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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Becky, Thanks for the post. My heart started to sink when I saw the post, and was so relieved to know David s O.K.. Let both he and Karen know we ar praying he is feeling better! Cheryl
  2. Nancy, Thank you for sharing the news about David. Many of us have wondered about David. I am so very sad for your loss, our loss. I enjoyed reading his posts. He had such a great attitude. I am praying for God to comfort you and help you to deal with this tragedy. Sincerely, Cheryl
  3. Becky, I hope the chemo kicks cancer's butt! Try not to over do it, your resistance will be lowered. Take care of yourself! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Cheryl
  4. -Cheryl-


    Berisa, I saw on tv in Dallas, children celebrating the New Year! Happy Monkey Year to you and your family and yes, kick out the GOAT!!! Cheryl
  5. Natalie, There is still alot they can do. Seek another doctor's opinion. I've heard of a procedure in which a permanant type of drainage port is implanted so that the talc procedure doesn't have to be redone over and over. Sorry, I can't remember the name of it. Prayers for her are being said now. Cheryl
  6. Lynn, I tried to e-mail her, but no response. don't think she has posted since Oct.. I am also worried about her. Cheryl
  7. Shellie, Both of my parents died within two weeks of one another from cancer. Tomorrow is the aniversary of my Dad's death. I remember thinking....How could this be happening? It was lke some bad dream that I could not wake up from. It took me years before I could reconcile it with God. The anger actually got me through it. The sadness sent me into panic and despair. Apparantly God is trying to teach me something. As much as I hate this disease, I am starting to see what God is trying to teach me. I have seen kindness and love I never knew possible. I took life for granted, now each second is so precious to me. I no longer fear death as I did. I feared death so much, that I wasn't really living. But most importantly, I found the lord again, and feel an inner peace inside. Finding meaning in suffering gives our lives purpose. I hope you find your answers. God Bless you Shellie. Cheryl
  8. Fay, Can they do radiation? It sure fried my two lmph nodes in the mediastinal area. You put on the fighting gloves girl. We are here to fight with you! Cheryl
  9. Hey Girl, They made me wait a month till my sonogram after telling me there was an area of concern! Anyway, you try not to worry. I think it will turn out to scar tissue. Still praying none the less! Cheryl
  10. Becky and Linda, Becky, you keep me in stiches. I love your sense of humor! Linda, my dotor told me he treated his own Dad. His Dad was was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer and given 3 weks to live. He lived another 4 quality years, which included travel and golf. The doctor feels the tratment is currative, if anything it boosts the immune system to fight cancer. I had a vitamin infusion, next week is a calcium push, and yet to come is a diflucan IV. I will attend a nutrition class tomorrow. Dr. Gonino also prescribed arteminisin, Ph balancing supplements, and other tablets with minerals and herbs. Also I take liquid green tea supplement, noni juice, and multivitamin. Hope this helps. I know that I feel physically better than I have in since intial diagnosis. Let me know about what the doc says. My onc is O.K. with everything. Cheryl
  11. Joe, I am seeing a physician by the name of Dr. John Gonino in Rowlett, Texas- www.goninowellness.com. He has a regualr family practice, but also practices alternative and complementary approaches to treat disease. There are many web sites out there on H2o2 therapy. Here is one that explains the procedure fairly well. www.medical-library.net/sites/_iv_hydro ... erapy.html Cheryl
  12. Hey Folks, Fri. I had an H2o2 IV, which proports to put oxygen into the blood stream. This in turn rids the body of toxins and boosts the immune system. Aside from the needle stick to start the IV, the procedure was painless; although, I did acquire a weird taste in my mouth like one would get if they gargle with peroxide. I could imagine my blood fizzing like an alka seltzer...Ha! Fortunatly that didn't happen. Cheryl
  13. Hi Kat, I did not get a port. I am a very vascular person, but my veins began to roll towards the end. What they would do here at Sammon's Cancer Treatment Center is like a temporary port. The nurse would insert some kind of a different IV with a line, then use that line for atleast three days before removing it. After chemo, the line was heavily taped and bandaged to keep from bumping it till the next day. It saved time and pain. Cheryl
  14. -Cheryl-


