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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Joe, May I offer you a "belated warm welcome to this board." You and Gina are such an attractive couple! We had the same treatment. I had two cycles of cisplat/ Vp16 chemo treatments- three weeks apart and 28 radiation treatments. Only, my surgery was after treatments. I was told this was to shrink tumors first. I had a pea sized tumor in my right mid lobe, and two mediastinal lymph nodes positive (Mediasteinoscopy performed-attempt at surgery postponed till after treatment). There was some uptake in r. spraclavicular node, but chemo kocked it out. Onc thinks this was a reactive lymph node. My surgeon said that there wasn't anything much left of the tumor after radiation, so it was easy to remove. Too much radiation makes surgery impossible because the lung tissue can't heal properly. So, guess the advantage of surgery post treatment is to shrink cancerous tumors and to have a better idea of what is left to go in and remove as far as lymph nodes. My onc also recommended no post surgery chemo. He said to give the body a rest. The cisplat/ Vp16 really caught up with me toward the end! I did really well till the en, then I couldn't eat, wbc and iron were low. I got a couple of shots of aresnap to boost my iron and platlets prior to surgery. I am so glad to get the break from chemo! It wiped me out as well! Plus, too much chemo will make it less effective when you really need it. Chemo is so hard on a body that it could leave you open to any opportunistic infection. Let us know what you decide to do Joe. Cheryl
  2. Hello my fellow alternative cancer treatment pioneers! I got the blood work back on my microscopy today. I had significant ROTS masses, especially in lymphtics. Other abnormalities include: spicules (liver stress probably from chemo), candida and fungi, crystals (toxins), heterogeneous plaque, spiked RBC's, and pH level poor (5.5). Suggested treatments: Detox liver and colon with coffee enema x 1 per month (stimulates bile production for detox), cleanse gall bladder weekly with 1/2 a lemon into 2 tablespoons of olive oil, follow a diet prescribed for 3 months with supplements, one intraveneous infusion weekly (of either vitamin IV, H2o2 IV, calcium EDTA, or Diflucan). Also recommended,Tai chi, anti-fungal Rx, Oxygen Therapy, Prayer/ meditaion, Enzyme Therapy, drink lots of water (75 oz.), and lymphatic pump (massage taught to husband to circulate waste. I like this one!). Jack will attend nutrition class with me in Jan. One other supplement that I highly recommend is called Juice Plus+ (vegetable and orchard blends.) These have had the sugar removed, and have been studied thouroughly by numerous universities- including MD Anderson Cancer center. I feel better when I am fighting this disease, instead of doing nothing about it at all. It gives me some sense of control. Will it work??? I hope so. Most importantly, one must have to have faith that God will heal them! You also have to believe in the cure! Remember, drugs like aspirin come from God's nature like Willow bark! Never underestimate the greatest healer of them all, our "Lord!!!" Cheryl
  3. Hey, Joe and Hebbie our diagnoses and treatments were almost identical, except I had surgery after treatment instead of before. Joe, thanks for the information! I bought a supplement called pH-Basic made with plant enzymes. The bottle came with pH test strips inside. There is a toll free # 1-888-918-1118 on the bottle. Also, a web site, www.enzymedia.com. Perhaps anyone interested can buy directly from them. Cheryl
  4. Hello Everyone, I have met with a new doctor who specializes in alternative cancer treatment approaches. He said, "It is like having a monster locked up in your basement....why just treat it with one bullet when 17 bullets would stand a better chance of destroying that monster." I was given both wet and dry microcoscopies of my blood, along with a regular cbc to see what my body was lacking/ or overproducing. My blood work was good, except my chol was 249. Last check was below 200. I admit I have been eating red meat, even liver, to boost my iron back up. So, the iron is excellent, but now the chol is a little high. I will work on that after the holidays. Ha! This doctor also is against sugar, including sugar from fruits if you have cancer! I am scheduled for a nutrition class in Jan. He also started me on a couple of supplements. One is supposed to lower my pH level. Being too acidic/ or alkaline lowers immune function, causes fatique, malabsorption of nutriants, digestive problems, hormone imbalances, the bones to leach calcium, insulin