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Everything posted by JB

  1. JB

    New Game

    Of course I've been to court before, four times...Speediing ticket, speeding ticket, passing on a double yellow line in the middle of a town in nowhere chester county, and my favortie of all time, 2 counts of changing lanes without signaling, two counts of tailgaiting, one count of speeding, and one count of some type of reckless driving...that cop must have been having a bad day, and didn't realize I had somewhere to be. lol. have you ever been bungee jumping?
  2. Seeing as how you posted this on Sunday...you were right. I watched "We Are Marshall" and I can not believe I didn't watch it sooner. AN AWESOME Movie...now to Wealthy's whipper snapper comment...I was talking with a guy a work about the movie this morning and he was saying he had a hard time remembering the actual events as he was only 8 or 10. I said, yeah, I had a hard time remembering it as I was about 5 years away from being born yet. lol. I predict the next person will have never been skiing.
  3. I think these are two great matchups...Eli vs. Favre to start. It's common knowledge to any NFC fan that NYG will only go as far as Eli will take them...I think it ends this weekend. Favre rallies his young group to give him one last shot at the super bowl. In the AFC, LT and Rivers questionable. Even if they played, and played at 200%, and added hall of famers all around them, I don't see them beating the Pats. At this point love them or hate them, they are the best professional football team I've seen in my lifetime. Super bowl is Pats vs. GB. Pats win, but it will be in question up until the last second. Favre leads what appears to be a game winning drive, leaving Brady less than a minute to comeback, but he manages to do it, dashing Favres hopes of a championship season, and leading the Pats to the best record in NFL history. No bias here, just the facts as i see them.
  4. Thanks Sharonjo...I remember Tommy telling me that you were having this done, way back when Colleen first got diagnosed. he even sent me the video link from channel 6 or 3 or one of them. Col is being treated at Jefferson as well... How have the treatments been working for you, I know initially Tommy had said that they had been helping you. Hope you and Tommy are both doing well.
  5. Sorry, not afraid of spiders... I predict the next person will be just as bored at work as i am and this will be at least their second post to this thread today.
  6. JB

    Gene passed away

    Very sorry to read this...Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.
  7. Correct, I can conquer the world today, or any day I darn well choose to for that matter. Just too darn lazy to do it. I predict the next person has at least thought long and hard about writing a book.
  8. JB

    Lessons Learned

    I agreee with everyone...you are the inspiration for many.
  9. Oh God Lilly. I'm so very sorry to hear this. I know first hand how much it hurts. Many Many prayers for comfort, and many more that there is nothing else going on. please keep us posted on her progress.
  10. Wow. Excellent article. Thanks for posting Randy.
  11. Grateful that the weather here in PA is ridiculously warm. It's like spring time out there. Is it really january. Not so grateful that I have to work instead of playing golf.
  12. Thanks for posting this Christine. i caught a bit of this on the news last night, but I was a little late and wasn't completely sure what they heck they were saying. I m also a little ashamed to admit that I didn't know what the heck a statin drug was for either.
  13. JB


