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Everything posted by fillise

  1. My Mom is 77 too and except for the LC and some arthritis in her spine is perfectly healthy. So I understand completely. I'll say a prayer for both of our special moms. In the meantime I hope that she can get a break and get some strength back. Susan
  2. Michelle--I'm glad to hear that your mom is finding relief. My mom had severe pain from mets in her spine. She did 3 weeks of radiation and that helped immensely. In fact she did her radiation before the chemo and I think that helped her to stand the chemo better. She is now seeing a pain management specialist for problems related to severe arthritis in her spine. I hope your mom continues to find relief. Susan
  3. WTG Deanne!!!!!!! You ROCK girlfriend! Susan
  4. Linda--WOW! Great news on the tumors shrinking. You go girl! Susan
  5. Welcome Val! It stinks that you had to finds us, but this board is a great port in the LC storm. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Chances are someone here (usually more than one someone) will have experienced what you are dealing with and will offer lots of good adnvice/information. Susan
  6. Welcome Marci--Please fell free to ask any questions you have. Folks here are very good about sharing their expertise and experiences! Susan
  7. TeeTaa, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Susan
  8. Do talk with your Dr. about this. I was in the hospital once with bad (and I mean, really bad) food poisioning. The insurance company wanted to kick me out after one night, but I was still on fluids and unable to keep anything down. My Dr. called and told them that HE was not releasing me and if THEY forced the hospital to release me he would be at their office with his lawyers in the morning. I stayed two more nights. Best of luck to you! Susan
  9. fillise


    ((((Rachael)))) In the words of the always eloquent Don M. . . "STUPID CANCER!" Susan
  10. I'm not goint to defend this nurse, she was insensitive and, at a minimum, overly blunt. But, having said that, I think it is important to remember that hospice exists to support a patient and family during the final stage of a terminal illness. I think it is so much a fact of life for hospice workers that they forget that a patient or a family is not as accepting of this particular fact of life as they are. I know, around here, when you call hospice they make sure that you are not actively seeking curative treatment (you can leave hospice to do that at any time, and you can always seek medical treatment to relieve pain and suffering). I guess all of this is my way of asking if your mom and dad are truly ready for hospice?
  11. Thinking of you Jim. Hope you get good news soon! Susan
  12. Jack--Oh no. Please accept my condolences. Susan
  13. fillise

    John's (Mr Ry) Mother

    Rochelle, I'm so sorry for your loss. You and John are in my prayers. Susan
  14. Aaron--May Friday being you the joy of publicly declaring your love for one another and pledging your lives to each other. May Saturday and beyond bring you and Julia a long and happy life together. Hey Casey--How about toasts for Aaron and Julia in the Pub Friday night? Susan
  15. Mitchell--Thanks for stopping by to share your GREAT news! I am so happy for you and your mom and so appreciative of your prayers for those of us fighting and grieving. You good news is hope and that's a powerful medicine. Susan
  16. I'm saying a prayer for your mom's pain relief. What kind of pain meds are they giving your mom? Susan
  17. Dine--So gald to hear that your dad is getting stronger! Susan
  18. Leslie--thanks goodness that your Dad is stable, but what a scare with him passing out. Hopefully he can have an extra week and get a little stronger before his next chemo. I'm hoping that the effects the drugs are having on his is also the effect they are having on his cancer!!!! Susan
  19. Wow! You are amazing! I will be praying for you on the 18th and beyond. Susan
  20. Christine--Welcome! I see you've already gotten some excellent advice, so I won't add much except to say that serving as your FIL's advocate is the best gift you could give him. His attitude will go along way, but do recognize that he will experience ups and downs. I think all of us caregivers have learned that the hard way! I've found that it is important to be suppportive but not to be dismissive about their fears or concerns. Sometimes it is a great gift to let our loved ones express their fears and have a little cry every now and then so they can deal with it and move on. This is a great group, full of useful information and support. Susan
  21. As a caregiver--the good side for me is the people here I've learned so much about how this evil disease touches so many regardelss of class, race, gender, etc. It's also been interesting to see the effect on my father. The year before my mom's disgnosis he suffered a mild stroke, heart attack and had triple bypass surgery. He seemed very depressed afterwards because he had to stop working (at 80!) and just didn't see much point in anything. After mom's dx he seems to have a purpose again. It's not that her disease has cheered him up, but he has a focus now and seems to have come out of his depression. I think mom would pratty much say the diesease sucks, I've not heard her make any comments about positives, but I will ask her. Susan
  22. fillise

    Cruised out!

    Welcome home earnie!!!!
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