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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Jane, I haven't anything to offer on polyps, but praying that it is just that. Take care. Cheryl
  2. Bean, Please do not compare yourself to others. I have seen people die on this board, staged far earlier than me. We are all unique. Praying for you! Cheryl
  3. Happy Borthday T Bone my friend!!!!! And many More!!!!!!! Cheryl
  4. Sandra, I would wait on the vitamin C IV until chemo is done. It renders the chemo less effective. This is what my onc told me. I waited a month or so before starting the alternative treatments, till the chemo was out of my system. Good luck, Cheryl
  5. Jane, You have touched us all with such a kind and generous donation. Your brother must be so proud of you. I bet he is watching you from a soft, cottony cloud. I am so sorry for your loss, it brings tears to my eyes to know how much you loved your brother. My sincerest condolences, Cheryl
  6. Thank you for your touching message to let us know of Jean's passing. My prayers are for the family. Sincere Condolences, Cheryl and Jack
  7. Ginny, I am very sorry about the Duke's decline in health. It brings tears to my eyes to hear of how this disease has robbed you of the Earl that you once knew. I hope that have the support that you need. All my best, Cheryl
  8. Sandy, Just said a prayer for you and will continue to keep you in my prayers. I do not go back to see the doctor until July the 9th, and have enjoyed the normalacy of just "everyday life." Last visit left me all upset, even though I felt really good. I almost don't want to know. I guess because the treatment makes me feel so sick. I will do whatever is necesarry to get well though. Small cell is so responsive to treatment, if that is what this is. I am crossing all my parts hoping it is nothing more than the technicians greasy fingers smeared on your scans from the chicken wings he ate at lunch! Keep us posted, Cheryl
  9. -Cheryl-


    RAY, I am dancing right along with you! So glad for you my friend! Cheryl
  10. -Cheryl-


  13. -Cheryl-

    facial swelling

    Phyllis, I hope your swelling goes away. Thinking of you! Cheryl
  14. BLT, I love weddings. May your grandaughter's marriage be blessed. Have fun! Cheryl
  15. Shelie, Yesterday was the funeral for a 10 year old boy I was seeing for sexual abuse. He was killed in a car accident. My heart is heavy for his mother and sibblings. Only 10 years of life. I don't understand God, and do also get mad at him too. Here I am angry that I have cancer.....Yet, I am 44 years old, not 10. I have had a chance to live life a little, and hope that I still have more life to live. I guess I just want you to know that life is fragile and precious. Life is a gift, and although I don't understand God, I am mad at this disease for taking my loved ones and friends, more than I am God. Yesterday, when I saw this child lying his coffin, I thought "how lucky I have been." The things I have experienced that he will not. The places I have been that he will not. Shellie, I am not telling you to not be hurt and to not be angry. You certainly have every right. But, there are those out there who have never had a mom or a Dad. And there are those who unfortunately died at just 10 years of age. I know it is difficult to understand God's ways, but know that God does love you Shellie. It is o.k. to hate him right now. He is your father and loves you regardless. Take Care, Cheryl
  16. Joyce, I am a therapist and am glad that you are seeking much needed support. Trust me, just because I am a therapist, does not make me immune from stress, sadness, and despair. There are some good recommendations here. Unfortunately, therapist aren't free. I personally work for a non-for-profit agency and provide services for individuals without insurance. I work with both adults and kids- I am over Chilren's Services though, and prefer that poulation most. Most communities have afordable services. Check your phone bookk for community agencies. We accept sliding scale fees, medicaid, and medicare. If you do have insurance, you will need to check with your insurance for providers in your area. As far as a specialty in treating cancer patients, a Licensed Professional Counselor, Clinical Psychologist, and Psychiatrist are trained in general practice. We take it upon ourselves to specialize in a paticular field. Certification and licenesure in that field will vary from state to state, and profession to profession. Unfortunately, some training amounts to nothing more than a weekend seminar in that paticular interest. There is such a thing as online counseling, but it is very impersonal. It works well for those too sick too attend sessions. Joyce, I think a counselor will help you develop coping skills, be empathic, offer support, validate feelings, and assist you in identifying your genuine problems. Many people come to me to fix their problems; unfortunately, I cannot. If I had the answers I would cure the woulrd of all its ills. I can; however,assist people in awareness and help them to find their own answeres. I hope that you find someone that is right for you, and can help you find the answers you seek. If I can help, I am here. Cheryl
  17. -Cheryl-

    Jiminy Cricket!

