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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Candee, You can slay that beast once more! You got all of us cheering you on and praying for you. Cheryl
  2. -Cheryl-

    From My Heart

    David G., I so look forward to your posts. Not only do you provide valuable information, but necessary humor relief as well. I mean we need you to riff on from time to time - "and your tiny dog too!" Ha! PLease stay! Cheryl
  3. Don, So sorry, I just saw your post. "Happy Birthday Mrs. Lucie Wood!!!" I am so impressed with you Lucie. My goodness you put us all to shame, Ha! Well you go girl!!! Hey Don, I see you are gong to Scotland, not Ireland. I am going to try to finally go to Europe in probably June. Any suggestions of where to go, or what to see. Cheryl
  4. Andrea, Sending prayers to our Lord now for your mom. Please take care of your self too and that precious baby girl. Cheryl
  5. Prayer for Karen being said now. May God strengthen and heal you. Cheryl
  6. Linda, I am so sorry to hear about your dear Daddy. I will keep him in my prayers too. Cheryl
  7. Hey Folks, I just wanted to let you all know that I have an appt. set on March 23rd with GVAX Researchers. Baylor Hospital in Dallas is one of the Hospitals participating in this study, and I also happen to be getting my treatment there. My onc referred me via my request. He never even mentioned the trial, I had to read about it in the paper. I asked if I needed to gather my scans and other tests, but they said "No, we already have your file." So, I am assuming they know my story. My onc and surgeon are "not sure if its cancer." I met with my surgeon the day I picked up Jack from Baylor. He said that he "would hate to risk your life with such a risky surgery and the nodules be benign." I also asked about the swollen lymph on my trachea, again "it could be nothing." So I am scheduled for a another CT scan to check for changes and growth. Originally, I had uptake in my right supraclavicular node which put me a stage 3A-B. However, it disappearred after doing chemo. That would have been an ideal node to take to make a vaccine. I just don't know if they can get to the cancer, or if it even is cancer. Adeno-Bac likes to spread into the other lung, and that makes me really question the nodules being benign. From what I have read, Bac really responds best to the GVAX vaccine. As usual with this disease, there are so many unknowns and uncertanties. I am afraid to get my hopes up too much about this trial. I sure do not want to do more chemo, but will do what it takes to live. My onc is conservative on the chemo. I am feeling pretty good these days, still continuing the alternative treatments. I did have this bad dream the other night though, that "Death" had come for me disguised as my trusted sister. When I realized it was the Grim Reaper I went "Bruce Lee" on him. My husband came running in the bedroom to awaken me from the nightmare. He said, "Who were you fighting?" Ha! I was karate chopping, kicking, flipping....I was exhausted from fighting him all night. I just want to "thank you all" for the support. Jack was touched by your kind words. He is doing very well....with the exception of his diet!!! He starts rehab next week, and perhaps will get to meet with a dietician...the "wife nutritionist" just seems to make him angry. He won't even eat in front of me now! He carries his plate off into another room. I nag him about the salt and gallon of milk he drinks. Just because it is 1% doesn't mean "all you can drink." There I go...Ha! See what he has to put up with! Jack is actually very lean, its just his family history of heart disease that is really bad! If any one else here on this board has had any experience with this GVAX trial, please post about your experience. Becky G. don't give up on this trial, pm me if I can do anything to help. I will keep you all updated.
  8. Jenny, Your Mom Judy has always been such a support to me and many members on this board. I just cannot believe that things have taken such a turn. Please give your mom my best and I will keep her in my prayers. She is a beautiful lady. Cheryl
  9. Hey guys, Thanks so much for showing your support during a tough time. When I could'nt be there for Cheryl, the Board kicked in...it's good to know you have "true blue" folks in your corner. I am back to normal, so no more fuss about me... Let's get back to beating Cancer! P.S. ... I'm not as stubborn as Cheryl states! Thanks again -Jack-
  10. Carolina, I am so sorry to hear about your MIL. It sounds as though your MIL lives life on her own terms despite this D**n disease. "God Bless" her and your family. Cheryl
  11. Bob, If I recall BPhylis had throat cancer and may have some good advice on aspiration and treatment. He also had a g-tube too. I would definately talk to a surgeon. Perhaps a stint could be put in to open the esophagus? I pray that you get better and return home soon. Cheryl
  12. Jerrye, I too am age 44, and live in Greenville, Texas. I have NSC-Adenocarcinoma stage III A-B. I was diagnosed May 12, 2003. If you would like to communicate with me just PM me. I will be happy to help you through this if can. Cheryl
  13. Andrea, Worry is normal, but constant worry is taxing on the body. I agree with Soccermom, you are in a state of "high alert." Please take care of yourself too! Sending up prayers that hubby is fine and that Mom's path report comes back clean! Cheryl
  14. Elaine, I agree too. I do recall Carlton's post about it also. I am always curious about how people were first diagnosed. Becky, every year I had a physical and it always indicated good health, except my white blood cell count would be elevated a couple of points- no red flags though. I never even thought about that. I had no real symptoms that I noticed, until the center of my chest ached on and off. Ekg was normal, so I had an x-ray and a spot the size of a pea, which was barely detectable, showed up. The pulmonologist said I had a good radiologist, because he himself would have probably not even have noticed it. I just have to say that Connie B.'s story gave me such inspiration and hope. I would really like to see that forum return. I still search the internet for others like her, but have found few. Connie I would read and reread your posts! Thank you! You are and will always be my hero!!! Cheryl
  15. Rick, Sharp and crisp design. Does the change give you rights to the name now? Looks good! Cheryl
  16. Bruce, Congratulations on one year. I don't often see your posts, but always enjoy reading them when I do. You are so spportive of others. I appreciate all of the kindness you have shown, and hope that God continues to bless you. Cheryl
  17. -Cheryl-


