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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Lisa, I have a follow up microscopy scheduled for June 14 th. Until then, I am scheduled to go weekly for IVs. However, that is subject to change. It will depend on coordination of work and treatment schedules. Cheryl
  2. -Cheryl-

    mom's picture

    Natalie, Your mother is simply stunning. What gorgeous hair. She was a petite lady. I bet you look like her too. Thanks for sharing. Cheryl
  3. -Cheryl-

    My dad is at peace

    Kim, I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing such a private moment for your family with us. It really helps to put many of us at ease about the "unknown." I think that it is only human to fear death, and you have comforted us despite your own grief. You are such a comfort to so many, please stay wih us and let us comfort you when you need it. God Bless you and your family. Cheryl
  4. Joe, I wanted to know what my diet was lacking, and what my body may or may not have been producing. So, I had a wet and dry microscopy done. I was able to view enlarged, colorized photo results on a tv screen. I kind of figured that chemo would cause some changes, but geesh! All of my red blood cells were spiked, instead of nice round granule shapes. There were also "significant ROTS masses" in my lymphtic system, fungi (candida) , and crystals (toxins) were also present. My PH was poor @ 5.5. Other tests done were for cholesterol, blood sugar, RBC WBC, etc.. Basically, there are 4 causes of health imbalances: chemicals, radiation, diet, and emotions. The microscopy will indicate if the immune system is imbalanced; nutritional deficiencies; bowel, liver, and kidney toxicity and stress; reduced oxygen to cells; hormone and thyroid problems; and poor digestion of protein; to name just a few of the health conditions analyzed by the test. After this test was done, I started getting treatment via infussions to resolve my paticular health conditions. Dose this guy offer any kind of treatment, and is he a medical doctor? If so, then insurance may cover a good portion of your treatment. I totally believe that diet and your body's own immune system can help cure this beast. Now having said that, our genetics and environment factor in heavily. I am fighting a monster that has killed four family members already. I am too buisy living to die! I can't serve God in the ground! Joe, I think we are in something like 4% of the population to get diagnosed with this disease at our age. I use to pray to God to call upon me, and show me how he wanted me to serve him.....be careful of what you ask for, huh! Ha! Now the picture has been made more clear to me. I am still figuring it all out, but atleast my disease has given me a sense of purpose in life. I suspect he has chosen you, and all of us here as well. It is up to us to answer that call. I am sorry for the detour from the topic being discussed at hand, Ha! May God bless you and your family. Cheryl
  5. Hi Pretty Lady, So glad to see you post too. Oh, there is nothing worse than being nauseated. I had it pretty bad toward the end of my treatment from the top of my stomach being hit with radiation and the chemo combined. I couldn't even keep water down. So, go to the ER and get hydrated if you aren't getting anything down! Pudding was the first thing I could keep down, it sorta stuck to my stomach I guess? I am keeping you in my prayers. Cheryl
  6. Colleen, Please accept my deepest sympathy. I am praying for you and your family. Cheryl
  7. Cory, Welcome to our family here at the LCS board. Glad that you found this board, because the support and knowledge you will gain here is phenominal! There is no place like it! Many of us on the board have had experience with surgery. I underwent the same procedure as you described your Dad will undergo. It is called a mediastinoscopy. In my case, cancer was found in my mediastinal lymph nodes So, the surgeon closed me back up and I was told that I would need to undergo chemo and radiation first to shrink the nodes. After treatment, I did have the surgery. So I hope that all goes well for your Dad and he gets the surgery, but don't get discouraged if he has to undergo treatment first. I will say a prayer for him. Cheryl
  8. So sorry for the duplication here. I took an ambien hoping to get some sleep. I have a conference to attend tomorrow and need to be alert. Anyway, I wanted to ask the creative minds out there for any fundraising ideas? Ry....David C's big sis ( Sorry- ambien kicking in now, time for bed )? Thanks! Cheryl
  9. Hi All, Great News! I received notice today that I was awarded money for a grant I wrote to head up a Tobacco Awareness Program! The money is coming out of the Tobacco Settlement Fund for the state of Texas. It wasn't as much money as I had hoped for, but it is a start!. I will solicit more funds to promote this program from my community through donations and fundraisers. Hey, I am not to proud to ask for money when it comes too Lung Cancer Awareness! Cheryl
  10. Elaine, I have no experience with bone mets, but wanted to offer you a belated "welcome to the LCS board" and offer a prayer for you. God Bless, Cheryl
  11. Kat, You have been through cancer diagnosis and treatment, major surgery, and hormonal changes to name just a few contribting factors to Major Depressive Disorder. I'm with Mary, check in with your doctor and inquire about an antidepressant. I have been thinking about you too, and will send up prayers for you also. I am with you, ready for the spring....Alright, I do live in Texas. I really shouldn't complain, huh? Cheryl
  12. -Cheryl-