    Cat, Let us do the worrying for you. I love the "pixie" look. You will be in my prayers. Let us know how the biopsy goes. Cheryl
  18. Deehee, I am a strong proponent of counseling, so I am with Heather. But, I am also a therapist. Unfortunately, most men keep things inside. Expression of sadness is somehow seen as a weakness. Chemically, there are many things going on in the body due to chemo and cancer. For myself, I take Lexapro. There are few, if any, side effects with this antidepressant. Cheryl
  19. Terri, I want you around! I love your attitude. You are the one in charge of your treatment and your life. P.S. I love animals too. I got 2 horses (a mare that is pregnant), and 4 dogs. I would have more, but Jack put the limit on my critters.....or so he thinks! Ha! Cheryl
  20. Fay, That darn ED pops up in my dreams sometimes, and I am exhausted when I awake from doing kung Fu on his A** all night. Only he does'nt look anything like Martha Stewart (Her appearance could be from all that remodeling of your house, which in itself is a nightmare.) Ed looks more like President Bush in my dreams- Hmmm ???? "We will kill all the evildoers!" Ha! Good luck with the sleep! Cheryl
  21. The way you were jumped on, I wouldn't blame you if you never came back. There are a select few on this board that tend to do a little polticking... and whine and moan till they get their way. I have seen a lot of posts being erased and that's a shame. If someone has something to say, they ought to be able to say it without being harrassed from other members. It seems to be OK for some of you to post up to 27 times a day and using every forum...since that's the case, I never saw anything wrong with your duplicate posts. I am embarrased you were treated this way. We could use talented folks like you on this board, especially a 4 year survivor. Thanks for PMing Cheryl and explaining in length the RFA procedure.. I would hope that the tattle tellers on this site would quit crying to Katie and Rick about any and all of their problems... They have a life too and a young one to look after. -Jack-
  22. Don Wood has been experiencing technical difficulties with his server and has not been able to access the site in over a week... He hopes to be back up soon and on the board. He sends his best to all. He can receive E-mail but cannot access LCSC. Hurry Back Don! Cheryl
  23. Jamie, everyone had me very good tips. Just a few extra- He will probably have an IV in his neck for meds. Make sure it is changed after about three days by a RN due to high risk for an infection, that line is in your carotid artery. I looked pretty beat up after surgery. The tape holding my eyes shut left them black and blue. On the first full day, I had my catheter removed and had to get up to urinate. Men have it made with bed pans! Ha! Get up and walk as much as possible. This helps the lungs to expand, and get oxygen and blood circulated. Wear the stockings to prevent blood clots, which can kill patients as much as surgery itself. You do not get much rest cause nurses are in and out to check your vitals. That was motivation for me to get out of there. Sleep sitting up, propped with lots of pillows. sleep in the recliner when you get home. Take stool softners because the narcotics will constipate you. My doc sent me home on the seventh day. I only had hydrocodone for pain and was back at work in 3 1/2 weeks. Best of Luck! Cheryl
  24. Joni, I am inspired by your husbands courage. I am glad that you have the pain under control. I hope he gets back on the air soon. It is amazing that doing what you love helps to forget about the pai; although, the worst pain that I have had thus far as that chest tube. OOOUCH! :0 Prayers for you both. Cheryl and Jack
  25. Cat, I am an avid walker. My alt. doc and onc recommend it. I notice that I was having what felt like electrical currents running down through my legs whenever I put my head down after a long walk. Heather (Heabie) posted a about Lhemites (sp) syndrome, which was caused by radiation to the spine. Perhaps the radiation has caused some damage to your nerves. Cheryl
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