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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Has anyone heard how Connie B.'s surgery went? Cheryl
  2. I asked my onc about nutritional supplemets. He said, "A multivitamin is fine to take, just don't take in mega doses of anti-oxidents." The reason given was "it makes the chemo not as effective." Boost Plus is recommended with protein. You want anti-oxidents in your nutrition, just no extra supplements to counteract the chemo. I can so emphthize with your boyfriend. I have found puddings, grits, and oatmill to go down easy and stay down. First semi-solid foods I have been able to eat. Keep me posted! Cheryl
  3. Connie, I spoke to my sister to add you to her prayer list. So, you got prayers going out strong for your surgery and recovery. I ask you God to please send your Angels to protect and heal one of your most mighty soldiers in this fight against LC, Connie B. Cheryl
  4. Cathy, Your Dad was such a strong man. To think what he overcame and edured is just amazing. As sad as this event is, I know that he would want you to concentrate on the victories and triumphs of his life. Please accept my deepest sympathy to you and your family. Cheryl and Jack
  5. -Cheryl-

    "Good air sounds"

    Becky, You Go Girl!! I think teaching this semester is a good idea, because you love it and have worked so hard to be where you are at! Look forward to the future, just pace yourself. Cheryl
  6. -Cheryl-

    done radiation

    Ray, Sorry you don' feel well today. I was told that the chemo really has an effect on your dental health. Make sure you tell you dentist. They asked me beforr I began chemo if I had any dental problems, and that chemo would be posponed if so. An anti-biotic is something you may need too! Do you have any chemo left? You go home and lie down! Dr's orders! Cheryl
  7. Jenny, So good to hear that! NED is the way to be!!!!!! Cheryl
  8. Donnie, Good for your Dad! Congratulations! Cheryl
  9. -Cheryl-

    Fantastic News

    Jenifer that is great news about your mother. Ginny cracks me up! I think I was the first member to be initiated into the Duke's "empty headed club." The waiting for the results....the test itself is a nightmare! Congratulations! Cheryl
  10. Don, I can't wait to tell my sister the great news, the one who had her on the prayer list. I am so very happy for you. That Lucie is some kind of of fighter! I am also so gald that your procedure is working well! Cheryl
  11. Shellie, How are you holding up? I am so very sorry for your loss. You lost your best friend. Words just cannot replace your mom, but may bring you some comfort. Just know that your mom did not give up this fight, nor you. She accepted her fate, and fought hard. The only reason she made it this long was because of your diligence. You are a good daughter! Cheryl
  12. Hello friends, I wanted to write a personal message during this littl window of opportnity to get back to all of you that have been so kind to have written me. So, I decides to post i the General section. I have been so nauseated and vomited every morsal that I have tried to put into my mouth these last few days. Jack drug me to the ER for fear of dehydration. I was running a low grade fever too. The ER gave me a fluid IV and some antibiotics. They took and x-ray and my lungs looked clear. Has anyone experienced a major burning just below the sternum that radiates, wraps around to their back? This happens most with cold foods and acidic foods. All food triggers this gag reflex when I try to eat. And How long will this last after treatment? I had my last chemo on Mon.. Anti-nausea pills haven't worked, I tried them all. Also, my scalp is soooo sensitive! How long does it take for hair to grow back after treatment ends? Cheryl
  13. Cindy, You and I can be miserable together sweetie. I had my last chemo Mon. and stil feel exhausted, chills, nausea. I started to do the dishes to move around a lttle and ended up vomitting in te sink! I am sorry, that is so unpleasant to talk about. The anti-nausea medicine just makes me more tired....Tired or nauseated, which do I want to be? Are there any other choices?? My husband can't babysit me every min. and worries so much, as I am sure your husband does fr you too. I am praying hard for you right now in the name of our Lord Jesus that you feel more energy and strength. Jesus please help Cindy battle this dreadful disease and let her go back to her job helping people! In you your name by your stripes may she be healed. Amen, Cheryl
  14. Becky, That is unbelievable!!! God, I am glad you finally got treatment. I am "hostile" feeling with you! CHERYL
  15. Faye, I have been thinking about your post since yesterday. You are such an inspiration to everyone Faye. I even picked up my puny butt to go out and pick tomatoes in my garden! My neighbor use to work at te same agency with me and I can see her peering out to see if I am bald and sick looking yet. Welp, I am. But I going to quit feeling quilty about that. I am sill too prideful, but getting better. CHERYL
  16. Becky, I read in your signature that you had complications with the mediastinoscopy....What kind of problems? So glad you are off the oxygen and getting some fuzz! A little fuzz would be nice for me right now! Ha! Cheryl
  17. Ladies, I was told by my doctor that I would go through menopause because of the chemo, atleast temporarily. Has anyone else out there continued to have regular cycles. I have only done 12 chemos over 5 weeks......What does the future look like? No let up in Mother Nature yet! Cheryl
  18. Rinksgal, How has you sweetie's eating going? Any change? Remember food is medicine! 40% of cancer deaths are due to malnutrition! I absolutely have no appetitie and feel nauseated all of the time. I eat 1/2 cup of Chicken and Stars soup (THanks for the tip Hebbie) and see it as a victory. If I vomit....I will try again!
  19. Hi Beautiful Lady, Today you will develop a fighting strategy. Knowing what you are fighting and having a plan makes such a difference! Your positive attitude makes this cancer no match for you! I have read recently that cancer will be treated like a chronic disease. Eight years in the dungeon and not a peep from the demon. Well.....you will put this dragon to rest again for good! God needs a soldier like you on the field fighting this battle for LC survivors!!!!! You aren't done here yet!!!! Love, Cheryl
  20. I am so sure that Rob will fatten up and do better now that he will be in your care! Prayers for you both. Cheryl and Jack
  21. Andrea, No mets and no new growth is good news! I am sorry that there is still some activity. This chemo is brutal, but it sounds like it is going to do the job this next few rounds! Hang in there! Cheryl
  22. -Cheryl-

    Connie B

    Connie, This news , I am sure is shocking and difficult. It is for us all. However, you are still my inspiration! You are a proven fighter and leader!. Put on the war paint and lets whip this thing together! We are here for you as you have been for us! Prayers for remission and recovery. Cheryl
  23. Michelle, So sorry to hear about Bob. My heart hurts for you and your son. May God wrap his arms around you and carry you through this difficult time. Cheryl and Jack
  24. I too have thesame symptoms. He has got to get nutrtion to survive. Attitude to beat this monster helps! I eat cream soups. popsicles, fruit juice bars, carnation instant breakfeast, rice noodles, spinach. mushed vegetables, peaunut butter thinned down, Baby Food-Food process everything! Cheryl
  25. -Cheryl-

    head radiation

    Len, Hang tight! You will get through this!. Look at our friend Ray! Prayers be with you. Cheryl
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