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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Adam, I loved your humorous story from you other post. It was a "gas!" Ha! Here are some qoutes that I like... Why is it when we talk to God we are said to be praying, and when God talks back to us we're said to be schizophrenic? Lily Tomolin Faith is to believe what we do not see, the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. Saint Augustine Ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep. Norman Cousins It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which more than anything else, will determine its outcome. William James Come to the edge. No, we will fall. Come to the edge. No, we will fall. They came to the edge. He pushed them, and they flew. Guillaume Appolinaire And last, but not least, print this for your Dad's doctor. AS I ate breaakfast this morning, I overheard two oncologists conversing. One complained bitterly , "You know, Bob, I just don't understand it. We used the same drugs, the same dosage, the same schedule and the same entry criteria. Yet I got a 22 percent response rate and you got a 74 percent. That's unheard of for metastatic cancer. How do you do it? His colleague replied, "We're both using Etoposide, Platinum, Oncovin, and Hydroxyurea. You call yours EPOH. I tell my patients I'm giving them HOPE. As dismal as statistics are, I emphasize that we have a chance." William Buchholz, M.D. Hope this helps! Cheryl
  2. Lauri, How Cute! I think I am being beckoned to the fridge right now myself..... Cheryl
  3. -Cheryl-


    Angie, What fantastic news! Your family must be so relieved! We love hearing news like this! It gives so many people hope who are staged late in this disease. God is still in the miracle business! Cheryl
  4. Greg, Praying at the CPT11 works on the mets too! So glad to hear that you are out of the hospital. Good for you for doing something "our cause!" I hope others are inspired by your efforts, as am I. Cheryl
  5. Kristy, I agree with Fay, ask for a feeding tube, if that is an option. When I couldn't eat due to esophagitis and nausea, my doctor mentiond a feeding tube to me as an option if I got worse. I have to tell you, that was motivation enough for me to try to eat! Also ask the nurse to bring your mom Boost drinks.Your mom is in my prayers. Cheryl
  6. -Cheryl-

    Iressa rash

    Becky, Sam's post was truely encouraging, huh? Sorry about the rash, but it sounds like the Iressa is really working for you! Cheryl
  7. Francine, I am so very sorry to hear about your news, but your determination to fight this disease will see you through. You don't deserve this disease, none of us do. You have been such a support to everyone on this board, let us do the same for you whenver you need us. Prayers, Cheryl
  8. Lillie, How difficult this must be for you. I can remember being so exhausted when my parents died of cancer, two weeks a part from one another. I recall the guilt that I felt, torn between wanting them to die to end their suffering, and wanting to end my suffering as well. Forever burned into my brain, the painful details of of their deaths. Painful for me to watch, but not painful for them to experience. Both had lapsed into comas and were not in any physical discomfort. Death by cancer is quite merciful in the end. However, it can leave the caretaker feeling so very helpless. Just know that all that you are feeling is normal. It probably feels like all a blur right now, and you just go through the motions to get through it. I stayed in this mode for weeks, it is some sort of survival mode I guess. It felt all so "unreal" to me during that time. Nobody tells you how your suppose to "be" during this phase....it is different for each one of us. I couldn't even cry. I was numb. Then, months later, it all hit me. I was overwhelmed by my emotions. Just know that we are all here for you. You will get through this my dear. I pray that God sends his Angels to watch over you and your family during this difficult time. If you need to talk I am here to listen, PM if you like. Cheryl Cheryl
  9. Dave, I so agree with you, but I challenge everybody to "do something!" Even if it is only making a donation of $10, if everybody did something then perhaps the government would pay as much attention to us as say....breast cancer research. I was shocked to see that gov. funding for lung cancer, which causes the highest number of deaths in the world, is so ignored. Interestingly, most of the states are spending tobacco settlement money on everything from roads to raises, and not on what the money was intended- tobacco awareness and smoking related diseases. I think if we all did something, regardless of our stage, then we will be heard, and closer to finding a cure for this dreadful disease. I, like most of you, have questioned why I have this disease? Who knows, but I do know that by doing something about it can be very empowering. My cancer has now taken on a new purpose. I have decided to apply for some of that tobacco grant money and educate kids about tobacco and it's dangers. I have heard many people say.."If I can just save one life..." My goal goal is bigger than that! I want help as many people as I can from ever having to endure this suffering. I challenge you all to do something. Make a commitment and verbalize it. I think we can all brainstorm ideas on this board to help one another. Don't let this disease take your life or the lives of your loved ones in vain. Please take charge and do something! Cheryl
  10. -Cheryl-


    Norme, I am praying for your Buddy too! May God's angels watch over you both tomorrow. Cheryl and Jack
  11. Cindy, Glory be to God!!! I am so thrilled for you!!! This is fantastic news!!! Did you find out what it was that was making you feel so Yuky Cheryl
  12. -Cheryl-

