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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Cathy, I hate that you will have to relive this dreadful experience again. Our friend Fay A. has had atleast two lobectomies. Fay helped me get through my surgery, as did numerous others on this board. We are here for you just the same. Cheryl
  2. Andrea, My heart is heavy for you. I imagine being on oxygen all of the time can really play havoc on one's outlook on life, which in turn could affect her appetite. I hope that you are taking care of you! Your Mom is in my prayers. Cheryl
  3. Natalie, I am sorry to hear about your mom, but she could still turn-around. I am saying prayers for you and your mom. Cheryl
  4. -Cheryl-

    My wife Ada

    Jim, Thanks for posting. You see, hearing from you helps us to feel Ada's presence on this board still. Jim, your Ada was something extrodinary. She never felt sorry for herself and was so very brave. Her posts gave me strength and hope. All the other web sites or so morbid. Ada was one of the first people to respond to me when I wasfirst diagnosed, she sounded so positive an supportive. She never really talked much about herself, she was always more concerned and interested in you. I would like to know more about her. Would you mind sharing with us what Ada was like, what were her passions in life? She left this earth before I had a chance to come to know her better. Even though I only knew her for a short while, and never met her in person, I felt like she was my friend. I really miss her! Sincerely, Cheryl
  5. Connie, As usual you have inspired us Connie! I hope you are mending well. I am just so very happy that the surgery went well and you are feeling better. Cheryl
  6. -Cheryl-

    Lucie's Scans

    Don, I have both you and Lucie in my thoughts and prayers. Im am praying that all scans are clear!!! Love to you both, Cheryl
  7. Dave, I am rooting for you too. Look at our brother Ray! His adrenal met has shrunk 50%! Don't give up hope. I will say a prayer for you Dave. There is definately power in prayer. Cheryl
  8. Cheryl I am so heartbroken for you. My goodness, this is such a tragedy. Dick's prognosis seemed so good following surgery. I am so very sorry. Please know that you are a part of this family now and I hope you do continue to post. I will keep you in my prayers. Cheryl
  9. -Cheryl-

    My Bald Head

    Fay, I agree with the others, you have a very nice shaped head. I would much prefer to see that nice smile though! It would be nice to place a face with your name. You have been such a vital member on this board, offering your support and wisdom. I for one reaaly appreciate you. Cheryl
  10. -Cheryl-


    Becky, You need to stock up on zinc lozenges, vitamin c, and disinfectant hand lotion! I hate that you have a cold on top of your already difficult breathing situation. Having a 3 year old in day care, not to mention being around a bunch of colege students can reek havoc on one's immune system. Take care and get well! Cheryl
  11. Kat, When I was first diagnosed, I had a PET scan which showed 3 hot spots in my pelvic area. One on my R. ovary and two on my uterus. My oncologist sent me to my gynocologist, who I had just seen prior to LC diagnosis about fertility treatment. A sonogram was done, and masses were confirmed to be solid, but believed benign given my history. My doctor said that if it were ovarian cancer, my lungs would have numerous tumors. The only tumor in my lung was the size of a peanut. She told me take care of your lungs and come back to see me. She discussed my sister donating eggs to me. I am afraid to pursue invitro, or even adoption at this point because of my cancer. I am optimistic about the future, but fearful none the less. I went to a baby shower today, and it made me sad to not ever be able to have children. My work involves working with kids and I really enjoy it. Since doing chemo, my periods have ceased the last couple of months. My last pelvic scan was normal....so maybe the chemo took care of it? I don't know? Did the chemo effect your cycles? Might as well have the plumbing removed if it isn't working anymore, or not needed. I am still unsure about it though. Keep us posted on yor surgery! Cheryl
  12. Cindy, I will say a prayer for you. Please try not to worry about those worries before they happen. You are in the medical profession, so it makes it hard not to diagnose yourself I imagine. Keep us posted! God Bless you! Cheryl
  13. Donna, Thanks for the update. Let Connie know that she has been on my mind a lot lately, and that I will keep her in my prayers. I am so excited that she came through the surgery so well. What a will to survive and conquer this disease Connie has!! Cheryl
  14. -Cheryl-

    Bad Scan Results

    Dave, I am sad to hear of your news. You are such a warrior, and have endured much already. I am impressed at your fight to beat this disease, and believe that you can still win!!! I am praying for you. Cheryl
  15. -Cheryl-

    Good luck Jay !

    Jay, Keeping you in my thoughts prayers. I am so sorry that you are having to endure this... and all the trials and tribulations of this past year. You must hang on to hope though. You will conquer this! Cheryl
  16. -Cheryl-

    My dad has passed

    Donnie, How traumatic for you and your Mom. I pray that God helps you through this sad event. May God send hs Angels to carry you through this. Cheryl
  17. Susan, I am so very sorry about your dear Mother. I am saying a prayer for you and your famliy as I write this. May God be with you and your Dad during this difficult moment. Cheryl
  18. -Cheryl-

    Dick Update

    Cheryl, So sorry about Dick's condition. I can only imagine what this must be like for you. Dick is still here fighting! That is a testiment to his will to live! I will keep you both in my prayers. Cheryl
  19. Tracy, Yeah!!! Wow the tumor shrunk 50%! That is incredible! I am so happy for you and your Dad. Cheryl
  20. -Cheryl-

    CT Scan

    Dave, That is most excellent! So gad to see clear scans. WE have another "Empty Headed" club member! Cheryl
  21. Becky, Glad to hear about the NED. I have never had gallblader problems, but two of my sisters have. THe surgery was a breeze, but one complained of shoulder pain. Apparantly the pain is caused from the air they blow you up with when they do the surgery, which settles into te shoulder. Both are eating what ever they like, not on any special diets. Hope all goes well for you! Cheryl
  22. Andrea, You go girl!!! Thanks for taking action to really do somehing for the cause! I admire you. Cheryl
  23. -Cheryl-

    JudyB update

    Hi Judy, I hope the chemo goes well for you. It is so good to see you getting out amongst the living! I imagine it is painful for you physically, but great for the moral. It is great to see you posting again, I just love your sense of humor! Cheryl
  24. Hey Folks, Just got back from my onc. He said that the scans look good! Lots of changes due to treatment, including small plueral effusion around the right lung and my heart, but that this was normal given radiation, chemo, and surgery? He said that my lungs have been "traumatized." Sounded scarey to me though! My cough is about the same, but breathing is not compromised, Doc said it would get better on it's own. I was not given anything for it. The nodule in my left lung is still unchanged and believed to be benign. We will just continue to watch it. No chemo was necessary because there was no active cancer going on anywhere! I don't need to go back to see him untill Jan.! Thank you for the prayers!!! God Bless you all! Cheryl
  25. You got it Dave. Praying for Estelle as we I post! Cheryl
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