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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Hello All, I completed the trial today at Mary Crowley's Research Center. I am the only one left in the study. Others dropped out due to progression of disease or health problems. I don't know if that is a good thing. I was hoping for NED and only achieved stable. I am, on the contrary, quite grateful for that. No serious problems with the paclitaxel/carboplatin, except grade II neuropathy in my feet and low blood counts. Extra chemo has not proved to be beneficial, and could cause more harm than good. Next week, they will test my blood for 4 proteins to see if I am a candidate for the Epimmune trial. The proteins, called HLA-A2 bond with molecules in your DNA to kick up your own body's immune response to target the cancer. Now, there have been complete responses, but usually it just extends survival by a signifigant amount of time. There are other immune therapies on the horizon, which I can do in the future, but this will keep me alive to try them hopefully. There should be no side effects to it. I get one shot a month over 6 months. Only 40 % of the population are born with the HLA-A2 proteins to participate. Many will be tested. I recommend others on this board testing their blood to see if they are carriers to participate. Everybody carries at least one protein. No chemo side effects, missed work, hair loss, or neuropathy! I had a arnesp shot today due to low blood counts, but feel good considering. Take Care, Cheryl
  2. Wow, I can't believe your poor Dad. i may have been exposed by a coworker, who works wirh a TB patient. She doesn't need this because she can't hardly eat anything due to the meds she is own to control her seizures. I sure don't either due to the cancer. Please keep us informed on how he is doing! Cheryl
  3. Congratulations on your bledded babbies. What a gift God has blessed you with! Enjoy them and love them. Cheryl
  4. Forget about this disease till the 16th! Enjoy Florida and the Sunshine! You've had several scares and they were all nothing to get upset about. Hoping and praying for the same this time too. Cheryl
  5. -Cheryl-

    Update on Bob..

    Glad Bob's pain is not as bad. Thank God for that. I have spots on my Kineys. I haven't had them biopsied, but there are 7 total. They aren't causing trouple and have not grown in size or nuimber. My doctor thinks they may be cysts. Who knows, but the lungs are 1st priority and probably not treated unledd a problem does develop. Tell Bob good look on the CT though. Cheryl
  6. Hello Folks, I get this call from a fellow LPC who supervised me to get my lisence years ago. She tells me that a co-worker had called her and was plotting against me basically. The co-worker was telling this therapist she should come and apply for my job, that my boss was trying to get rid of me and my cancer was really bad. She was telling me this out of loyalty. I was so hurt and upset. I cried for hours. I felt decieved, because my boss was complimenting me on the Thanksgiving dinner I helped organize and the huge donation recieved by me from Wal*Mart. He told me how he wanted me to keep my job and would work with me to do that. Meanwhile, he is discussing my health with a fellow employee, who thinks it is her job to help rid me from LRMHMRC. I don't know, but isn't there a Hippa violation or something with them discussing my health. This coworker, is a case manager, and works with the adult population. She has no buisness in my buisness, and I have told her so in the past, which is probably why she dislikes me. Any way, I went to work the next day and heard her down the hall. I popped my head in, while she gossiped with three other employees and told her,"So and So asked about you and told me to tell you Hi." She said, "Oh I have been meaning to call her and tell her "Hi." I just thought this co-worker should know I got her number and know what she is up to. I have faith God will take care of her for me. She is decietful and it will catch up to her one day. I can not believe people, how could they cospire agaisnt someone with cancer. What kind of world has this become. She is absolutely evil, and has brought to herself some pretty bad karmma. What goes around comes around I firmly believe. She will have to answer to God, when he reads to her the Book of Life. I pray to God to help me not harden my heart towards her for what she has done. Cheryl
  7. Margaret, I haven't had pnemonia, but have had the pericardial and plueral efussions. I gained like twelve pounds and had severe SOB. I was extremely tired and could only take a couple of steps before I had to stop and rest. I called my onc and he had me come in and was given an x-ray. He also listened to my heart. I was weighed and couldn't believe my weight! I immediately was hospitalized and had surgery to relieve the pressure on my heart. The fluid has almost resolved itself, thanks to the pericardial window. A hole was cut in the top of the heart sac to allow the fluid to drain downward. My breathing was so much better. No cancer was found in the fluid, but the cancer caused the fluid build up. TAnn had a problem with plueral efussions and had a Denver Catherter inserted to prevent reoccurence. I was also under the impression that a fever pointed to an infection like pnemonia. Thanks for the insight. Hope your hubby gets better. God Bless, Cheryl
  8. Howdy JC, Glad to see you post. We missed you! Cheryl
  9. -Cheryl-

    Good Luck Katha!

