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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Hello Friends, Tomorrow is my first CT scan post surgery. Any prayers would be so greatlt appreciated. Just worried about the one supraclavicular node that couldn't be reached during surgery. I pray chemo took care of it. Thanks, Ceryl
  2. Thanks Don, I think we all have questioned our purpose in life at some time or another. I for one have and appreciate the recommended book. Cheryl
  3. Yeah Ray!!! You and Mrs. Ray need to celebrate! This is big news!! You needed a break!! God is Great!!! Cheryl
  4. Peg, I have tears of joy for you and Bill. Thank you Lord! Cheryl
  5. Dave, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! So how many years young are you? Cheryl and Jack
  6. Christy, Praying to God for no mets in the liver and tumor shrinkage. I will be thinking about you guys. Cheryl
  7. Dear Norme, I want to join your "I hate scans club!" I have one coming up soon myself. Buddy is so very strong,to have endured what he has already gone through. You have been such a support to all of here on this board. Please know that I am praying hard that everything is o.k. for you both. Cheryl
  8. Heather, When did your cough start? I pray that it resolves on it's on. I understand that is usually the case on small efussions. Keep us posted! PRAYING FOR YOU GIRL!! Cheryl
  9. Thanks Norme, Teresa. DEbi, Peg, Eileen, Don. Mary Ann, Heather. and Mini George for the encouragement. I stay so busy at work I forget about the cancer! I get tired, but the kids I work with really keep me going! Eileen- Appache did have West Nile Virus. Don, how is your Son recovering? Heather- I sure pray that this cough resolves itself for you. Mini George PM me if you have any surgery questions. This board really helped to calm my fears! I love you all!!! Cheryl
  10. Fay, I am shocked and saddened to hear that we have lost another member of this board. Janet was so young, only 44. My heart goes out to her husband and 13 year old son. Did she have pneumonia or was it cancer? Fay, how are you my dear? What were you in te hospital for? I hope and pray you are doing well! Cheryl
  11. -Cheryl-


    Ray, Just wanted to offer you prayers and support! Hope all goes well. Cheryl
  12. Sue, Good to see you post again. We are anxious to learn about these new procedures! Hope things go well for you. Prayers! Cheryl
  13. Hello Folks, I thought I would post just to update everyone on my recovery from surgery. I went back to work almost 2 weeks ago so I would not lose my job and insurance. I also walk a mile daily. My breathing is good, but I do have a tickle in my lung which makes me dry cough when I breath deep. Jack says that I don't do it at night when I sleep. The doctor says that it is normal given all the treatment I have been through, but that it should get better. My surgeon is very positive about my recovery. He and my onc don't think I need post chemo follow up. My pulmonologist said that I don't need to see him unless something comes up. I will go for a CAT scan on the 31st and my onc will read it that day at my appt.. I still have plenty of aches and pains from the surgery and am anemcic, but overall feeling good. I worry still about the supraclavicular node which showed some uptake during my first PET scan, but hope that the chemo took care of it. Makes me want chemo just as a precaution. Anyone have some kowledge of postop chemo and it's benefits, despite preopt chemo? My doctors think I have been through enough and need to heal. Hey, and I sure would hate to lose my dark, curley hair sprouting up! Did anyone elses hair come back different than their original hair? Plus, I heard that you may not lose your hair again with continued chemo- anyone experience this? I am still mouring the loss of Apache, but I got another horse. She is also a Tennessee Walker and very gentle. I probably won't ride her for a while due to my surgery, but I am enjoying just grooming and getting to know her. She is very gentle. My 4 year old neice wants to ride my stallion. I told her "Honey, he is not broke yet." She then replied, "Well, why don't you fix him?" I tell you what I am about to get him fixed! Ha! He will not leave my new mare alone! Take care my friends and God Bless, Cheryl
  14. -Cheryl-

    Back Home

    Girl, What a trip! Glad to see you made it home in one piece! The agency I work for cannot afford to send me to conferences anymore due to budget cutbacks. That is o.k. by me! I hate being away from home. I am so glad that both ordels ended on a good note! PLus, I am quite proud of you Deb for making the trip!!! I think you proved to youself that you can do anything with determination. Take care, Cheryl
  15. Bengel, Hurray!!!! So glad to hear your news. Keep that good news coming! Cheryl
  16. -Cheryl-

    More tests

    Hey Becky, Glad to hear about your visit to MD Anderson. I will pray that your tests all come out good for you. It is good to know that the Irressa is keeping you stable. You said that they're were other options? Do you mind sharing some, and what did he say about RFA? I just want these doctors to be proactive and aggressive for you! It sounds like he was impressed by your determiation to continue to work and manage a 3 year old, as am I. Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts, Cheryl
  17. Dear Janet, Praying for a speedy recovery and that you get to go home soon. Sorry that you are having to go through this. You sound like a very strong woman, who has an incrediable family! So take care of yourself and do what the doctors tell you to do! Cheryl
  18. Carleen, Here is that telephone number to Angel Flight (800) 296-1217. It is a group of volunteer pilots who will fly patients fee anywhere in the world for treatment. I hope today was a better day for you? I had kind of a melancholy day myself. Jack went to stadium dedication at his old high school in Bossier, La., and will have a reunion with some of his friends. I just wasn't up to going. Even though I went back to work this week, I am in pain still from the surgery. I just am not up to the festivities planned. So, I am at home alone feeling sorry for myself, but glad to sit and do nothing. I wanted Jack to go to have an evening with the boys, without CANCER for a change! Anyways, I hope this number helps! Cheryl
  19. Becky, I am so glad you got the appt.at MD Anderson. If we could just get this RFA clinic in gear! Keep me posted, as I am anxious to hear about your progress. Cheryl
  20. Carleen, Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so touched by the love you have for Keith that you would gladly take on this dreaded disease and all of the suffering that comes along with it. I am sorry that you are discouraged by your onc. Stable is good news, despite what he said. There are aggressive oncs and surgeons out there. I hope you find one. Carleen, I will find a telephone number for you tomorrow when I go to work for Angel Flights. It is a group of pilots that will fly sick patients anywhere in the world for treatment. Please keep posting, we are your family and here for you both. cheryl
  21. Don and Lucy Congratulations on your one year anniversary! May God continue to bless you both! Cheryl
  22. Hi ya Dave, Glad the onc appt. went well! Quit eating so fast! Ha! It is great to see you post in the good news section. Cheryl
  23. -Cheryl-

    bad news

    Dear Jay, I am so sorry about this news. Please keep us updated on your progress. You are so brave. Know that your Mother will be right by your side every step of the way! We are also here for you! Cheryl
  24. Dear Ray, Waiting for test results is the worst! But you know that worrying will accomplish nothing, and wastes precious energy. I think being sick for a week in bed has also really brought you down in the dumps too. Whenever I feel bad I get depressed and find it hard to be positive. Ray, it is also understandable to wonder about life after death. I know I have. However, your not living life to the fullest when you think about death all the time. Please try to focus on the "now." Just have faith that there is eternal life after death. Prayers for clear scans! Cheryl
  25. Kathy, I am so saddened by your loss. I can certainly relate to your husband being your best friend. I too would feel lost without him. If we, the members of this board, can comfort you in any way please let us know. I think re-doing the waiting room is such a splendid idea in Tim's memory! Chery
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