increase, fat storage, electrolyte imbalance, and also stresses numerous organs. The list goes on. The other supplement is called Artemisinin, which is an anient chineese herb traditionally used to treat malaria. It can cross the blood brain barrier, and causes significant tumor killing effects on aggrssive cancers. I was given an outline of other supporive therapies, and will report on them when I know more. I have done some research on these treatments, and there does appear to be some empirical data to support these paticular treatments. I would appreciate anyone's input if they themselves have tried any of these treatments. They do not appear to cause any harm, so I will give them a try. I will not refuse clinical treatment if needed. These treatments are intended as I said, supplementary. Thanks, Cheryl
  5. Bob, I am praying that all of your sans are clear and free of this dreadful disease. Cheryl
  6. Birthday Bob, How many years is this now? May you continue to be blessed with many more birthdays to come. Cheryl
  7. Anne, So sorry to hear about the news of your Mom's passing. Now her spirit is free and no longer bound to a body suffering in pain. It is hard to let go of those we love and what is familar to us. Your Mom is about to embark on a new journey, and you will again see her one day. May the strength of your faith see you through this difficult transition. God bless you and your family. Cheryl
  8. Jay, So glad to see you post! I am also glad that you are out of your room exercising- it is good for you physically and mentally. I agree you should try to "stay active as long as you can." I am sorry to hear about the mets, but numerous people on this board have been successfully treated for them. I am praying that your treatment goes well for you. Jay please try to live each day to the fullest! Nobody has any guarantees for tomorrow- and I mean nobody! I spent the first couple of months after my diagnosis, literally lying in bed, afraid to get up. I kept thinking, "what am I so afraid of?" Dying ....perhaps. We all will die someday, it is unavoidable. However, that wasn't quite it. I asure you that I do not want to die, but I believe in an after life, and that helps to calm my fears about death. I guess for me, my biggest fear is not being here to live my life and do all of the things in life that I have planned. So, I made myself a "to do" list. I am not afraid of "death" as I was before, because this disease has made me confront it head on! I will not waste another minute of my life "dying from cancer." I chose to "live my life with cancer." Fear use to hold me back from doing a lot of things....but really, what is there to fear now? Jay, make that "to do" list and don't give up on Life. I do not understand why you have this disease?....I guess only God has the answer to that; however, I can tell you that your life has touched hundreds of people! You are more than just this disease! Cheryl
  9. John, I received my treatment at Sammons Cancer Treatment Cener in Dallas, Texas. I asked my rad onc what made MD Anderson i Houston one of the top cancer treatment centers in the world. He was very dfensive, and claimed "we are up to speed with them!" The only difference is that they are "involved in more clinical trials than we are." My chemo onc and rad onc coordinated their efforts for treatment, so that there would not even be one day difference in starting both treatments together due to the effectiveness of the two combined. I realize that some people cannot tolerate combined therapies due to health or age, but hopefully doctors will expedite radiotherapy treatment following chemo given findings such as these. Good research! Thanks!! Cheryl
  10. Hi Karen, That nasty Flu is hitting us hard here in Texas. My work has me counseling kids at schools and am suprised that I have not encountered it yet. I did get the shot though, and it may offer some protection. Hope the wee lass is back on her feet soon! Send that wonderful cleaning person to my house, would ya? Cheryl
  11. Dear MML, I found Hanes Her Way makes a soft, stretchy type of sports bra. I bought a couple of them a bit larger than I am, and step into them instead of pulling them on over my head, due to limitatios of mobility after surgery. Also, tank shirts with built in shelf bras layered under other shirts. PLus, bras made for woemen who have undergone a masectomy are more comfortable. Cheryl
  12. I am in utter disbelief? I am so sad for his family and boys. I cannot believe Greg is gone. I will miss his bravery and the encouragement he gave to everyone on this board. Cheryl