    You go girl, Thanks for the support and hard work!!! Cheryl
  10. -Cheryl-

    Out of pocket

    Wow that was quick! Thanks, Cheryl
  11. TAnn, Please don't lose hope. I afree with Ginny, radiation continues to work long after it treatment ceases. Perhaps the size difference is due to the angle taken of the nodules. Its ok to be upset. This news has thrown me for a loop too. Your lung nodules are stable, and you have no symptoms from your brain mets. These are good signs. I will keep you in both my prayers and well wishes. I hate that you must go through this. but you are not alone. There are 1600 people here praying for you. TAnn, please come to us with your fears, your pain, whatever you need. I wish I were there to hold your hand when you see the doctor. Know that you will be close in my heart and always in my thoughts. Much Love, Cheryl
  12. Lisa, I am saying prayers now for you. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and and family. You have much to stress about. Place it in God's hands and let us worry for you. You just take care of yourself. Cyber Hugs! Cheryl
  13. How lovely. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. I hope that you find peace in it for the holidays without having your Dad physically here to share them. Just know that he is spiritually with you. Cheryl
  14. Elaine, Iv'e been told the CT covers from nose to knees. I was given my choice of bannana, apple, or berry flavored barium, and told to drink the secound half of a pint 35 min. later. The tech got me for the CT about 30 min. later. Regular CT's are taken then an iodine contrast is injected. CT's are compared and a radilogist oncologist reads them. Hoping you just moved during the CT, and perhaps that is why you got called back in. Keep us posted! Cheryl
  15. Angie, The pain you must be in right now has brought back some difficult memories for me. The time was Christmas 1985, my Dad's lung cancer had entered into his brain stem. The only treatment then, was cobolt. Your whole body literally got radiated. They couldn't treat my father with cobolt since it was too dangerous to mess with his brain stem, which controlled his heart and lungs. As tears fill my eyes, I wish that I were there to comfort you sweetie. There is so much they can do now for brain mets. There is even a chemo that enters the blood brain barrier and improves radiation's effects, why there are drugs to lesson the effects of WBR. Onco doc help me out on this. I'm drawing blanks on their names. It is not the end, and times have really advanced medically since 1985. I met a woman with 33 tumors in her brain a few weeks ago, and honestly could not tell. I hold on to hope for you and your Dear Dad. I refuse to accept defeat on this! I am here for you. All of my love and prayers, Cheryl
  16. -Cheryl-


    Nunska, Happy BirthDay my Dear!!! Each one has become a blessing. May you get more and a cure forever! LOve, Cheryl
  17. -Cheryl-

    Sandy blew it!

    Sandy, I hate that again you must go through this nightmare. It could be the angle of the scan, which is just making the nodules appear bigger. I have scans tomorrow too. They always make me nervous. Please keep us posted. I will say a prayer for you. God Bless, Cheryl
  18. -Cheryl-

    Anna Shearing

    Geoff and Melinda, God Bless you and your family for the loss of such a talented and spirited lady. I know that God will be happy welcoming one of his own. I am so sorry for the family that must live on without her for a while. May God comfort you all through this difficult time. Cheryl
  19. Hi Angie, Your Dad is feeling the radiation. It causes exhaustion, and inability to eat. I still feel difficulty swallowing. His BP is so low that it could cause the dissiness for sure. For sure talk to his doctor about it. The meds he is taking can also contribute to that. Getting up and even sitting, can circulate blood flow to the brain. Angie you said all the right things. Make him feel needed by giving him a little project to do. Ask his advice for something. Help to make him feel valued and needed still. Pull him back amongst the living. Take him to see the Christmas lights with the girls. Rent some funny movies and laugh. There is a new game called out "American Idol" that is a hoot. Please vent here anytime you need to Angie. WE are family! Cheryl
  20. Paddy, I am thinking about you too. WE all are sending you our prayers. God Bless, Cheryl
  21. -Cheryl-

    My Pity Pot

    Kim, Venting can be very therapeutic. You need to talk to someone. You sound overwhelmed and full of anxiety. If you have a community mental health agency go! You need counseling to cope with all of this. Don't take your son's antidepresants if they weren't prescribed for you. Medicine is not a panacea, but it can help. Your local MH agency or community health agency should be able to help with the meds. Ask your doc for sample scripts. Meds must be titrated, ask your doc about it. Most importantly, you got to take care of yourself. Get rest, learn relaxation techniques, eat right, and exercise. All of these things will help the physical, as well as your mental outlook (there is a symbiosis between the two.) I hope things improve for you. I wish I could help- and btw, misery loves company.ha! Cheryl
  22. -Cheryl-

    Sad News

    Don, How is Lucie doing? Yes, my biggest fear is brain mets too. I have seen many people on this board conquer them. I was talking to a woman who had 33 tiny mets in her brain, and I could not tell. She had everything to treat them, and seemed to be just as cognizant as the next person. She said she had been very nauseated and they couldn't figure out what was causing it. So I am confident that our tough little Lucie will beat this as well! Jack and I send our prayers. Cheryl
  23. Amen! What a glorious sunny day here in Texas. I feel physically great and have many blessings to be thankful for. Cancer smancer! I won't let it interfer with today's Thanksgiving. God bless you all, Cheryl
  24. Thanks everyone. I will take your advise and stay on top of it. Wal-Mart has always been generous to the MHMR (mental health and mental retardation) population in our area. They donate every year to many organizations. It helped make our dinner a big success again this year! Cheryl
  25. Cindy, There are some really good suggestions here. Most four year olds have already developed gender identity by the time there in the first grade. I had this very same problem with a boy age 6. He needed to potty, so down his paints went. He also wanted attention. Talk to your child about appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Let her generate the correct responses, so it will be more meaniful to them. Then check for their understanding. If you ask why? Most kids don't really know why they did what they did. Impulsive children could be an indication of Attention Defict Hyperactive Disorder. I am not making a diagnosis without a face to face visit- Has she exhibited any sexual acting out? PM me if so, and well explore some other issues. Cheryl
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