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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Katie, I didn't see you post till late on Friday. I looked for your number, but only found your work number. I got up Sat. morning and headed to the Sports Park with flyers in hand where the Relay for Life was suppose to be going held, and there was no one to be found. I saw a picture in the paper of a suvivor who had completed a lap around the track for survivors on Fri..I thought it was supposed to go on Sat. as well. I guess I got my day's off. I drove to several other places, thinking perhaps I read the location wrong, but nada! Welp, my intentions were good. I will continue to look for opportunities to raise awareness of this board and LC. Becky, you should come back and visit your birth place. Greenville is a quaint little town. It is know by the national Arbor Foundation as having the most trees, which garners a considerable grant each year for beautifying the town. Just a little Trivia. I like it here, only 40 mi. from Dallas. Cheryl
  2. Connie, Ditto! I would be lost with you and the support of this group. You guys have been my lifeline. Thank you all, Cheryl
  3. Connie, Great idea! Maybe if more LCSC members had yard sales and donate the proceeds we could really raise some money! I am having a yard sale for my childrens's program in July. One idea that really worked well, was to sell sodas at a dollar a each and chips. Baked goods use to be big, but not many people trust them these days. Also, we are doing a silent auction/ Italian food cookoff. We got various businesses to donate everything from plane tickets to termite control and had people bid on them. Hope this helps! Cheryl
  4. Ginny, How heart breaking and sad. It sounds as if your sister passed in peace, and I am sure that is comforting. My condoences, Cheryl and Jack
  5. Just wanted to let people in North East Texas know about the ACS Relay for Life this Weekend. I will be handing out flyers for LCSC and promoting awareness of lung cancer. Hope to see you there. Cheryl
  6. Elaine, It is good to see atleast one state using the money on the purpose it was intended for. Cheers to the state of Kentucky! But on the other hand, Kentucky is probably the largest producer of tobacco products and has the highest rate of poverty nationwide. Studies show that the lower socioeconomic class has a higher incidence of tobacco use. So, Kentucky shells out quite a bit of money on the non-insured for smoking related health costs. Cheryl
  7. Heather, Got any good salmon recipes. I am going to have to drive to Dallas to Whole Foods. The Salmon we get here in my town stinks, it makes me sick to my stomach to smell it! The salmon from Whole Foods is fresh, oderless, and tasty! I am growing a garden and it has just gone nuts! All organic. Very cost effecient!
  8. Christy, Darrell has come so far. Congratulations!!!! Have the best summer ever!!!! Cheryl
  9. -Cheryl-

    Brain MRI Results

    DEB, Yabba Dabba Do for you! Welcome to the "Empty Headed Club!"
  10. Dear Board Members, I encourage you to participate in this wonderful program. My thanks to Connie for her recent card "just because." Connie I love you girl! It really has touched my heart and it brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for caring! P.s. Connie, can we get an updated list of names and addresses? Thank you, Cheryl
  11. -Cheryl-

    11 years ago

    Gail, I am so happy for you. You are amazing! Congratulations, Cheryl
  12. Phylis, I have followed your posts since you first joined and thouhgt to my self "My God this woman is so strong! Look where she has been and how far she has come. What is it that makes some people overcome such incredible odds?" Phylis I truely mean these words. Your fight has led you this far, and you are "stable!" There are other options. Do not give up on yourself just because this one option has been given up on by them. You did not come this far to throw in the towel. Like you said, you "got a daughter in college sill," So you are not allowed to give up! Prayers for you! Cheryl
  13. Dear Shellie, So sorry for your pain. Your parents are together again and in no more pain. You are an exceptional lady, who went above and beyond to spare them of this dreadful disease. There are no words to bring them back or make your suffering any less. Just know that you have a family here, ready to support you whenever you need us. God Bless you my friend, Cheryl
  14. -Cheryl-


    Dean, Heaven received a very special lady- or shall I say angel. Thanks for sharing. Cheryl
  15. Nancy, So sorry. that is just wild to me that it would be yet a third type of cancer. Are they for sure? It sounds contained and that is good. My prayers are with you. Cheryl
  16. Jane, I am so sorry. Please drive careful. We are here for you and you are in our prayers. Cheryl
  17. Shellie, You hve been through so much in such a short time. I remember experiencing something very similar. I thought that there was no way that God could take both of my parents from cancer, especially within 2 weeks of one another. Yet, how could one live without the other. Your parents will be together again, and in no pain. They will be celebrating what God has promised us, eternal life. There is peace in knowing that they will never again experience pain, sorrow, or death. God comfort you in your sorrow of missing them. Cheryl
  18. Congrats Becky!!!!! Your one Hot Granny! Newborns are so fasinating. Ginny, I like neck kisses. They are as soft as air. Give em some sugar for me.
  19. Curtis, You and Jack also think alike. See his posts under activisim. Keeping you and Katie in my thoughts and prayers. Cheryl
  20. Berisa, Thinking of you too. Any employer would be lucky to have you as an employee. What are you interested in doing? Best of luck in your job search. Take care my sister in christ. cheryl
  21. Fay, Thanks for updating us. Let Nancy know we are praying for her. Cheryl
  22. Terri, Good for you! I am interested i hearing more about this procedure and your situation. You decided against chemo? How come? Please tell us more. Thanks, Cheryl
  23. Hello my Friends, Back from Austin and I had quite a week. There were about 800 people in attendance for the 19th Annual Texas Community MHMR Centers Staff and Trustee Training Confernce held in Austin at the Renaissance Hotel. Also being held simultaneously, was the Dennis Quaid Golf Tournament. There were several celebrities there, like Keneau Reeves and and Hank Williams Jr. to name a couple. When I left today the Hotel was expecting another onslot of guests. The city of Austin will be hosting a Motorcycle Convention and are expecting atleast 50,000 people to attend. Anyway, the future of mental health looks dismal due to the numerous budget cuts. We as mental health workers are expected to cure them in 6 visits now! HHmmm, I think most organic disorders are incurable, but managed with medication and ongoing support. Children's services faired a bit better fortunately, but we took a hit as well. It will take me a while to get caught up on everyone's posts. I hope all of you are well. I missed you and am glad to be back, albeit still sick from the sinus thing. Take care, Cheryl
  24. Hey Katie, Don, Haylee, Ry, and Margaret, I am starting to feel better-could be the cold medicine giving me a psuedo sense of well-being. Perhaps I should say "sudafed sense of being-in-a-well!" Ha! I will be driving, instead of flying. So, the pressure in my ears shouldn't be too bad. I heard the news say that it was 102 degress in Austin today! Welp, that is Texas for you. It should only be a 6 hour drive. I aso saw on the news that the ER Doctors are complaining about the increase in the number of mentally ill patiets they are seeing due to the budget cuts in mental health. Patients haven't the money for buying psychotropic medications, because many are uninsured. If they don't go to the ER they end up in our jails. It is so sad to see people with mental illness being treated as criminals, because the treatment they need has been cut. O.K. I will get off my soap box now. Boy, the advocate in me has been really stired up. I hate to see what happens after I return from this trip. Thinking of you all. God Bless, Cheryl
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