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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Oh for crying out loud Bruce... I was joking with you. Ry made me do it. Just in case you haven't noticed..I have thicker skin than to let a cat joke upset me... but of course I couldn't resist torturing you as always.... Dollywood is most likely closed..I have had to find new methods.
  2. Oh sure Bruce. Nice week for a cat joke.
  3. Well Frank, what was it? Did he plant them too deep or too close together?? By the way, I can't believe you're advertising your forum in other sections.... maybe I'll put a plug in for Early Stage while I'm here... :lol:
  4. Debi


    Cindi, My Pulmonologist was great, but I had to get through a real bad one before I found him. I say, shop around until you are happy. I am sorry, and at the risk of sounding cocky, no one makes me wait up to 3 1/2 hours for an appointment. I can see some sort of emergency and it happening once, but no way on a regular basis..I have changed doctors for making me wait consistently. And then he sucks besides??? My Pulmonologist was about 4 feet tall and very dour looking. He had absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever and when I made a joke he would look at me all puzzled. But he took his time with me and explained things and I KNEW he was good. I haven't seen my Pulmonologist since my post-op, but that is only because he is 4 hours away. If he was closer, I would be going to him for my 3 month checkups.. he had told me that he would check each scan against the previous personally. Instead, I go to my Onc from hell who gets the results faxed to him and I don't even think the hospital radiologist compares it with the last one. Anyway, good luck in your search.....
  5. Barbara, Take it easy.. that is what I would suggest. And no, when I get a cold these days, it is just a normal cold, like anyone else. I tend to take care of myself a little better when I do, because I do have a fear of it going into bronchitis or whatever, but other than that, it is okay. You just had major surgery. It is going to take your body time to get back to itself. Might as well try to find patience somewhere... , I think that's something we all had to find in our "new normal"!! I went back to work 10 weeks after my surgery and although at first it was taxing sometimes, every week was an improvement. You will be fine..just rest when you need to... Feel better soon..
  6. I just wanted to say a big thanks to Katie and Rick for all their efforts. For those of you who haven't heard, it rained like hell yesterday in the Dallas area and once again, Katie's efforts were compromised by the weather. I made it to the park, thanks to Rick who I had to keep calling for directions. Note: When in the Dallas area, stay off of ALL roads that say 114, 121 or 114/121 N,S,E,W. They are a trap and will take you nowhere. It only took me 3 1/2 rainy hours to get there, when normally it would be under 2. (I have lived far too long in the sticks, and have now become a hick and unable to drive in the big city. I need to get a pick up truck and put a goat in the back..it is official). Anyway, Rick of course is my hero, because he was able to direct me there somehow. I also got to meet Cheryl and Jack, who are wonderful, kind people. Cheryl is actually the first person that I have physically met that has lung cancer (that I know of, of course), so yesterday was an amazing day for me, that I got to meet all these people in the flesh. I already had met Katie, and know already that she is great.. so that was no surprise!! The day may have been a disappointment to Katie because of the blasted rain, but Katie, it was wonderful to spend part of my day with all of you. I am SO glad that you and Rick afford us the opportunity to have this website, and to be able to have days like yesterday. You guys do SO much, and I know are underappreciated at times, but I can't even put into words how great it is to have all this..I SO appreciate you guys.. Yesterday was a reminder about how important you all are and how special this website is. I haven't donated yet to anything for Lung Cancer Awareness month so I intend to donate to the site today. I hope that everyone reading this takes a moment to take the time to do so if possible, if they haven't already (I'm always late!). Thanks again to Katie and Rick for all that you do ...
  7. Hey Eileen, I have never been able to find anything regarding the benefits on Stage 1A either, it seems that the studies lump the early stages together. There were 2 sites that I had found that said that it appeared that adjuvent chemo didn't make a difference in Stage 1A but of course, when I need them, now I can't find them. I did find the following article that I found interesting, I had never seen this one before: http://www.healthscout.com/news/1/518476/main.html This is actually a study done in Japan with drugs that are not available here but the one line below pretty much has the same figures that you have quoted as far as Stage 1a. I'll keep trying to find those other articles I had when I have some more time. I know when I was trying to make up my mind which way I was going to go with treatment, I had to really look hard to find even them... And let me tell you all.. I know its all just statistics..but I still can't wait till June of 2005 gets here...
  8. Kit, I agree..sounds like your dad can get back to NED again!! My thoughts are with you guys and keep your chin up, okay??
  9. Kitty, As others have said, life is so precious... you need to take care of yourself. I know that if anything should happen to me, the last thing I would want is for my daughter to sacrifice her health mourning me. That would make everything doubly tragic... I don't know if you've been to a doctor and are on medication or not.. if not, it can't hurt to see one and maybe get help with the depression. I am glad that you posted.. I hope you will continue to let us know how you are doing.
  10. It's been a while since Cary has been on the board, and I know alot of you newer folks don't know him... Cary has been taking care of his dad, and hospice has been brought in. I think that it would help Cary to know that we are thinking of him and his dad during this time, so I wanted to post this to let you all know that things aren't the greatest right now for them. Any prayers or thoughts to help him and his family would be appreciated.
  11. Debi


