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Everything posted by -Cheryl-

  1. -Cheryl-

    Just wondering

    Becky, The RFA sounds like a hopeful prospect. I also heard about two promising trial drugs. Avastin, which is an anti-angiogenisis, cuts off blood suppy to tumors. There is also Rareva, an epidermal growth recepter inhibitor. Ask the doctor about these drugs! MD Anderson does a lot of clinical trials. How is the teaching going this semester? Cheryl
  2. George, I had consistent pain before and during treatment. It improved with chemo. Mine was primarily in my middle chest. Where is your pain? Is it due to a tumor pressing on nerves? Did it start after the chemo began? Cheyrl
  3. -Cheryl-

    Just wondering

    Becky, I love your new picture! When I saw my surgeon last week, I told him about what had happened to you during your mediastinoscopy. He couldn't understand why you still were not a candidate for surgery? Was it the radiation? If so, can they not use glue to seal te lung after surgery. Plus have you heard of RFA to get rid of tumors when surgery is not possible? Cheryl
  4. -Cheryl-

    Lucie's Home!

    Don, So glad to hear Lucie is back home where she belongs! Than you God! Cheryl
  5. Terrie, Congratulations! It is wonderful when someone is beating this disease! Cheryl
  6. Thanks Everyone, Your insight and encouragement has helped me tremendously! There seems to be a theme....TAKE THE MEDS FOR PAIN! I will do that. My husband gets so mad at me because I never take meds prescribed, but I am by no means a marter and will do what is necessary to heal. You guys have been a second family to me and I can't tell you much your support means to me. I have heard people say "nobody really understands what were going through, but the people on this board." That is true, I have turned to you in some pretty dark times. You guys have always been there. Thanks, Cheryl
  7. Sandy, You sound like you are doing great! I am saying a prayer for you now that your scans are clean! Cheryl
  8. -Cheryl-

    end to fatigue?

    Kevin, I am suprised he is getting both chemo and rad together. Normally, only one chemo is given at your Dad's age rather than a combination, which is most effective. But chemoand radiation together is tough. Your'e Dad may get very tired on this treatment and need somone to come in to check on him and help out. I would check into hiring someone to help out, make meals, and clean. Your Dad won't feel up to these things I imagine. I am only 43 and found my energy was zapped! Best wishes and Prayers! Cheryl
  9. -Cheryl-

    another scan

    Candy, Praying for you both. Cheryl
  10. -Cheryl-

    It is Dad & me

    Berisa, You are beautiful and your Dad is handsome too. Good to see who we are talking too! cheryl
  11. -Cheryl-

    Race Results

    David, Way to go! WE are all so proud of you!! Congratulations!!! Cheryl
  12. -Cheryl-