    Francine, So relieved to see you post! Sounds like you were very close to the edge, too close for comfort. I am with Don, I am glad to see that beautiful smiling face again! Take care of yourself for us!!!!!!!!! Cheryl
  15. Fay, What a fighter you are! You have not only met every challenge you've faced with courage and strength, but also with faith and a positive attitude. I will say an extra prayer that all scans are good. Hang on to that determination, you will get through this too my dear! Cheryl
  16. Shellie, It is ashame that doctors can bring you down so quickly. Just remember they don't know anything yet, so hold on to hope. Prayers for you and your Dad.
  17. Ahhh What a cutie Pie! Faith, Aunt Cheryl wishes she could kiss your boo boo and make it better, but I bet Mom and Dad have that covered. Pooo on those pesky doctors! I suppose they mean well though. Get better quick! Cheryl
  18. Hip Hip Hurray! As one of the charter members (Thanks to Ginny- Ha!), I welcome you to a club that is always having a membership drive! Congratulations! Cheryl
  19. Jen, MO is right, first rule out anything that may be physically contributing to the panic attacks such as irregular heartbeat, blood sugar problems, hormone, and thyroid conditions. If the cause is determined to be physchological, it can be easily dealt with with anti-anxiety medications and cognitive behavioral therapy. To treat it with just medication alone is like putting a bandaid on it. Just some tips to get you started: * Do not avoid people or places...it only reinforces the fear * Go with the panic, as a matter of fact try to force yourself to have a panic attack. It is like visiting the doctor and him asking you to pee in a cup when you don't have to go! It is hard to force yourself to have one. It also takes the "surprise" element out of panic attacks, which typically come out of the blue. * Prepare for a panic attack by sitting down, carrying snacks to level bloodsugar, breathing in a paper bag, etc... If you prepare for the storm, it's effects are less devastating. * Do relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis. Learn to recoqnize when your fight or flight symptoms are coming on and try to calm yourself down. * Deep breathing helps, so you don't hyperventilate. Sit next to exits, so that you know an escape is possible, which psychologically helps. * Take along a friend or family member to help talk you through an attack. Proving to yourself that you will not die from your fear desensitizes you to it. *Your body is responding to an imagined fear. Dispute irrational thoughts. * Change "self talk" to positive thinking. (IE. Instead of thinking "I'm scared," think "I'm excited!." Eventually you will begin to believe the positive "self talk", just as you have the negative. * Pack things to take with you to preoccupy your mind and hands- like knitting, reading, etc... * Place a rubberband on your wrist and snap it when you began to think illogical. These are just a few suggestions. Meds will help, but they don't get to the root of what fuels panic attacks. Learning what fuel the fear and confronting it is currative. A combination of therapy and psychotropic meds is most effective. I hope this helps. Cheryl
  20. Judy, Don't scare us like that again! So glad to hear from you. Chemo isn't for sissys. You take care and hang in there. cheryl
  21. -Cheryl-

    GREAT NEWS but....

    Ray, this isn't just great news. It is awsome news! You are a "warrior" in every sense of the word. Congratulations! Take care of that blood clot though!! Cheryl
  22. Fay, Praying for good scan results and eyebrows too! My eyebrows grew back on the sides of my face!! I have to use my husbands nose trimmer on them. Cheryl
  23. Hey Gin, Speaking of hot baths...I just climbed out of one, only I prefer flanel and fleece. The girls are right, comfort yourself and allow yourself to feel your emotions. There is no shame in being sad or angry right now. Keeping ytou and the Duke in my prayers. Cheryl
  24. Shellie, You got to watch those cement posts crossing the road! I wish I could relieve you for awhile. Try to take care of yourself my dear. Cheryl
  25. Sandy, Before I was diagnosed I had a mamogram and got that call to come and do another mamo and a sonagram. The rad doc thought it was a swollen lymph node. I am curious though, wouldn't a CT find anything going on in the breast? I didn't have a mamo because I though the CT would cover all that. Cheryl
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