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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. That is great Cat. I'll just refer the insurance to you next problem I have. Ha! Cheryl
  2. -Cheryl-

    no message

    Hey Group, I am taking the rest of this week off, since I don't go back to the doctor till Thurs. It has been so hot!!! I have been cooking literally for my dogs! Ha! I eat very little, and Jack has one helping. My dogs are loving it! Last night was Beef Strogonoff, tonight is Cajun Beens and Cheesy Cornbread. I love to cook, but really don't have anybody to cook for. Jack appreciates it, but has never been a big eater, and hardley won't eat left offers. It has been so ungodly hot here. I don't stir till the sun goes down. I only have one more watermelon left growing to feed my mare. She eats the rind and all! I actually went out and bought her one! She was so sticky from it last night, I had to bathe her. She actually enjoyed the cooling off. I cut her mane and bangs, she looks like cleopatra. Ha! I did get out to take a look at the National Guard Armory today, where I plan on holding our Nov. Bash! It is awsome!!! I hope to see you all there, and am looking forward to meeting everyone. Cheryl
  3. -Cheryl-

    no message

    David, Just thinking about you. I hope you are feeling better soon. Sorry about your pup dog. Mine are my best friends and only company these days, while Jack is working. They have seen me through some tough days. You are in my prayers, Cheryl
  4. I want to go! I wish I were with the clan taking in the scenery. Welp, have way too much fun!!! Cheryl
  5. Greetings All, Jack and I took the boat out yesterday afternoon. It was of course over 100 degrees! Jack was in the worst mood, frantic about everything. He went to get the dogs out of the truck and the boat left the dock as if it were in gear! I don't know how to drive a boat....or didn't. I quickly learned how. Jack yells "what are you doing?" I was trying to save the boat and me! Thank God we didn't hit anyone, and it was crowed too! HA! Anyway, the ride was joyous....until the SUV refused to start. We finally got it started and got home. Jack's bad mood quickly abated and despitie the mishaps, I for one loved the boat ride. Jack said, we won't do that for a while! Ha! Well be out next weekend probably! Jack is too funny! He might possibly be the most negative person I have ever known. After he calms down he is the sweetest person in the world. I just know his MO so well after 21 years I guess. Not saying I am perferct, but my fuse is pretty long. Anywell, I had fun! Cancer took a vacation from me yesterday. I wish he'd stay gone!!! Cheryl
  6. -Cheryl-

    I am still around

    Phylis, I am so relieved to see you post. You give me such inspiration. You are one tough chick!!! Just keep up the fight girl!!! Cheryl
  7. Ray, Glad you are feeling more like yourself. I hope things continue to improve. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Cheryl
  8. TAnn, I had chemo, and it stopped for a couple of months. I have become like clockwork. Last week I had chemo and will probably do 2 rounds of 20 weeks each. The doctor didn't mention it, but I bet you the cycle takes a dive. I have all the symptoms, but chemo will probably put that to the end. We will see. Your body needs a good cleaning out anyway! Ha Cheryl
  9. Kitkathi, What a kind and generous thing to do. It was a lovley gesture for one not so fortunate. Take Care, Cheryl
  10. -Cheryl-


    Fay, Your post really touched me. This damn disease strips you of so much. It can make even the most confident of people feel insecure. My husband is so respectful of me. He never even looks at another women in my presensence. Yet all I could think of for a while was how I will die, and Jack will find pleasure in some other woman's arms. I even thought...."I wonder if they will bury him next to her or me?" I have always been confident of myself, but how do you feel confident bald and ravished. What can I offer him now? I told him that he should remarry. I was crushed when he agreed! I have to put myself in his shoes though. The man can't cook, can't sew, isn't very clean, and is a loner. He needs a companion. My husband now says that he will never remarry. That is nice of him to make me feel better, but I am afraid he'll grab up the first thing to look his way! Ha! I don't want him to be alone. That is way selfish. I will try to die a good death, with as much dignity as possible. Fay, just love yourself my darling. You have much to give still! Cheryl
  11. Peg, You have been through so much with Bill. It is time that you concentrate on Sarah and yourseif for a while. I pray that you are able to move foward. That is what Bill would have wanted for you. We are always here if you ever need us. Cheryl
  12. -Cheryl-

    TBone has died.

