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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. Debaroo

    Any word on Bobmc

    Thank you for the update Ry, and Bob, if you read this-we are looking forward to the next plan of action, in the meantime-both of you must take it as easy as possible and please know that alot of people are thinking of you both...Oh, and Ry, tell Mr. Ry that I said hello. Take care, Deb
  2. Gail, brief and to the point, and very heartfelt...I'm going to e-mail her, too. I've done it many times in the past, regarding Lung Cancer, and it is time to innundate her with e-mails!!! Thank you for lighting the fire under my slightly more toned than it was last year-a$$ .. Take care, deb
  3. Andrea, if you look up a post from me that was done sometime in the fall you will see a very similar post...I, too, suffer from awful allergies that have me coughing for months at a time, literally...and I, too, addressed this concern to my Dr.. I told him that I have, had, a father with lung cancer and my mom was Dx ovarian cancer last April, and that I do NOT suffer from 'it will never happen to me syndrome, but rather-I wouldn't be surprised if I got cancer, too, syndrome." He understood my concerns and did a through check up and went through MY medical history, concluding that, it is good to be thorough, but lets not put the cart before the horse...a new allergy med was tried, along with an antibiotic for sinus infection-and if those didn't work (they did) we'd be back to the drawing board...Now I am back with the cough-season change-and will be back to the doctor this week...I swear, when I read your post, I thought I had made it and logged in wrong . My point is, it is normal to have CWD (cronic worry disease), about our loved ones, about us...but bottom line, as long as you stay on top of your own health and ask ALL the questions you need to-who cares what they think about your mental state-you have to look out for No. 1-it is YOUR health, YOUR body, and YOUR and THEIR (the doctors) JOB To listen and figure out what is going on...no LIP SERVICE ALLOWED!!!! Remember that wise teacher that you had as a kid that always put you at ease when they said "there are NO stupid questions, except the UNASKED one!!" Well, same goes for this situation, my friend. I will PM you my phone number, seems we have alot in common, and use it if you feel you need to...take care, deb
  4. Debaroo

    Bob Mc.

    David, thank you for the update. Please include me in the well-wisher and as a friend that is praying and pulling for Bob. I know that you wish that you could do more, but Bob is a lucky man to have you for a friend...we all are. Thank you again, Deb
  5. Debaroo

    Welcome Back Ry

    Seeing the name Ry logged in at the bottom of the Index is a welcome sight . WELCOME HOME, RY, YOU HAVE BEEN SORELY MISSED!!! I hope that you regain your strength and that you and John get to relax a bit (kids and all) ! Take care, Deb
  6. Leslie, I am so sorry for your loss...it is not an easy thing, just let yourself feel whatever you feel. Try to remember that there is no wrong or right way to morn...only your way. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  7. I don't understand...There are no words...I can only offer prayers for you, Curtis, and for your and Beckys beautiful little girl...I am so sorry that this is all that I can do ...Deb
  8. Debaroo

    Judy B has passed

    I can't. this is too much.
  9. Dee, I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like your dear grandmother had a wonderful sendoff, though. Being surrounded by those that love you most, it is a wonderful thing. I hope that you find comfort in that, in days to come, and I hope that the memories that you have of her serve as a comfort to you, in time. Please take care, and stay on here, if you can or are up to it. take care, deb
  10. Oh, Stephanie, I am so sorry that things have gotten to this point. But as others have said, hospice is used to help build up a person, too. I hope and pray that this is the case for your mother. If you can, please tell JudyB that Debaroo is praying really hard, and pulling for her. (((((((((((((((JUDY))))))))))))))) Deb
  11. Debaroo


    Rick, thank you for including my post about my dad...the tribute was so moving. If you could include the picture of my dad that I sent for the tote, that would be great. You do such beautiful work, Rick, you can see how much your heart is in it, and I cannot express my gratitude enough. Take care, Deb
  12. Debaroo

    Lucie's Trip

    Don, you and Lucie are such an inspiration!!! I am so glad that Lucie was able to venture out and enjoy herself! As for your catagorizing your weekend as "classified"....interesting, very interesting...you know, you leave alot to the imagination, and with this somewhat raunchy bunch, that could be more dangerous than if you were to 'de-classify' your weekend. You certainly do add an heir of mystery to your otherwise 'mild mannerd shoe-shine boy' personna . Now when you introduce yourself to the newcommers you have GOT to change your log in name to the more Bond-like introduction as being: "Wood...Don Wood" . Just something to think about...Take care, and give Lucie my love. Deb
  13. Debaroo

