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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. I don't realize how tired I am till I stop. It is my new norm. Ha! Then I crash and sleep. I catch up on my rest on the weekends. I forgot what my iron is- just low. I took a shot of aranesp to boost it. The doctor called me in a script of Cipro also, to rid any possible germs that may take advantage of my compromised immune system. I am going stir crazy this long weekend! Cheryl
  2. Angie, My father had the worst pain in his shoulder while sick with lung cancer. His was in the bone and lymph nodes though. I hope the pain subsides. I can attest to my lymph nodes aching in my middle chest. My Doctor said that I shouldn't feel pain there, but I sure did. That is what brought me in to be diagnosed intially. Cheryl
  3. Kelly, My heart is filled with sorrow for your grief. I pray to the lord to watch over all of your family and help you through this difficult time. Cheryl
  4. Hi Guys, You all are so right. After reading my post, I realized how easily discouraged I can become. Trust me, hearing "you're mostly stable." That took me a little off guard, and it was a nurse, not the doctor reading me the results. The questionable spot in my lung "may or may not be new?" I hate waiting for results. I am quite impatient. I hate scan time !!! Thanks for your encouragement and support. You guys keep me going. Cheryl
  5. Geoff, Some good news finally! You all deserve a break! God Bless, Cheryl
  6. I can't believe Faith is three! Yea!!!!! Happy Birthday pretty baby! Love your very large extended LCSC family. Cheryl
  7. Well folks, got my CT scans just now. I spoke to a nurse, who had a doctor review them. I wish that I could talk to the doctor, but its 4:00 p.m. Friday, and Monday is memorial day. The results showed that my plueral effusions are all gone now, but a small soft tissue mass is present, along with the nodules. I need to have one of the doctors compare the scans to the ones taken before this trial. The attending physician said he doesn't think that the mass is new, only visible since the effusions have gone away. The kidney mets are smaller. So all in all, mostlty stable is the key word here. I have my third dose of carboplatin and paclitaxol next Thursday. My blood count is low, with my white blood cell count only being 431. I can't go out in public. I am feeling a bit defeated, and no doubt plain tired. Please, anybody experience more change in continued chemo and scans. I am trying hard to stay optimistic. Plus my period is spotting. I didn't stop that or lose hair with this chemo so far. I pray it works. Cheryl
  8. -Cheryl-


    I anxiously await good news Ray! I hope all went routine. Cheryl
  9. We've had pets the 21 years we have been married. Two words come to mind...Doggy Door. If you have a contained backyard, you'll find this quite accomodating, and so will the pet. Cheryl
  11. Geoff, Your mother is an incredible survivor. No news is good. We will take it. It is good to hear those pesky brain mets are shrinking and that radiation is working. The thickening is probably scar tissue. I am with your mom's doctor, lets not jump too conclusions. Prayers for you all, Cheryl
  12. Don, Happy Belated Birthday!!!! I am now actuall 45!!!! Did I just reveal that? I was 43 when diagnosed a year and half ago. I am sorry, I am so amazed at the time that flew by!!! Suddenly, I paise God for birthdays. I will change the avitar one of these days when I figure it out. I have web T.V., and not a computer at home. Plus I don't own a digital camera. I am just not in the 21st century! I could send it from work, and promise too soon as I develop them. Ha! Anyways, Thanks for the Birthday greetings from each an everyone of you, I am overwhelmed. Cheryl
  13. -Cheryl-