    Please accept my sincere sympathy at your loss of TBone. Although, I didn't know him personally, I felt that he was a part of the family. He will be missed. Cheryl
  13. Hey gang, Thought I would update you all on what is supposed to be the worst day following chemo. I had a bit of a sour stomach this morning, which quickly abated and seemed instantly relieved with some Maalox. That is about it! I am not that tired, but hey, who really is when they sleep till noon? Well, all good things must come to an end. It is back to work hopefully on Monday. My chest still hurts from tome to time, but hydrocodone usually helps. I usually only take it at night, when at home. I cannot work when drowsy. I appreciate the encouragement greatly. Oh yes girls, if I don't lose the hair, then I will probably add a few highlights. It isn't really coloring my hair, but stripping the hair of it's color. It is done with a rubber cap and pretty safe. I only do it every few months or so. The whole head isn't done, and nothing touches the scalp. I actually enrolled in beauty school, following high school. I changed my mind about professions though. There are quite a few similarities in the professions of counseling and cosmotolgy though! Ha! Cheryl
  14. Haylee, This is shocking news. I wish I could be there to comfort you. Please know that you are in my prayers. Cheryl
  15. Joni, the services sound so beautiful. Robert would be so proud of you. I am so sorry about your loss. May God hold you and your son safe during this difficult time. Cheryl
  16. Elaine, Tell David not to give up. I am on a hopeful of a new trial I am on. You may have to come here once a month for treatment,which lasts about 2 1/2 hours, and go to your logal doctor to have him send in weekly blood work. It is called CT2103 and there is also PTOO. Here is the number to Mary Crowly Medical Research Center (214) 370-1870. Angel Care Flight will pay for your travel (972) 342-4314. I hope this helps. We'll be thinking about you and offering prayers. Cheryl
  17. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY, HAPPY DAY!!!!! May you get all that you need! Cheryl
  18. -Cheryl-

    Texas Floods

    Gail. WE got a bunch, but it didn't flood here. We are a little North of Dallas. I had a cake container lid that I had outside putting ripening tomatoes in. This morning it was overflowing. So, we must have gotten hit with some rain last night. Jack had to pull over for a half hour last night on the way home,because he couldn't see to drive. Hope that is all we get. Cheryl
  19. Welp, I did not grow warts or morph into something with gills or something. I guess it hasn't had a chance to really effect me yet. My nose is runny, I have been sneezing quite a bit (really painful since I had efussions drained), and I have stomach cramps (could be some bad tuna salad from lunch!) Ha! Actually, I am doing pretty good. I Just pray that it continues. I hope that I do not lose all of my hair. I am liking it! It is thick, dark, and very curley. You guys would not recognise my new look. I will try to update our avitar one of these days. I have web tv, and not a computer. Rick was kind enough to add Jack and I onto our signature. Hopefully one day soon I will get our picture updated though. The RN at Mary Crowley's said no hair color- I say poo on you! I will highlight my hair if I so feel like it. You can not see my gray Ha! Besides, I put on a cap and it doesn't touch my scalp. Now watch it all fall out- Ha!!! My doctor wants me to maintain my weight. Girls, why can't our hubbys be as excited about extra added poundage? Actually, Jack tells me to eat all that I can before going into this chemo. I lost over 15 pounds the first time, which was o.k. by me. I liked being smaller. Hubby rather have me with bossums though. There are only 2 other people doing this trial thus far. So, I can't really compare notes. My appointments are scheduled differenly. I will keep you all informed of whatever changes occur, as I hope all of us do that are on trials with exxperimental drugs. I just hope that all of you do not take what ever drugs they simply offer you, when they will only make you sicker. Taxotere was only guaranteed a 1% complete response rate! Most likely it would add only 3 months onto my life!!! That is not acceptable! It has been around 30 years!!! We need something new, we need a cure!!! Take your life into your own hands. You chose the treatment, the cure!!! God Bless, Cheryl
  20. O.k. Bruce, You won't be fined if you pop in. Just don't leave us high and dry without a notice! Have fun! Cheryl
  21. David, Of course I will be saying extra special prayers my friend. Hey, I want to see your new car too! The bash here would be a flop with out you!!!!! Besides, You had better stay well. I better keep a close eye on you. Are you just trying to get extra cards and candy aren't you! Ha! Anyway, the whole crew is expecting you- O.K.Debi, Katie, Rick Don, Lucie, CJ, David, Karen, Lisa, Cat and Daughter, gosh- please guys I had chemo today and do not want to leave any of you guys out!!! Daid you will be fine , and if there is growth, well we will deal with it then. Dont you dare quit fighting. Lest I will sick Connie B the "survivor of all survivers on ya." Ha!!! Cheryl
  22. Tee Taa, My heart aches for all of you. This disease seems to sometimes not hear any of our pleas. It leaves me very sad. I struggle to rejoyce in the celebration of TBone's splendid life, because that is what God wants us to do. I will try to see things the way that God intened and be happy for what might be the end of TBone's Journey. To a place with no pain and beautiful Rainbow Bridges. May God Bless you all and I will keep all of you in my prayers. Cheryl
  23. I hope Bob is relieved of this pain. What a Dear friend that you are Nell. It is good to know that Bob has his family and you for support. Saying prayers for you, Cheryl
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