    In the words of my adopted state: YEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWW
  12. Curtis, I'm sure having yourself and Becky as parents, Katie will be an intelligent little girl. Beauty AND brains... good combo... I'm glad you posted this tonight...my son cracked me up today and I wanted to tell someone. He came home from Kindergarten and told me that he is a vegetarian. I was like, oh, okay. I asked him what if he wanted to eat a hamburger or chicken strips and he looked at me as if I were an idiot and said, "Well, then I won't be a vegetarian." He actually picked all the pepperoni off his pizza at dinner. His class must have had something on eating healthy because he has brought me everything he has eaten tonight to ask me if there was sugar in it because he couldn't eat sugar anymore. I resisted the urge to ask....
  13. Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words...they really did help. I'm feeling better today. My son was upset but asked for some pictures so I found about 5 pictures of him and Casey, and that made him happy, it is giving him something to carry around and look at. I actually do have another cat, her name is Snowball and she is about 2 years old. Unfortunately, I never really connected with her.. Casey was 15 pounds, Snowball is this teeny, hairy cat that weighs about 5 pounds dripping wet. Like I said Casey was cool and smart as hell, I will spare you his exploits, but there were many. Snowball has the IQ of a peanut and forgets how to retract her claws..there are times I come in the door and she is hanging from her paws from the curtain...I have no idea how long she has been there. Casey never would have been caught in those types of situations, he had too much dignity. Also, Casey would greet me when I came home by nodding his head and doing this grunt thing, and I would do it back..it was our special greeting. (okay, get the straight jacket ). Snowball does the wrap around and between the ankles cat thing that I'm just not used to. Casey was just so different. Anyway, I guess its time to give Snowball a chance, and stop comparing her against my Casey. Thanks again for all your posts, you all have made me feel so much better...
  14. I had to put my cat, Casey, to sleep today. He was 15 years old. Even confirmed cat-haters ended up loving Casey because he was so damn cool. Casey has been there for me through my daughter's teen years, my 2 relationships & subsequent endings, my dad dying, moving across country, my grandchildren being born, my son being born. He was an aloof cat but he always loved me and would lay on top of me whenever I was sad or sick, he would always just know. After my son was born, I didn't have the time for Casey I used to, and I feel guilty about that. I also feel guilty about not taking him to the vet earlier, I thought he was getting old and losing weight, getting sluggish.. instead, he was suffering from diabetes. I maybe could have helped him, but I was just busy doing whatever it is I do and didn't really pay attention to the fact that it might NOT be old age. Before, my son kept asking when Casey is coming home and I didn't want to tell him the truth before his basketball game. I have to go and pick him up now and tell him that Casey isn't coming home. I know Casey is just a cat, but I can't stop crying...
  15. Thank you for posting your gratitude...for so many things. Your post was a gift for me, I needed a reminder today that things are good. Enjoy your holidays...
  16. Debi

    Anna Shearing

    Geoff, There isn't anything that I can add.. I know that you fought the battle right alongside your mom. My sympathies to both you and Melinda..
  17. Debi