    Heather, I am almost a 7 months out from radiation and I still have problems swallowing pills. I take a lot of supplements and chase them with a lot of water. What really helps is to eat somthing like a couple of almonds to knock the pills down. Try it it really works for me. Cheryl
  18. Peg, Keeping you and Bill in my prayers. Never give up! Cheryl
  19. Mo, You are one tough lady. I will continue to hold you in my prayers. Your LCS Family, Cheryl
  20. Cindy, I had a CT show fluid around the heart and a plueral efussion too. Mine was caused from treatment. So hoping and praying that yours is too. Cheryl
  21. Hello my Dear Friends, Jack is doing pretty good, despite "LEAVING THE HOSPITAL AGAINST MEDICAL ADVICE!!!!" He still has one more artery blocked 90%, which will be fixed Monday. He was supposed to stay in the hospital till Tuesday. Jack is just about the most stuborn man I have ever known. I am so scared he is going to have another heart attack while at home. I couldn't sleep a bit last night, waiting for him to take his next breath. He is so depressed and crouchy. Thank you so much for the encouragement. This has been such a scarey experience to say the least, but it sounds like it can be managed. Thanks again! I will post more later. Cheryl
  22. Hello Everyone, I haven't posted for few days because Jack had a heart attack. Jack was feeling a tightness in his chest, nauseated, dizzy, fatiqued, and weak. He insisted it was the flu! Finally, he agreed to go to the ER. I told him to tell them he had chest pain to get treated quicker, but suspected it was a heart attack. When the doctor came back with the results of a heart attack, Jack says "No, I just said my heart hurt to get treated quicker, are you sure it isn't the flu?" (Jack still had a hard time accepting the fact that he had had a heart attack, despite all the risk factors he had) The doctor said, "No Mr. Ferguson, you a have had a heart attack and I am sending you by ambulance to Baylor Hospital in Dallas." Further tests revealed 3 major arteries 90% blocked!!! They put a stint in 2 arteries tonight, and will do the 3rd one on Monday. I am so worried about my Jack, I truely do not care to be here on this earth without him. I am exhaustepd and stressed to the max, but he is doing pretty good considering! I will keep you all updated. Please keep him in your prayers. Cheryl
  23. -Cheryl-

    Combo Kid

    Mo, I remember Sam had SCL and Large Cell, which no cancer is good, but at least it is a slower growing cancer. Just learn all you can about it, and ask lots of questions I will be praying for you. Keep us posted on the treatment. cyber-Hugs, Cheryl
  24. MO, You are my hero! I am so inspired by you. Hey, you even motivated me to go to the movies by myself! Jack didn't want to go. I refuse to sit around and wait. I am thinking of planning a trip somewhere on my own. Jack works for a radio station broadcasting games on the weekends. So I need to get out and do more stuff by myself. Jack seldom likes to do what I like. He hates crowds and shopping. We drove all the way to Wash. D.C. and he stopped short of entering into the city and said...."I can watch it on tv!" See what I am up against? So, It would probably be more fun by my self....or he would stay in the car and wait-seriously.So as much as I love this man, he also drives me batty. He hates crowds. I don't mind them. We are planning a trip after May to Europe. He is actually excited about that trip. Glad your back Cheryl Cheryl
  25. Joe, My chemo and rad treatments ended Aug. 28th, I had surgery on Sept. 18th, and did microscopy in Dec.. I understand that the chemo leaves your body quickly, but the red blood cells will take awhile to turnover and reproduce. You might want to ask your onc about it. Mine had no problem with the treatments either. I can say that I have felt better since starting them. Chemo is literally posion. It will not only kill cancer, but take you as close to death as you've ever been. It wouldn't hurt to find out just what the chemo has done to your body, and what your body needs. Joe you have always been an athlete from what I can tell, and have high expectations for yourself. In otherwards, be realistic in allowing your body the time it needs to heal. I was shocked to discover what chemo had done to my body. I can remember after treatment thinking..."I got do something to fight this beast myself. " I needed to feel empowered over it. Take back control of my life. Fighting it was almost easier when in treatment...you feel like your doing something. Cheryl
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