    Angie my dear, you have every right to be depressed. You are grieving the loss of a father you had, but know that he is still here. Two days ago, I was in tears because My memory just failed me. I was absolutely speechless. I mean I zone out ad could say nothing at the hospitalwe deal with atwork. I mean, Who wants to have your professional opinion if you can't even remember your own name. I just told them I was sorry and explained that I was on chemo and could not think clearly." I cried myself to sleep that night. I had a bad headache, and was nauseated too. Today, I feel like my old self. Just know that chemo and lack of rest cause brain some pretty serious brain fog. Perhaps your dad has been effected by it too. I wish you all the best. Cheryl
  14. Fay, Congrats on your graduation from radiation. I only had 25 treatments and did not really experience a burn, so to say, so I can't help you there. I still have a little discoloration on the site but other than that, no other symptoms. I will say that the radiaton will creep up on you well after treatments. I experienced fatigue for a while afterwards. Sorry to here about your toes...Ouch! Cheryl
  15. I recently had a pericardial effusion (fluid around the lining of the heart) and had surgery to drain it. The surgery was no picnic as two chest drainlines were installed. I also had a procedure called a pericardial window done where they actually cut a hole in the lining of the heart, thus creating a "permanent" drain. Yes, the fluid that leaks out is absorbed back into the body. Severe fatigue is one of the major warning signs and immediate attention should be sought if that occurs. Plueral effusions pertain to the lungs. Feel free to pm me anytime. Cheryl
  16. Howdy Everyone, What a difference a day makes. Yesterday, I finally took some nausea pills to knock out my headache and sleep. I slept for a few hours and woke up feeling better, even ate some yogurt. I managed to still make it in to work, and my co-workers all planned a big birthday bash for me. It totally took me by surprise. Jack and I took about 20 of my relatives out on a picnic and on the boat Sunday. It was so much fun! We grilled out and laughed till I cried. My nephews and nieces had never been out boating and skiing, so they really enjoyed it. I pray for many more good times. Well, Tomorrow is CT scan day. Yikes!!!! I will post as soon as I know something. Love to you all, Cheryl
  17. If I recall, you both were born on the 2nd, right! I hope it was a great day for you both. Ray, Best of wishes on your upcoming surgery for your adrenal gland. I hope that it gets to happen! Cheryl
  18. It's sad when anyone is diagnosed w/ this disease. Wouldn't he be a super spokesperson for LC? Cheryl
  19. Nicecola, I am so sorry for the loss of you mom. Please come visit our family often, whenever you need comforting. God Bless you. Cheryl
  20. Phyllis, You are such a fighter. I don't know anyone with a "will to live" like you have. Please keep fighting this disease. We are rooting for you and offering prayers as well. I am on my knees now my friend. God watch over you and make you well. Cheryl
  21. Cindy, Oh my Gosh! How cute your pug is! What do you call her? My baby is called Maggie Mae. She is a Pomeranian Dog, white and pink. Why I couldn't be more proud ifing I birthed her myself! Ha! Cheryl
  22. Prayers heading for Neveda Haylee. Our thoughts are with you. Cheryl
  23. Hey, I meant paclitaxol, not docitaxol. They are very close. I just want to be prcise for those perhaps thinking of this option. Not bad side efects. Mainly fatique. My blood counts are a bit low, but nothing like when I did VP16 and cisplatin, along with radiation. Best of all, I have HAIR! HA! I can not help it, women and their vainity! Cheryl
  24. -Cheryl-


    Cindy Best wishes on the new job!!!! I am so proud and impressed by you. I am praying that Hubby's all clear too. Best Wishes, Cheryl
  25. Nandie, Glad to have you a board! Cancer takes a backseat to nobody. So, pleasant life distractions and normalcy are good. You try to live your live to the fullest. Cancer has taught me not to procrastinate, because you may not have a tomorrow. This emotional rollercoaster is just life, and I thank God for having life every day! Congratulations on the wedding Both my parents had cancer, and I planned my wedding in 3 days! I did not want to stress my parents. I am not suggesting you do the same, but my mom would have overdone herself financially and emotionally. It was lovely though. We had an ampatheater of flowers and a gazebo in the back yard. You only get married once, but try to make it as stress free as possible on you both. Let mom do what she can, remind her she is not expected to be 100%. Please send us a picture if possible. It is so nice to hear of a happy event! Best wishes to you and your new Husband to be! Cheryl
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