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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. TAnn, keep your chin up. Prayers going out that Iressa knocks out the tumors.
  2. Jane, I'm so sorry the news about your brother is not good. You'll be in my prayers.
  3. Clean scan? Great! Hope they find you "empty-headed" as well .
  4. Tess, I'm afraid I don't have any good answers. Procrit is for red cells only, I think. Neupogen (sp?) is available for low white blood cells. Radiation does continue to give side effects for awhile, according to my mom's dr. What does your husband's dr. say? Has he prescribed anti-nausea meds? They work better if taken before they are truly needed. I pray Rob will feel better soon.
  5. So sorry to hear Chris has passed. Please accept my condolences. May God comfort you in the days ahead.
  6. Karen, hurry home to good health!
  7. Connie, I think we'd all agree on a medication forum . But how about a "Coffee Shop" forum for all the stuff unrelated to cancer? This is such an important site for so many of us, sometimes it's nice to share something out of the LC mold which won't quite go in "humor". Like recipes, take-out, general chit-chat.
  8. Cindy, glad to hear you're holding your own. For the computer - small independent shops can sometimes fix problems cheap. If you're running WinXP, try a system restore (pick a date before you had problems). If not, do you have a system restore cd? You'll lose all data, but it sometimes works. I'm in charge of the care/feeding of a small network (5 pc's and an NT server) and 3 pc's at home, and have no formal training, so I know what it's like to try to "just make the darn thing work". Email me if you want more free advice - worth every penny .
  9. Jane, I grew up in a blue haze, too. I think it's hard to isolate facts on the children of heavy smokers because many of them become smokers, also.
  10. Too weird...too weird for me! (Favorite saying in our house). Glad to hear the good news, though
  11. Peggy, I'm so sorry your dad is struggling right now. My grandmother died of Alzheimer's, and believe me, it's not a better way. The confusion can cause a lot of anger and other behavior which is hard for the family to handle. My grandmother used to accuse me of stealing things from her, and accuse my mother of abandoning her. It's horrible to see a family member agitated and angry and be unable to explain that things are really ok. It was very hard on my mother. I know it must be hard to see your dad's spirit fighting in a wreck of a body, but he's still really there. My grandmother was lost to us long before she died. Losing one's mind does not mean being happy during the process. I pray you and your dad will find meaning and some good memories in the days ahead. BTW, I love the pictures you post. You must have a beautiful place.
  12. Welcome, Mary! May your bumps and potholes remain small.
  13. So sorry to hear you have lost your mom. May God comfort you during this difficult time.
  14. Jane and Chick, so glad to hear the good news! Congrats and enjoy!
  15. I'm sory the pain is back. I second the idea for the pain clinic. Praying you feel better soon.
  16. Berisa, I'm sorry to read your father has passed. You have worked so hard to get the very best for him, and I'm sure he is proud of you. I deeply admire the care and grace you have shown over this difficult journey. May God bless and comfort you.
  17. Pam - I don't have much to offer, but I'll keep you and your mom in my prayers. Take care of yourself.
  18. Welcome, Bruce! Nobody chooses this journey, but the traveling companions here are great. Hope all goes well for you.
  19. I finally got to this post after reading your older ones...but worth the wait! EEEE-HAAA!!! So happy for you!
  20. Glad to hear things are moving along well! Hope GVAX is a success for you.
  21. MO, you deserve it, and everyone around you must know it. Smiles, thanks, snacks and drinks will repay their kindness. Enjoy!
  22. Oh, Shellie...what a nightmare! Gee, with all the cancer you've seen lately, why would cancer be a concern ? I don't think you could possibly see your husband ill without thinking "C"-type problems. Prayers going out for you , your husband, and your dad.
  23. gerbil runner


    I'm so sorry your pain is still there. Prayers going out for relief. Anyone used hypnosis, accupuncture, accupressure, anything?!?!
  24. Statistics don't tell anyone how a specific individual will fare. Don't worry about what caused the cancer - focus on how to help your mom get better. Quitting smoking will help, but it's a huge struggle for many. Your mom may benefit from antidepressants to help her quit. There is hope for remission and disease-free time, sometimes for many years. Please let us know how things go.
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