    Lucie's Report

    Don, What a joyous Thanksgiving this will be for you and your family this year. Lucie is doing so well! What a strong lady she is! She has overcome so much this past year. God Bless, Cheryl
  13. Fay, Being on chemo period can really bring you down. I hate that you have to have chemo during the holidays, or anytime for that matter. Out of all the treatment I recieved, chemo was by far the worst for me. It made me so tired and achy. It really messed up my stomach too. I am praying that your stomach problems are just an ulcer, or perhaps even as a result of the chemo. Cheryl
  14. JOnthan, I have been wondering that very same thing myself, Where is Jenny? I hope and pray she is well. WE all get worried when someone doesn't post for a while. Cheryl
  15. Becky, Glad to know that this just isn't unique to me. I hate the coughing attacks too. I don't want people at work to think "That girl thinks she better? Is she delussional? She sounds like she is on her last leg!" Ha! So, I sit there in meetings trying to repress my coughs till I just can't stand it any more. THen have to let it rip! THanks for info about pneumonia shot too! Cheryl
  16. David, Thanks for sharing your good news. We all really needed somebody to post in the "Good News" section. Once more, I am gald it was you!! Congratulations on the empty head! Cheryl
  17. If it were not for this board and Becky I would not have gotten the surgery. I had a mediasteinosocpy; whereby, my surgeon inserted a scope through a tiny incision in my throat to determine cancer spread to the lymph nodes in the center of my chest. Had there not been cancer, he would have flipped me over and performed a lobectomy. My surgeon closed me up and referred me to an oncologist and radiaologist. He said come back if there is shrinkage, but don't wait. I will not do it if you wait!!!! I did not no anything about too much radiation preventing surgery until I saw Becky's post. My radiologist and onc.did not agre with the surgeon about surgery. I had the call and speak to my surgeon. MY onc said he agreed that it may up my survival rate by 5 %, but the radiation doc wasn't so optimistic. My surgeon sent him a copy of a study confirming all of this. The radiation doctor was unsure then of the amount of radiation to give me. Some have the surgery first then treatment, but the treatment definately made the surgery easier for my surgeon to remove the tumor and hot nodes. MY docotor likes to do the surgery about four weeks after treatment. It was no picnic, but when it comes to life verses the alternative.....well you know the answer to that! Keep us updated! God Bless, Cheryl
  18. Linda, My dry cough is a result of RT. I also have acid reflux from the RT, which causes me to start coughing. My husband says that I don't do it in my sleep...so I suppose it is from breathing deeper when awake. I find cough drops and hot beverages help some. My latest x-ray showed a cloudy area in the lung I had surgery on. My surgeon thinks it is a infection of some sort, which is contributing to the cough. Yet, I have no fever, nor sputum. I asked if it could be aspirated fluid, he said possibly. It would really help to know the source, huh? Christy, meat and bread were the last things that I could eat. It took longer for tyhis to go away than 3 weeks. So hang in there! Cheryl
  19. Peg, I too went to my doctor for the flu and pneumonia shot, but was told to ask my onc about it first. My RBC was still down at the time. My onc gave me the flu shot and I have yet to get the pneumonia shot. I understand that it is supposed to last several years. Was Bill's shot combined or something? Don, I have to remind myself not to think the worst. You are right about not "borrowing trouble." Cheryl
  20. Hello Everyone, I had another postop appt. with my surgeon this past week. An x-ray showed something cloudy going on in my lung that I had surgery on. The Dr. thought it was some kind of infection, maybe bronchitis. I still have the dry cough, but no breathing difficulties or fever. I asked him if it could be aspirated fluid , because I still choke at time on fluids. My esophagus does not close fast enough when I drink, or I will choke and hav a coughing attack due to acid reflux. I have no pain any longer, like I did when going through radiaton. However, sometimes just swallow wrong. Any how, I have started that exaggerated, irrational thinking process....could this be pneumonia? What if its cancer? THe doctor didn't give me anything for it and said, "I'll see you back in Feb.!" Now, I had a CAT scan done only 11 days prior and Onc said nothing of a cloudy area in my lung. He said, "All looks O.K., just a lot of changes due to surgery. You also have a very small plueral effusion due to the trauma your lungs have been through, which is normal" Would an infection look like this on an x-ray? Has anyone experienced any of this? I have been feeling anxious and not sleeping well. Any insight would be appreciated. Cheryl
  21. Norme, So glad your are back on line. I missed you! I am so sad to hear about Buddy's colon cancer diagnosis. He has already been through so much, as have you! I am sleeping about like you, only 3-4 hours per night. I hope that your sleep has improved. I have ambien, but hate to take it regularly because it interfers with my circadium sleep cycle. However, it does offer short term relief. Have you considered it? Norme, please know that you can't possibly be positive all of the time. You certainly don't have to be for us. Just know that you are stronger than you think. You have been taking care of Buddy, the house, animals, etc. since Buddy became sick. I just want you to know that we are here for you when ever you need to vent. Cheryl
  22. Annie, What tough news, but Tim is one tough cookie. I sure hate this for you guys. Tim has already endured quite a bit. Hopefully he will regain his appetite and put some weight back on now that chemo has stopped. Prayers are being said that the Iressa works! Cheryl
  23. -Cheryl-


    Dave, You are truely an inspiration. Put on those boxing gloves and let's fight this disease! Just know that God is watching over you and in your corner! Cheryl
  24. -Cheryl-

    The Bus Stop

    Deb, Wow, your story was amazing! It also really made me appreciate just how lucky I really am. I like Dave's comment too,"what if God were one of us." Cheryl
  25. Kristy, I will keep your dear Mom in my prayers. The treatment itself can really make you feel tired and sick, which can can alone emotionally discourage your Mom. Not to mention, she was only recently diagnosed in Aug., the reality of actually being staged is tough to comprehend too. I can remember lying in bed just shaking, afraid that I was going to die. Eventually, I realized that, "Yes, I am going to die....but, not today." So, I got up and put one foot in front of the other. It is hard, but it does get better. Perhaps your Mom needs to talk to the doctor about an anti-depressant. God Bless, Cheryl
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