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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Update on me

    Peggy, You are wonderful. You always know what to say to people. You are loved and we are thankful for your.
  2. My mom had gemzar/carbo. The first round was fine; second round started to get side effects and it got progressively "worse" (but not so bad she said) and then she was done I do recall that the side effects took a couple of days to kick in, it was kind of weird, like the 4th day or so is when it hit.
  3. LOL Katie, not sure if you saw my post in the General Forum, but I give the SAME answer as you and we didn't even coordinate I also go on like you and maybe give tooo much info, I say "and did you know that lung cancer kills more women each year than breast, colon and ovarian combined? it is so underfunded." Anyway, as for a deceased person, someone close to us lost her husband from lung cancer last year (he passed 4 weeks after diagnosis), and I was asked a couple of times if he smoked. In that case I say "yes, but that does not mean he deserved to die. And did you know 50% diagnosed have never smoked or quit decades ago, so it doesn't really matter. Lung cancer kills more women each year than breast, colon, and ovarian combined. It really n eeds more funding"
  4. I am taking it is a sign It was just really funny. I lost a few pounds so some of my clothing looks a little bigger, but when someone is chubby all over, not right to ask if they are pregnant
  5. Andrea

    Good News!

    Wonderful news
  6. I say about my mom "Yes,but she quit over 25 years ago, however it does not matter. Most people don't realize, but about 50% of those diagnosed either never smoked or quit many many years ago" This way I educate them to something they didn't know
  7. Not a lung cancer survivor myself, but wanted to jump in a bit...... Snowflake, I am sorry you had such a bad week I do agree with you 100% on the issue of ribbons. All cancers need funding. Lung is definately underfunded, but when it is your loved one who dies of a different beast, that is what you support. I personally just purchased some breast cancer bracelets for two friends whose moms got diagnosed this week and last. I couldn't see giving them a lung cancer bracelet And as for stigmas, I don't always get offended when one asks if my mom smoked b/c 2 1/2 years ago, I would have asked the same question. Just like if someone dies from a heart attack, I wonder if they were chubby kind of thing. And as for gripes from a LC Survivor, my mom hates now when people sweat the small stuff b/c the small stuff does not matter. It is a pet peeve now.
  8. I figured I could post this here, since it is a forum for laughs! There was an elderly very large lady in the restroom on the floor at work (larger than me) who just asked me when I was due!!!!!!!!!! I SHOULD have said "no, just chubby"; instead I mumbled "big shirt I guess" and left. I am terrible at immediate come backs
  9. Andrea

    Too much pain

    Sending love and prayers
  10. My mom had a different chemo cocktail, but the biggest advice she always says to give it so stay hydrated. Chemo dehydrates you and she sometimes had to get some IV hydration drips. Also, in the beginning she felt ok, then it got worse, but just when it was at the worst, she was all done.
  11. I understand those emotions well. I remember when my mom was first diagnosed feeling so empty and getting annoyed just seeing people walking down the streets with smiles on their faces. It was like how can anyone smile????? As for scanning, I forgot how many roudns my mom had, either 4 or 5 over a few months b/c each round was 3 weeks. THey scanned her after 2 or 3 to see if there was shrinkage
  12. Andrea

    Too much pain

    Carleen, I wish I had answers for you. Your pain is just something no one should ever go through. Also your body is ramped up on hormones, so that is adding even extra stress on your body. Sending my love. I wish I could do something (I know you have heard that so many times and are probably sick of that line too). Try to take care of yourself.
  13. Too much loss for one to bear Carleen you are in my thoughts all the time.
  14. Tina, just wanted to say that I love the pics of your girls!
  15. Dr. Barth's PA just called me, she got the CD of my film, went over it with their own radiologist, it is just a lipoma as the report says, nothing to worry about it, but in the future it could cause me problems b/c it is on the bowel and very large. I just told the PA that if I have a daugther, she needs to take after her (the PA is one year younger than me). It was incredibly kind to get back to me on Fri before the weekend. Also kind of them to even do this for me. I guess my dad's constant bringing food to them pays off Just kidding
  16. Carleen, I am so sorry. I am at a loss for words, this is so unfair. You are such a sweet soul. I will be saying prayers for peace and asking others to do the same.
  17. Hope it is an easy recovery for him!
  18. Thanks Peggy. You always know what to say. I was kind of embarassed to send it to Dr. Barth's office. Ironically I took my mom there yest for her pre-visit blood work and the physician assistant joked around that she has not heard from us lately, no crisies I told her today I jinxed myself by saying all was fine yesterday They are really nice about it, so it makes me feel beter and really what I have "bothered" them with weren't "imaginary" symptoms, it was just what stupid scans show. It juse seems silly that I am having one of the most respected oncologists in California "waste" his precious time on me.
  19. I think about you both every day too, as do a lot of my friends who I told your story to. You are such a wonderful person. I know that we can't do anything to take away your pain, but know that we all love you.
  20. I CANNOT complain b/c so far my scares have all turn out ok, but I am tired of the scares. It seems when I go in for one test, I always seem to come out with something else. By way of fast example: years ago had abdominal CT scan for stones, came out with lung infiltrate which led to 6 months of chest ct-scans; recently went in for back tingling came out with swollen lymph nodes on MRI; go in for blood work for metabolic syndrome, come out with high calcium and then had a cancer blood test; etc, etc. Ok, so I went to the ER today due to bad back pain. I thought it was a bad muscle strain till I had blood in my urine. Had a CT scan and two small stones, who cares, they just hurt, not serious. ER does not mention anything else, I call hospital and get report faxed to myself. It reads (in pertinent part): "There is a 4cm fat density mass in the region of the hepatic flexure which appears to be intrinsic to the colon suggesting a lipoma". I know it sounds like nothing, lipomas are not malignant, and it probably is nothing, but doing some med mal work and knowing what I know, "suggesting" makes me wonder; and my boss agrees from her med mal experience, a "mass" should be reviewed. So I called my mom's oncologist's office (they are so good to me), they are ordering the CD of the scan from the hospital, and on Monday when Dr. Barth does his radiology review board, he will look at my films to make sure it is ok. Is there ever a dull moment?
  21. Karen, I have been such an awful person, I have not kept in touch with you like I wanted to. No excuse for it, sometimes I just don't know where the months ago. I dont have any children experience, but I would think Faith would have more issues. My understanding in researching adoptions are that the children can have abandonment feelings at an early age and then dealing with a death, it is more than any little girl should have to handle. I admire your strength, you are doing a great job
  22. Woohoo, I have 5 orders to go out! Thanks! I am giong to Post Office tomrorow, I had to be somewhere earlier than they opened today. Keep those orders coming
  23. Oh Carleen, it is so unfair There are no words for something like this
  24. Bumping since I have 3 orders and am going to post office tomrorow, figured maybe I'd get another
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