    good news. Prayers for continued success.
  14. Ken, I agree, forge forward. I am a firm believer that nothing is incurable, sometimes we just haven't found the right combination yet. That could happen tomorrow, no one knows. I have no experience with the gloom and doom doctors, as ours have been nothing but positive from the get go. I sometimes wonder if our age has something to do with it. Like sometimes they think we just couldn't handle the facts. From the caregiver prespective, I have two things to look at, I need to know exactly where we stand no BS lay it on me let me know, I do that when I get the doctor alone, the 2nd side is the hey, everything's going to be just fine guy. We just keep pluggin along, if something stops working what's next? Wishing you the best of luck.
  15. Ok first let me see if Nick, in fact, was telling us that he has a baby on the way...Congrats. Pat, I feel terrible for you, and I just don't know what to say. Everything compiled together is enough to make anyone a bundle of nerves. I know I sometimes get like that, and I haven't even seen half of what you have. Fortuantely for me I have the devil may care attitude. I've always had it a little bit, but it's full blown since Col's DX. I don't care what happens when or how, all I know is that her and I and anyone else for that matter can only do everything in our power to enjoy life. At times it is difficult, and at times you can't help but think about all the other things, but please try not to let them consume you. Prayers that this weill pass for you.
  16. I don't read a whole lot either, and on the rare occassion that I do, it's usually sports related. I believe the last book I read was the Lou Holtz book, wins losses and lessons. Without a doubt the greatest book I've ever read. Even beats out the Davinci Code. I bought my dad the Jerome Bettis book for Christmas...I'm waiting for his review before buying it for myself. Debbie, I read Tuesday's with Morry by Album, and I think that the 5 people book is next on my list. My brother bought that for my dad for christmas.
  17. JB

    Any news on Aaron?

    Thanks for the update Aaron, it's not the best of news, but it was good to hear from you guys. I;m certain it sucks, and I understand being scared. hang in there, rest up and hopefully you'll get back on your feet soon.
  18. It pegged me as Philly as the cheese steak. I have probably taken this test three times and it keeps saying philly. I grew up in the coal region, and I KNOW that I sounded different, cause when I went to college, people were like where the he** are you from. But I guess 4 years in Allentown with 90% philly kids at my school, and 10 years living in the suburbs have gotten the better of me. Hey, who doesn't like a good cheese steak. American with please.
  19. Hi popsgirl and welcome. Sorry you have to be here but you will find many wonderful people and much support here. As everyone said before me it is difficult to determine the outcome, as everyone is so different and what works for one, maybe not another, but there are still many options to get through to find something that works. I'm writing because your Father's dx is very similar to Col's. Although Col had only one brain met, similar to the one they removed from your dad. I will tell you that it will scare the living crud out of you. And when she came home from the hospital after her brain surgery and first chemo I remember sitting at the kitchen table with some family and friends. I think it was the first time that it REALLY hit me. She looked so thin, and so frail, and just so beat up, I actually thought the worst, and I also thought it could happen quickly. Well here we are 6 chemo treatments every 4 weeks later, 15 radiation treatments and Tarceva, over a year later, and now I look at her and think, Is she really even sick? My point is that there is always hope, and many people do respond and respond well, and we all adjust over time to what's happening. It's scary as Sh** right now I know. But please find comfort in the fact that there is so much that they can do these days medically that you just need to prepare for the ups and downs of this roller coaster ride, and keep your eyes focused straight ahead to the prize that is living with cancer. Please keep us updated on how things are progressing and feel free to come here to vent, ask questions, or just chat. Prayers for you all.
  20. Amazing what one dedicated individual can accomplish. A big pat on the back for her.
  21. JB

    Any news on Aaron?

    yes, if n e 1 hears n e thing, please let us know.
  22. Welcome Bridget. Don't get too tied up in the first results as everyone reacts differently. SOme early, some late. AND there are many different things that they can try that may work better for your husband if the need be. One thing you don't realize now, and neither did I at the time, Stable is a good thing, at least IMO. Hang in there and hopefully they'll find what works.
  23. exercise, exercise, exercise, eat less, love more, and try not to be as much of the jack*** that I normally am. Making a consciensous attempt to better myself so that I can better help Col.
  24. Grateful to be back from my unannounced vacation here on the board. I was truly planning on staying up with things while we celebrated the holidays, but I just never got around to it. I think Col and I and Jack, just took a vacation from the dreaded c word all together for the last two weeks. grateful that my new year resolution actually happened two weeks before the new year and I have been on the treadmill religously and see no signs of that slowing down anytime soon. Holy Mackeral I think I'm even grateful to be back at work today. Grateful to start a new year with our family still intact, and Col still being able to do whatever it is she thinks she wants to do today.
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