    Peg, So glad scans show stable disease. Bill is one tough cookie! Prayers continued for you both, Cheryl
  13. Mo, Just sent a prayer up for you too. I am sending you good thoughts only! Cheryl
  14. Berisa, Just wanted to let you know I am praying for your Dad. I also read about reasearch going on in Japan using a multimodal approach, which included Chemo, surgery, and an autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation on SCLC with very positive results. Maybe your onc knows more. Their is also such a thing called Angel Flights that will fly your Dad for free anywhere in the world for teatment. The U.S. is really starting to make breakthroughs in lung cancer treatments. I know of an asian community through my sister's church, which would gladly provide you a place to stay and food, along with plenty of chineese intepreters to help out. Let me know if you ever need this. Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, Texas is one of the top in the world for cancer treatment. Cheryl
  15. Dave, Alright, I will stand up and be proud, for I too own a chiahauPom. I don't know what happened. I thought I was getting a bargin for just $250. I mean, "I thought I got us the best one!" The lady we bought her from raises both chihauhaus and Pomeranians. Umm, I think got this super-hybred or something. She looks like a furry chihuahua. So....O.K. Dave, swoop-another score for you. Sorry David A. Cheryl
  16. Heather, That is so funny, "White Bread Brad." Your right about the one meal at a time thing. I do the cooking, so if he doesn't eat it....well I guess he'll starve. He drinks atleast a half of a gallon or more of whole milk per day!-Something about "being deprived" as a kid? I started soy, it's not bad! The only thing I miss are soft drinks! The book I just bought suggests making your own with equal parts fruit juice and soda water. Not too bad! I stayed away from fruit juice because of the sugar, but this book recommends some. Pineapple contains bromelain which fights tumor mets! Anyway, pass on any good recipes that you come across! Cheryl
  17. Hey David, I'll round that number to a nice even $600- count me in for $25 too. Cheryl
  18. Joyce, So glad you found this site, which is so full of hope and genuine survivors. Thank God I happened upon this site myself, back in May 2003. I can remember feeling so lost and in such deep despair. My friends and family all said to me,"Wow, if you, the health nut and exercise fanatic gets lung cancer, then there is no hope for any of us.!" But it just goes to show you, anyone can get lung cancer. None of us know when our time to leave this earth will be. I am not so sure I want to know, just brings me down. So, I try to live each and everyday to the fullest. Your children need you, so plan on being around awhile! Always here if you need to talk, Cheryl
  19. Linda, How tough your Daddy is. He has been through so much already, and his will to survive is amazing. Don't let that word "hospice" scare you. They could be such a big help to you and your family. Using their services doesn't mean your giving up. I like Dean Carl's post. I will continue to hold you and your Dad in my prayers. Cheryl
  20. O.K. David A., Ry left you in charge....I don't think you are doing your job of watching over Dave G. very well. He let that one slip out so to speak. Pretty crude too I might add...oh well I must admit, that one had me laughing so hard I had to check my pants. I think I peed em Ha! Cheryl
  21. -Cheryl-

    Husband surgery

    Cindy, Good to hear the surgery went well. I hate waiting for blasted scan results over a weekend. I will say a special prayer for you in church tomorow. Keep us posted. Cheryl
  22. I just orderd a book by Kim Dalzell, Ph.D. There is a section on nutrition and supplements for specific cancers, lung cancer being one of those listed in the book. I highly recommend it. You can order it by calling 419/281-1802, through Nutriquest Press. My book came within days. The price was $22.95, plus $4.00 for shipping. Dr. Dazel is Program Director of Holistic Nutrition Services at the Cancer Resource Center for Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Cheryl
  23. Cary, I had just gone out to buy some today.Too bad I didn't see your post first. I bought a brand at a small reputable health food store here in town. The brand of CoQ10 is by TwinLab and produced in Japan. I didn't see it on your list anywhere? I hope it is pure. Thanks, Chery
  24. Katie, You are amazing. Hang in there, it will get easier. Thanks for all you and Rick do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheryl
  25. -Cheryl-


    Kathy, This blasted disease is so unpredictable! So sorry for your latest news, but it sounds like you have a good support system. Hey, and a wedding to prepare for! It sounds like you are too busy living to let this disease beat you! Welcome to our family! Cheryl
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