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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. -Cheryl-


    BLT, Saying a prayer for you now. I read a book by Kubler and Ross on death and dying, which stated that christians were just as fearful of death as atheists were. We are human beings, and this disease is scarey. I hope your scans are clear! Cheryl
  2. God is never too busy! I will certainly say a prayer for your Mom. Cheryl
  3. -Cheryl-


    Francine, You certainly have every reason in the world to be apprehensive! You call the doctor over anything that feels abnormal to you! Drink too!!! Praying for you, Cheryl
  4. Dear Norme, I hope that Buddy's pain subsides. I think of you often and pray that Buddy does a turn-a-round. Jack and I are always here for you!!! Cheryl
  5. Cary, I blew out my other lung laughing so hard at your picture! Cheryl
  6. Careful Rich.... the new "MAD DONKEY *ss DISEASE" is spreading... Said to have a real kick! -Jack-
  7. -Cheryl-


    lol....lol.....lol :) Cheryl [/b]
  8. Hey Fay, DNA results came back positive, identifying Dave G's pet as a new species called a "chihuarat!" David A., did you hear about the time Dave G. took his little cihuarat with him to the golf course? Yeah, after he played a few rounds, he and his new species friend went into the club bar to throw back a few. Dave sat down and placed his little friend on the bar, next to this guy that looked a little queasy. A few minutes later the guy could no longer hold back and blew chunks. The guy looked down to see the chihuarat struggling in the vomit and said, "Whoa, I sure don't remember eating that!!!" Ha Ha Heeee Heeee!!! Cheryl
  9. Carlton, Yes, we have all been there. It is hard stay positive when you live with tis disease 24/7. I like Dean Carl's advice to someone..."Take a vacation from the cancer." Try to find something that brings you pleasure, so you can forget about cancer for a while. You live in Fla. too. I lived there for a while, and found it to be like on vacation all of the time. I began to take all of the scenery for granted. It is tough to even get out of bed in the morning when you have cancer, but force yourself to plan activities for the day, don't isolate yourself either. Do you have support through family or friends? Try to focus on the positive, and not the negative. Your news does sound encouraging. I wish You the best! Cheryl
  10. I'll have Cheryl document every side effect and dangers to the therapies she receives from now on...Then we can all sit around and dwell on that. -Jack-
  11. Dean, This journey is such an emotional roller coaster. I echo the sentiments of others on this board. Your posts are so insightful and inspirational to others. It is so hard to remain positive when one faces the reality of a diagnosis such as lung cancer. Antidepressants have really helped me. I just switched to Lexapro myself. Side effects I have noticed are decreased appetite, nausea, headaches, and runny nose. Despite these minor side effects, I have noticed an improvement in my affect. They say that antidepressants are not addictive; however, you must titrate them when coming off. So, whose definition? I understand the commitment you have made "not to use chemicals to alter your mood," but these are extraordinary circumstances. Most SSRI's make people feel jittery. You may need to try more than one till you find the right one that works for you. It also helps me to get out of the house. Now that you have your scooter, I hope that you can get out a little more. Sunshine, critters, and God's beautiful earth always help brighten my day. Cheryl
  12. Connie, This group really needs to see that people can survive this disease! You have given me hope. You have been so supportive of everyone else, thank you for all that you do dear sweet Connie. You deserve good news!!!! Cheryl
  13. Sandy, I am being treated at Sammons Cancer treatment Center at Baylor Hospital. One day on my way to treatment, dazed and porbably in a chemo fog, I went in the opposite diection. I found myelf in the breast cancer diagnostic dept.(very nice too I might add). All of the other cancers are just thrown together? Breast Cancer does receive special treatment. There is not the stigma attached to this disease, as there is with lung cancer. Cheryl
  14. Kelley, Glad to have you back! Please know that you are welcome to post here anytime that you are ready. There will always be somebody on this web site to support you and provide you with information. Praying for you and your Mom. Hoping to see you post again soon. Cheryl
  15. I just noticed Jack's post. You must forgive his attitude at times. He just wants me to beat this disease, and doesn't want anyone to bring me down. He believes that a positive attitude and belief in the cure have everthing to do with survival. We have been married over 20 years, and I know that Jack would gladly lay down his life so that I could live. Not that I would want him to, but it saddens me to think of "us" not being together. Cheryl
  16. Linda, You got it, I am sending prayers up now for you and your special Dad. I hope he gets out of the hospital soon. I know he will because he is like me and hates hospital! God is watching over him! Cheryl
  17. T-Bone, I imagine the wait is because the radiation continues to do its magic even after treatments are completed. Ive never had PCI, but did have radiation. I had to wait a month to have a CT, but was given an x-ray imediately following treatment. Unfortunately, that doesn't work to well for brain scans. The MRI is probably the most expensive test, so the docs will use it selectively ad wisely. We are all praying for clear scans for you T-bone!!!! Cheryl
  18. -Cheryl-


    Carleen, Prayers being sent. You and Keith have already been through so much. I applaude you for not giving up and seeking out treatment for keith. How did you guys hear about this trial? I just know this will work for him! It has to!!!! Cheryl
  19. Becky, The chemo will really depressed my appetite to virtually zip. I remember forcing myself to eat. I was lucky to get half of a half of sandwhich in me, nothing appealed to me. Then with radiation...well, I am sure you remember that. Most sedating medications also diminish the appetite and the digestive system. Eat small, frequent meals. Bland foods without a smell helped me. Hope your appetite improves. Cheryl
  20. To the guest who replied... Take your skeptisism and post it somewhere else, like the "General Section" where you might get some attention... we don't need it here. -Jack-
  21. Mo, May you have many good days to follow. Hey, I miss my wig....so conveinent. I bet ur hair will come back, just give it a chance! Cheryl
  22. Dean, Yeah!!~"When it rains it pours!" It would be even better if you had no need for these things! God Bless! Cheryl
  23. -Cheryl-

    News from DaveG

    Dave, I'd say you were due some good news! Yeah!!!! Cheryl
  24. Hello Folks, Being the experimental pin cushion of the group, I had a calcium push today. It only took a couple of minutes. The purpose of the push is to detox the body. Here is a web site on the handout given http:/www.gordonsearch.com/Protocols/EDTA/protocol_iv_and_oral_edta.htm I also attended classes on nutrition and candida. Basically, cut out white startches, eat whole foods, and no sugar or yeast products if you have a problem with candida. Eat mostly beans,poultry, fish, and loads of cancer fighting vegetables. Bon appetite! Cheryl
  25. Dear Guest, I believe this type of therapy could cause an embolism if blood is withdrawn, heavily hydrogenated, then reinjected back into the patient's bloodstream. I tried to pull up the web address I posted, but couldn't on my web tv here at home. There are numerous to view on the internet. This type of therapy has been widely researched and studied for close to 70 years. I can't say that it is a cure...but then again, neither is chemo. I am a fairly conservative person, and would not do any treatments if I felt they posed a risk. Dr. Gonino has never had anyone with any complications in his 8 years of practicing alternative treatments. Plus I talked to his patients, and my PA is now working for him! My suggestion is do your homework. This approach isn't right for everyone. My goal is to boost my own immune system to fight this disease. I refuse to sit on my hands and do nothing. Atleast I feel like I am fighting this disease. BUt this is jst one of many treatments I am undergoing. I think with most alternative approaches there is skeptisism, and undersandibly so. However, remember, the effectiveness of these approaches have about the same cure rate as traditional medicine approachs. Cheryl
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