my faith in humanity and in God. Thank you for being there in my darkest hours, Cheryl
  6. Hey Ginny, I hope the Duke's physical therapy helps give the Duke back some energy and strengthens those muscles. I am also saying a prayer for your sis too. God Bless, Cheryl
  7. -Cheryl-


    Francine, There is nothing worse than feeling nauseated. My hubby did everything to try to get me to eat. For one week solid every bite came right back up. He even went and got Lobster my very most favorite food. It will get better my dear. Just so gald that the treatment is working! I am praying that your spine pain goes away along with the nausea. Prayers for you being said, Cheryl
  8. David, Hurry up and get out of there! I hear the Easter green jello mold they are serving for dinner really is just that- MOLD. Could be where you got that mysterious bacterial infection from. Yikes! Hospital food sucks!! Try to have a Good Easter regardless. Cheryl
  9. Mo, I hope he pain subsides and it is nothing serious. My friends invite me out on the weekends, but I really need my weekends to rest and catch up on household stuff. I have everything I love here, I mean this is what I want to do when I am off work. I have a couple of horses that I am trainng, and a garden to tend too. I am a recluse these days. Friends are very important though, but it is hard to entertain when you don't feel well. My friends understand, so I am sure yours will too. You just take care of yourself for now. I hope you have a Happy Easter! Cheryl
  10. Karen, What an inspiration you are to all of us. I am so relieved that things went well. I have had you on my mind all day and am gald to see you post. I want you guys to know how special this lady is, here she is having brain surgery and she sent me a card to offer me support to help me make it over my latest bump in the road! Thank you for your thoughtfulness Karen. May God Bless you with speedy recovery from surgery and no problems during WBR. Can't wait to see you post NED!!!! Cheryl
  11. Peg, The home health is definately a relief to have. Bill's appetite may improve by just being home and not having to eat hospital food. I hope you are taking care of yourself. Do not hesitate to take advantage of other people's help when they offer. I hope you have a blessed Easter. Cheryl
  12. TAnn, Ouch!!! The worst thing about my surgery was the chest tube. The nurses would come in and move the tubes around to do whatever, and I would scream out in pain. My sister, who is very pious and reserved, let them have it for hurting me. I can't even imagine having a tube in me without heavy pain meds. Are they giving you anything for pain and is this tube permanent? God Bless you. Cheryl
  13. Peggy, I am so glad you decided to stay with us. I myself feel so overwhelmed by other's loss that I sometimes have to distance myself from the board. However, the strength that I derive from these folks and their support, far exceeds the grief and sadness. I also would be so lost if something happened to "us." I really thought I would die befor my dear husband, that is until he had a heart attack at 47 years of age about a month ago. We have been together 20 years. My Jack is my life. My triumphs are not triumphs without him. He would fight to his very last breath for me, and unselfishly lay down his life so that I might live. What would life be without him? I don't want to imagine it. I am afraid that this disease will separate us, and I cannot bear that. So Peggy, I too can relate to how you feel, as do so many others on this board. You are in my prayers. Cheryl
  14. Dear Peg, I am praying for you and Bill and your children. This disease is dreadful. Bill is such a fighter. I hope things turn around. May God send his Angels to carry you all through this. All my love and support. Cheryl
  15. T-Bone, I wish I were there to make you some of my delicious carrot cake- guaranteed to add back atleast five pounds. I bet Mrs. T-Bone will have you fatened up in no time though. So glad you are able to go to Fla. I hope the met pain in your groin improves! Keep fighting T-Bone!!! Cheryl
  16. -Cheryl-


    Ray, Praying for clear scans! Cheryl
  17. Andrea. That reminds me of a funny story too. A few years ago, a coworker, named Tim, anounced that he was going to get a physical, because he was tired an feelng poorly all of the time.. Our psychiatrist where I work had just been diagnosed with cancer and it was found via a blood test called CA125. So, I told Tim to be sure and ask the doctor for this CA125 blood test because he was mid-fourties and should start to check these things. The doctor told Tim that he didn't have to worry about needing that test. Tim said well I want it, because our doctor at work found out she had cancer by having this test. The doctor said, well that test detects ovarian cancer and you have testes Tim, so I wouldn't worry about it. I told Tim that maybe he needed to see a psychiatrist who practices psychotherapy and adheres to the Fruedian Approach to treat his " floating uterus and hysteria!" Tim was not amused. I swore to him I had no idea what this blood test tested for other than cancer? He didn't buy it, and was very embarassed by the whole ordeal! I laughed till I cried. Cheryl
  18. Fay, I had the whole bananna radiated, then was filleted like a flounder in the mediastinal area, not to mention the chemo. Still, I have two enlarged lymph nodes that are suspicious for canncer in the mediastinal area on my trachea. It is the only area where I intially had pain and still do sometimes. Have you been radated at all yet? If not, then I say go for the whole bannana. The doctor told me that radiation to the heart in really minimal, unless radiating that area directly. As far as lung damage, yes, this could happen if it is over radiated. You should also be aware of the possibility of further damage, to yor lung, but again you will be getting hit in the center of your chest , and not your lung. PLus chemo could be used to mop up any excess cells. Chemo isn't as effective on BAC as it is on other cancers, However, these two combined really nuked cance! I had problems swallowing, but this magic mouth wash I was prescribed really worked so I could numb my throat long enough to eat. They can also give you a medicine to minimise throat problems when receiving radiation. I got a weird pains all the way up to the top of my head when I swallowed. Radiatin is weird. You cant hear it, see it, feel it, smell it, or taste it, but the damage it does is unbelievable. My MIL e-mailed info on a new precision radiation treatment, being done in Shreveport La., I will find it and PM it to you. Which ever choice you make we are here for you. I have plenty of tips on eating and nausea. I had the top of my stomach hit hard too, and vommitted for a week and needed to go to ER to get hydrated twice. This was after the radiation was over, the effects last up to six months. I will send you some more info soon. Cheryl Cheryl
  19. :l Becky, That one made me chuckle outloud!!!!! Cheryl ol:
  20. Cindy, Thanks for checking in. Yes, we were wondering how you were doing. Glad you are o.k.. Cheryl
  21. Berisa, I am praying for your Dad. I wish that I could do something more to comfort you. ((((((Sending you cyber hugs)))))) Cheryl
  22. -Cheryl-


    Hope you get rid of the crud and get to feeling better. Cheryl
  23. Stephanie, Good Luck with the move. Really glad that you will keep in touch. I will be thinking about you and your new endevor! Cheryl
  24. David, I hate the hospital, and I am guessing you do the same. So hurry up and get better! Saying prayers for you now. Cheryl
  25. Yaba Daba Dooo!! I'm thrilled about your news. Praise God!!! Cheryl
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