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Everything posted by shirleyb

  1. Randy's older brother Steve found out on Tuesday that he had colon cancer. They did the surgery yesterday to remove the tumor and everything was going well. When I talked to Steve last, he was in good spirits and very optomistic that this would be fine and he would be back to work soon. Well, I got a call early this evening and Steve passed away this afternoon. Steve was the kind of man that you admire. He was a wonderful brother, a super husband, the best dad and grandfather you would want to have in your life. When Randy died, Steve and his wife were here the next day to mourn with us and share stories of their youth. Last September I got to visit with them on a trip to Washington, and Steve gave his blessings for Mike and I. He said Randy would want me to be happy and Steve though Mike was the one for me. I am just in shock. Steve and Randy looked so much alike. They were the best of brothers. Their love for each other was always there. I am sure the light was bright and Steve went into it knowing he would be with our Lord and his family again. I can see him and Randy meeting again and what joy that must be for both of them. Please say a prayer for Steve's wife, children, grandchildren, his Mother, and his sisters and brothers who are hurting so badly right now. I really hate cancer. Prayers for all of us. Much love, Shirleyb
  2. shirleyb


    Donna G was the first nurse we dealt with when Randy got sick. Donna was our intake nurse that night. She is also the one who guided me to this site. Along with Donna there were a number of angels that helped us on our journey. They were so incredible. After Randy passed, a few of them came to the visitation. You will never know how it touched my heart to know they cared so much about him. They are ANGELS!!! Thank you Donna. Tell Kristy, Noelia, Karen, Bethany, Jan, and the rest whose names escape me that I still think of all they did for us and I will be forever grateful. Much love, Shirleyb
  3. shirleyb

    SharKats is Gone

    this is so sad. Prayers for the families.
  4. Rick, Thanks for the update. I am glad she is doing well. Have fun taking care of the kids and her. Enjoy the time together. Shirleyb
  5. Val, Get over it? How? If you find an answer to that, please share it with all of us. If anyone has an answer to that, please share. I don't think we ever get over it. Losing those we love is not something we would wish on anyone. But time has a funny way of getting in the way of our grief. In time, we learn to live a new normal. In time we are able to think of those we love and not cry a river. In time the pain softens, but it never really ever goes away. We just learn to live a new normal. I am so sorry you are hurting. Know you are not alone on this journey. There are many here with you. We may not all be at the same place in the journey but we do understand. And unfortunately, that comes with losing those we love. It is a common bond we have. We miss them terribly, but we do keep on going. Much love and warm gentle hugs. Shirleyb
  6. The suddeness of Leslie's passing brings back so many memories. Mark, I am so sorry. My heart just breaks for you. It is so hard to accept. Prayers for you and your family. Shirleyb
  7. Randy, What a testament to your love. Thank you for sharing this with us here. I am so sorry that Deb is gone. There are no words to express the sadness this brings. Praying for you and your family. Shirleyb
  8. I always believed in God but when Randy was dx'd, it became so much stronger. I realized that I had no control over what was going on, I could only pray for help. I also realized that I needed to keep my relationships right with those I love. I make sure they know I love them because we do not ever leave the house or go to bed without telling each other we love them.
  9. Be true to yourself and get an education. Follow your heart, never lose faith in God.
  10. Martha, I am so sorry that your mother lost her battle. Try to remember the good times. YOu have my prayers. Shirleyb
  11. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. You and your mother have my prayes. Shirleyb
  12. Janet, Thank you for sharing this very special part of your life. You and your family are in my prayers. Shirleyb
  13. Oh Jane, I am sorry that you have lost your FIL. My prayers for you and your family. Shirleyb
  14. Denise, I know what you mean. But keep those memories. Know your dad is always with you when you think of him. Many warm hugs. shirleyb
  15. Val, Belated happy birthday. What a sweet thing you did to share your book with your father. I know you think you caused him pain, but you didn't. The pain was there, just needing to come out. I know my kids have done similar things that made me cry but also helped me heal. It has not been that long for you and the firsts are always hard. You wonder how you will ever make it, but you do. It helps sometimes to be able to share not only your memories but your tears. We then realize we are not the only one stuggleing with the saddness of losing those we love. Take care dear one. Shirleyb
  16. shirleyb

    Cold showers

    Beth, I have to ditto what others have said since their husbands have passed. I was lucky that I knew how to do alot of those things already. My dad passed alot of that kind of information on to me when I was young because I always wanted to know how things worked. Randy was mechanically challanged in alot of areas so we called my dad alot about things. But still there were things I did not have a clue on. I did buy some home repair books though that have helped so much. I would suggest that to anyone. It empowered me to try and sometimes have success in fixing things. I wish you better days ahead and hope you have hot water too. None like taking a hot shower. Shirleyb
  17. Shelley, you sure do pick some good ones....I always smile. thanks
  18. The first winter we were back here in Minnesota. Randy was a California boy and that winter we had sub zero temps for WEEKS. It was so cold and he was such a trooper in dealing with it. He learned really fast that block heaters could be life savers.... We have had a few winters since that we wanted to move south but we never did. We stayed here and became true Minnesotan's to the core. You just dress for it...
  19. Connie, You have always been such a trooper. I still think back to when I first joined the board and you called me at home and let me talk for hours about everything that happened. You will always have a special place in my heart and in my prayers. You are one very special lady. Thank you for being a true friend. I hope that you heal quickly and are feeling better even faster. Can't wait to see you on line again. All my love and prayers. Shirleyb
  20. Lori, I am so glad that things went so well. Way to go MOM and GOD. You made our day!! sb
  21. Holly, I am so very sorry. Shirleyb
  22. Still living at home and expecting to inherit a fortune when his sickly, widower father died, Jerry decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So he went to a singles bar and he searched until he spotted a woman whose beauty took his breath away. "Right now, I'm just an ordinary man," he said, walking up to her, "but within a month or two, my father will pass and I'll inherit over 20 million dollars." The woman went home with Jerry, and four days later she became his stepmother. Men never learn.
  23. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. You are in my prayers.
  24. Ginny, You and anyone who else who uses the internet for dating is brave. I know several couples who have met and ended up marrying this way. I am happy you have found someone who peaks your interest but I side with Becky on this. Be careful. All we want is your happiness and safety. Good luck and best wishes. Shirleyb
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