  13. Norme, So glad that you are out there still! Sending up lots of prayers for you and Buddy. We have missed you so much! Cheryl
  14. I had a dull ache in the center of my chest that would come and go. I tried to go to see a doctor about it, but he wouldn't accept out-of-town checks! Mind you, my bank was only 16 miles away. So, I put off the doctor till the pain was constant. It didn't hurt bad, nor did it feel like a heart attack ( I am young and workout. No family history of heart disease, but there was for lung cancer.) I had no cough either, so I didn't think it was pnemonia. Finally, a month later, my new PA ordered a chest x-ray. A spot the size of a pea was seen in my right middle lobe. The PA set me up with a pulmonologist who diagnosed me with adenocarcinoma after doing a bronchoscopy. Doctor thought it was an infection. Lung function test proved above average. All the doctors I have seen have told me that I should not have had any pain in my medistinal area (middle chest), the nodes were hidden behind my sternum. They did light up on a PET scan though. Still, the nodes were'nt enlarged. A mediasteinoscopy (scope done through small incision in the neck) revealed spread of cancer to middle chest. Everyone was in shock about my diagnosis. The only sickness I ever had was the flu a couple of time throughout the years. I, on the otherhand, knew I would get cancer someday. Both of my parents died in their 40's, within two weeks of one another. Cheryl
  15. Shawna, Post surgery, I saw my onc for a follow up. He saw a small plueral effusion around my r. lung (which had a lobectomy), and my heart on an x-ray. Eleven days later, my surgeon said it "wasn't anything that needed treatment." Both doctors concured that given the trauma of all the treatment I'd gone through, this was a universal symptom. My surgeon stated that your "lungs normally have a gelatinous like substance surrounding them for protection." Malignant plueral effusions are caused usually by tumors blocking drainage, and can make breathing difficult. I know this can be very scarey, but try to stay positive. Don, a good friend on this board always says, "Don't borrow trouble." I hope that it is nothing. God Bless, Cheryl
  16. Shelly, I am sending prayers too for your Daddy and family. Cheryl
  17. Adam, It is so nice to hear that your Dad is back home where he belongs. May God Bless you and your family with Happy Holidays ahead! Cheryl
  18. Seeing Lenny's picture with his son stabs me in the heart, and the tears are blinding me while I type. Lenny was so positive and strong. He gave many of us a great deal of support on this board despite what he himself was going through. H e served as an inspiration to me, nothing seemed to stop him from living his life to the fullest until the very end. He motivated me to get off my duff and do the same!!! It is simply tragic. He would be proud and honored to know that you are not letting his death be in vain, by doing something for the cause. Cheryl
  19. Lori, I am so sorry. Lenny fought this disease with everything he had, he did so for the love of his family. He loved you and your sons so much. I for one am honored that Lenny allowed us to have insight into those feelings that he shared for you and the boys in his posts. His sons will know him, you will not let them forget their father. I bet Lenny won't let them forget either. God Bless you and your family. WE will all miss him! Cheryl and Jack
  20. Prayers being said for Sharon and her dear companion Clover. Cheryl
  21. Flabet, I agree with Don. Now is "not your turn to give, but receive." My condolences for your loss. Cheryl
  22. Has anyone tried any oxidative therapies or have any information on them. I will see a medical doctor that my PA referred me to that does these type treatments, along with infusions. The PA's own wife goes to this doctor for an auto-immune disease (Lupus.) Also, anyone know anything about anti-oxidant therapy and lung cancer? Thanks, Cheryl
  23. Cathy, Sending prayers your way that surgery went well and you are on the mend. Cheryl
  24. Kristy, I am really saddened by the loss of your beloved Mother. This disease can be senseless. You have every right to be angry at it! It struck your mother so swiftly, allowing nobody in your family time to prepare for the "fight," especially your Mother.May God watch over you and your family, and see you through this, probably the most difficult day of your life. Cheryl
  25. Lillie, What a beautiful tribute to your extraordinary mom.Her passing seemed so very peaceful. Thank you for sharing it with us. Please stay with us in the months to come and call upon us when you need support. Cheryl
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