    can't log in

    I wasn't sure what you meant by cachet, but I cleared the history on my computer, it didn't work right away, but it seems to be working now...I'm back!!!! Thank you, again, Rick
  14. Very good, very good, it sure does 'splain alot! ...You know what I realized the other day, in conversation with a girl friend of mine (we were talking about our husbands ) I realized that whenever we tell one another what our husbands said, the voice we use sounds EXACTLY like Patrick from Spongebob! It just made me crack up, whenever we are referring to something that our husbands say-it naturally comes out that way-like Patrick, or the sheepdog from Bugs Bunny, you remember, the one that is following Bugs rabbit tracks, then they end at the train tracks and when Bugs (disgused as a fox) asks the dog what kind of tracks he's following the dog says "DUH, train tracks" and then Bugs says, "so what does that mean you are looking for" and the dog says "DUH, A TRAIN!!!" Then the dog gets hit by the train and is holding the front of it yelling "I GOT IT, I GOT IT, DUH, I CAUGHT THE TRAIN"... Anyway, thank you, Becky, for the explaination-UH, I mean, the JOKE-yeah, yeah, thats the ticket, the JOKE...Good one. Take care, Deb
  15. Debaroo

    good scan

    GO EILEEN, GO EILEEN-GO-GO-GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great news! Deb
  16. Debaroo

    Another Good Scan

    Dave, I was having a tough day today, just thinking about Daddy alot and feeling blue and weepy. THEN I saw this wonderful post by Survivor, with a beautiful picture of a gentleman playing golf, then I read on and let me just say- you made my day!!! I am so glad for you, I think you and your Dr. should keep up the good work, and I'll continue my prayers and warm wishes for you. Take care, SURVIVOR!!!!!!!!! Deb
  17. "Thank you God for a hundred things- for the flowers that bloom and the birds that sing- for the sun that shines and the rain that drops- for ice cream, rasins and lollypops." After they sing that song they all hold their hands up and say "HURRAY, HURRAY, GOD MADE A NEW DAY!" It is so sweet, and it always reminds me to pay attention to the little things that make life so special. Take care, Deb
  18. Karen, I don't know if you remember, but my dad had Gamma Knife in Jan 2002, he had three tumors and all three were treated with the gamma knife. The nerosurgeon said that he has treated up to as many as 5 tumors with gamma knife, and that the size can't be more than 4cm, but that the tumors could be shrunk with radiation first, than the gamma knife could be done. The nerosurgeon also said that where in the brain the tumor is dosn't matter, but size, number of tumors and shape are factors to determine whether GK is possible. I hope that this was of help to you. My dads tumors were 3cm, 2cm and almost 1cm at the time of his first MRI, and when the MRI was done on the day of the GK, they hadn't grown, which was really good news. If you want me to check back to my orig. post last year when Dads brain mets were found, I will do that and let you know where in the archive they are, it might be more informative, since it has been over a year since it happened. If there is any info. I could help you with, please let me know, and I will do my best to be of help to you. In the meantime, try not to get too far ahead of yourself and let us know what is going on. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Deb
  19. Ry, please take care of yourself!!! I know, I know, easier said than done when you're a mom and wife, and then we all count on you so much here, but please rest as much as you can! Bob, We miss you here, and are looking forward to your return. You are in ALOT of peoples thoughts and prayers. Take care, BOTH OF YOU!!!! Deb
  20. But is there a way to make my picture a bit bigger? Just wondering. If not, no biggie-and THANK YOU, again, so much for putting it on the board for me!! Take care, Deb
  21. I am going to stick with Helious for now, but I like the Quiddish (sp?), as well...but the brightness of the Helious is nice, I'll use Quiddish when I am burning insence and listening to new age music . Thank you for all that you do...I can't thank you enough. Take care, Deb
  22. Andrea, I am so sorry that the Iressa wasn't the answer for you mom, I am so sorry that my words are not enough to heal the pain that you and your family are going through. Please know that you and your mother and family are in my thoughts and prayers. This disease is so distructive...but it cannot destroy the love between you and your mom. As the others have said before me, if you need anything-I am here, we are here. Deb
  23. Oh, Deanna, I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do, please pm me. I just don't know what to say...I'm here, and nearby, if you need someone to talk to. Please feel free to do so. I will PM you my phone number, and use it whenever you need, or want to. Deb
  24. Peg, I am so glad that you and Bill found another oncologist that is pro-active. I am praying that the new plan of action works. Please take care, and you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  25. Stephanie, I have been wondering how our JudyB is doing. Please send her my love, and tell her that she is greatly missed here. She is in my thoughts and prayers, always. Take care,Deb
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