    just a question

    Ray, Boy did yo have a nice week! Well atleast it hit you all at once while you took a few days off to take care of yourself! THis may not help you cause my radiation was in the chest, but I didn't start getting sick until a week after radiation....then I vomited everything I ate and I got really bad pains in my chest and back when I swallowed. I think Norme said her Buddy got esophagitis everytime he got radiation regardless the port of entry. The esohphagitis has improved about 80% now- three weeks later. Of course I got chemo too, and that added to the nausea and vomiting. I hope you feel better and pray for clear scans. Hey, Bob was right about your head.... You do have a nicely shaped head!!!! Cheryl
  13. Hi Andrea, I am so glad to hear that you and your famiy got a vacation! I pray for your Mom's scans to be clear and that her shortness of breath gets better. Cheryl
  14. Hi everyone, I met with the surgeon today. My scheduled surgery date is for the 15th! I am very anxious and scared. I have heard such horror stories. I have a lymph node swollen by the pulmonary artery which frightens me the most. It is not that large, but this is a delicate area. My doctor got my consent to use this experimental glue to seal my lung. It is a blind study, so I may not get the glue. The company will fly in some guy to watch the surgeon perform the surgery. I'm thinking the surgeon with perform better with an audience, huh! The surgeon sent me for a lung function and capacity test. I performed above normal for my age, weight and height! I am still a bit anemic from chemo and rad, but blood gases look good too. Anyone with positive insight about surgery would be so greatly appreciated! Thanks, Cheryl
  15. Happy Birthday my Virgo friend, This day entitles you to one very special wish! May your wish come true and you be blessed with many more Birthdays to come! Cheryl
  16. Estelle, So Glad you had a good summer. Sorry to hear about the tumors, but the chemo worked before and will again! Cheryl
  17. Keith, I was diagnosed with nsclc adenocarcinoma stage 3A. The staging was not fully determined until a mediastinoscopy was performed. My surgeon had planned on doing a lobectomy, but found the mediastinal nodes in my center chest were canerous. Surgery was then ruled out until the nodes in the center of my chest shrunk( mine were not that large and din't shrink much in the center of my chest. The tissue and nodes are probably dead, from the radiation, which will prevent excess blood loss dring surgery I think.) The tumor in my right mid lobe was very small- maybe 1 inch big. I just finished chemo and radiation, and will meet with my surgeon tomorrow to plan the surgery for a lobectomy and a mediastinal disection. I did 2 cycles of 6 chemos in a row, spaced at three weeks apart. I received cisplatin and VP16. I only got 25 radiations because surgery was the goal. Too much rad and surgery is out of the question, because the tissue won't close and heal after right after surgery? Not all Doctors agree that surgery will extend your life at stage 3A. Mine does, but told me that he would not do the surgery if I waited too long. I will meet with him tomorrow to talk about the surgery. A couple of people here on the board had their surgeries much later after treatment...Terrie and Ada W.. Hebbie had her's surgery before treatment as did Connie B.. Keith, you sound young and healthy, so you should do well!. You need to talk to Donna G. here on the board who is a Pancoast tumor survivor! I don't know much about them. I have heard that they are located in the upper lung lobes and are larger tumors? Each type of cancer is treated differently. Best wishes in your treatment and kep us posted. Prayers, Cheryl
  18. -Cheryl-

    Been better

    Hey Len, I am so sorry you feel bad. I was in the ER a couple of weeks ago myself for dehydration due to vomiting. As soon as I would put something in my stomach my body would just reject it within seconds! I found pudding was the first thing to stay down. I would dry heave, but I guess the consistency of it made it stay in my stomach longer. The body can do without food, but not fluid! Get you some pedialyte or gatorade. The nausea medicine makes me so tired! You mentioned going back to work. How do you do it Len? I went back to work just recently, but will go out again for surgery soon. I will probably lose my job when I go out for surgery cause my FEML will run out. I will also lose my insurance and am worried sick about it. Well, I am sure this isn't helping you! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Cheryl
  19. Connie, What a fighter you are! You continue to provide us all with inspiration. I am so glad that you are home and on the mend, improving daily. Your extrodinary determination and attitude kept this monster away for 8 years, you will conquer it again this time as well! Continued prayers! Cheryl
  20. -Cheryl-

    Dad Passed

    Amy, I am so very sorry and sad about your loss. God Bless you and your family during this difficult time. Cheryl
  21. Norme, I missed you on the board! It is great to have you back. I am so glad to hear Buddy had a great trip! You are right about that walking and getting out of the house too! Cheryl
  22. Happy Birthday Dear Don, May all your Birthday wishes and dreams come true. I do hope you get to celebrate. Give my best to your lovely Lucie, and I pray for her continued recovery! Cheryl
  23. Connie, So relieved you are at home and doing better! You get the rest you need and heal. I bet you will be up and about in no time. We all miss your posts! Continued prayers. Cheryl
  24. Dear Judy's Daughter, So glad to know your Mom made it out of surgery O.K.! She is breathing on her own too!! Your mom is in my prayers. Cheryl
  25. Gina, I am looking at surgery myself very soon. Sorry I am not much help in "what to expect." However, I wanted to pass along some words of wisdom by Ada W., a member of this board that really helped me put things in perspective. She said, "Surgery is scarey, but I am more scared of the cancer!" This is an opportunity to get rid of the cancer permanantly! My prayers for your mother and you. Cheryl
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