    I need help... My company is doing a half million project, pulling up the old rugs, sandblasting, treating and putting down new carpet due to mold that has been growing for years under the old. My doctor told me I should have a mask and I went to his office and picked one up. It hooked over my ears and had a wire or something on the top under the fabric and some type of additional blue flap on the inside upper part. After finally putting it on , I wore it half day Monday and the whole day Tuesday until I stopped wearing it. Wednesday, when I touched the top part of my nose it felt like I had a car wreck and had slammed my nose against the steering wheel. The sides, right under the bridge of my nose, started swelling and it was red. It hurt and had almost a burning/numbing pain. I figured it was a reaction to the mask (the blue flap latex maybe?) and it would go away. I went to the PA at my doctor's office on Friday because by now I couldnt' even sleep, I would keep waking up in pain. She said it was a reaction and gave me cream, which isn't really helping much yet. I had antibiodics at home which I also decided to take in case I also have some sinusitis going on from the damn mold since I do have a slightly runny nose. Meanwhile, I still have pain and swelling. My question is this: Has anyone ever had a reaction to a surgical mask or some type of face covering and had these symptoms? As you know, my small town isn't exactly the mecca of health care and I'm not exactly a pillar of mental health so the combination is driving me crazy..... Thanks for reading my ramble...
  18. Okay, its Saturday night and I'm bored so its time to contribute to the ladies side ... What is the insensitive bit at the base of the penis called? The man. How can you tell when a man is well hung? When you can just barely slip your finger in between his neck and the noose. Why do men need instant replay on TV sports? Because after 30 seconds they forget what happened. What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name? You didn't hold the pillow down long enough. What do you call a handcuffed man? Trustworthy. What's the difference between Big Foot and intelligent man? Big Foot's been spotted a several times. How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb? Three. One to screw in the bulb, and two to listen to him brag about the screwing part. How does a man show he's planning for the future? He buys two cases of beer instead of one. How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail? Rename the mail folder "Instruction Manuals." Why do only 10% of men make it to heaven? Because if they all went, it would be Hell. Why does it take 100 million sperm to fertilize one egg? Because not one will stop and ask for directions. Why don't women blink during foreplay? They don't have time. What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds mature. Why are men like blenders? You need one, but you're not quite sure why.
  19. Tom, I just want to ditto everything that has been said before me and extend my sympathies to you. It sounds like Jud was a good man; I am so sorry for your loss...
  20. Yes, I voted!!! First time in about 20 years, the last time I voted was for Jesse Jackson for something.. Anyway, I got my sticker too. There were a couple of interesting proposals on the ballot also..one was for Oklahoma to get their own lottery.. people currently drive to Texas for lottery tickets...and another was to add on a 4 cent a cigarette tax. We are just a TAD bit behind over here...
  21. Oh yeah Frank, thanks for the reminder. I never would have thought of voting for the guys. OH wait, I'm still not thinking of voting for the guys.
  22. Fay Fay Fay.. I don't know what to say.... You are making me laugh with your poultrygeist... you have gone completely mad woman.... but of course, that's not a bad thing....
  23. Debi

    All Alone

    Not only is he clearly still wrong, he is probably alone in the forest because he got lost and refused to stop for directions. This would make him doubly wrong John.
  24. Cheryl, I pm'd you last week but the messages weren't picked up. Try checking out EBAY for your keyboard, they have hundreds of WEBTV keyboards of all makes and for CHEAP!! Just go to www.ebay.com and type in webtv in the search box. There are all kinds!!!!! I love the show Scare Tactics, it also airs on the SciFi channel. And Happy Halloween to you. My "city" decreed Halloween to be Friday so it has come and gone for me. I'm living here long enough so that the city changing Halloween around didn't seem wierd to me... the first year I was here it fell on a Wednesday and that is church night so they made Halloween Tuesday!! Anyway, I forgot that Halloween acutally was today till I spoke to my sister and explained we had it Friday. She was like "WHAT??? HOW THE H CAN THEY CHANGE HALLOWEEN TO THE 29th???" Anyway, Happy "Real" Halloween!!!!!!!
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