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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Hi Denise, You go girl Below are links to two petitions I found on line. http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/invol ... tition.php http://www.womenagainstlungcancer.org/p ... /index.cfm
  2. Andrea

    Prayer Request

    A thousand prayers coming your way!
  3. Woohoo! Awesome news. Pour me a virgin strawberry daquiri!
  4. which means Happy New Year! Tonight is the start of the Jewish new year. May this new year be filled with love, peace and health for all of us.
  5. I am so sorry you had to find us, but welcome to the family. You will find a lot of daugthers and sons in the same boat as you. Look forward to hearing more from you!
  6. Andrea

    Fay 3000

    Way to go Fay! And way to go Don, I love the poem
  7. My mom got diagnosed in Nov 2003 and I went nuts b/c we are so close I did lots of internet research and found LCSC. I think getting involved with LCSC made me feel like at least I was doing something b/c this disease does not discriminate, you cannot predict the path, and it makes you feel helpless.
  8. Let me preface this by saying that growing up, I was SO star struck. I was in awe of the "Hollywood LA Life". That was part of the reason I moved to California from NY.......Then I had an internship at Universal Studios in the Business Legal part of the tv division, and met lots of celebs, and I am just way over it. So while my answer would have been different a few years ago, now my ansewr is............. Patrika Darbo from Days of Our Lives or Doris Roberts from Raymond because they are both adorable yet fluffy like me and my mom and I am curious where they shop as I am always seeking out new clothing stores of the fluffy variety. In NY we had more botique types of stores, but I ahve not found many here.
  9. I want some too! with ice cream of course
  10. I used to laugh all the time, I was known for uncontrollable laugther and turning red and not being able to breathe. Has not happened in a long time........ But on Fri night, my husband decided to imitate me. Now Brian is typically VERY quiet. At my wedding, my matron of honor said that what Brian says without words means more than what many people say. I am in love with our new hardwood floors in the bedroom (he is not as much of a hardwood fan) and I could not stop laughing as he was imitating things that I do. And to make matters worse, I had a big dinner and I felt so full and I was laughing and holding my t ummy
  11. Katie, Rick and Board of Directors--please feel free to delete my post if you feel it is not appropriate. My personal opinion is that first timers reading will see that people can be afflicted with this disease and still have some fun :)However, my personal opinion is pretty much moot because it is up to the Board of Directors what posts go where. That said, having been involved a bit behind the scenes, I was shocked to learn just how much work and effort and time Katie and Rick and others have to put into keeping this website running. Unfortunately, in the process, some people may not like how things are done. There is just no way to keep everyone happy. It is an impossibility I suggest that in the future, should anyone wish to voice an opinion on how the website should be run, or suggestions for new forums, etc,the appropriate path would be to PM Katie, Rick, or any Director. This avoids any debate or controversy on the website that may turn off newcomers. We all have a common goal here--lung cancer support!
  12. Ry--that is exactly what my mom said!!!!! I think that is the reason she has this overwhelming need to take me shopping before each procedure she has had over the past two years, she had to make sure I was dressed appropriate since she is the one with the taste. Heeheee
  13. Good question, w hen will it be ready. I send the proof back by Oct 5 and I believe production time is 40 days after that. So in the interim, I will set up paypal, get bank account, shipping boxes, so I will be all set!!
  14. I have the proof and it looks GREAT!!!!!!! My mom did an awesome job picking the font and style! For those who have done these types of books in the past (I never did, so it was a whole new world), you have a choice of different fonts and layouts. She told me I was NOT doing the discoutned (30 cents a book) format b/c it was ugly and not worth it. I am glad now b/c it looks pretty :)
  15. Curtis, Thank you for sharing. It was so good to see you post. I wish only the best for you and Katie! PS--Also glad to read about the new relationship
  16. I could relax easier as a child and not worry about each and every dr visit and each and every pain. I guess ignorance was bliss
  17. Heidi, I have been meaning to write to see how the pregnancy is going I am glad that it is going well. I know your fears and anxieties, mine have been out of control lately and it is just no fun and takes such a toll on you physically. Take care of yoruself!
  18. My mom had that exact combo and exact schedule. She tolerated it much better than she expected to. Her hair thinned, only lost 50%. She got the typical fatigue and nausea, but there are great meds out there to help with those effects. Fatigue was the biggest complaint. She always says her best advice is to stay hydrated even if you dont want to
  19. I had a nice childhood, I am fortunate to have amazing parents. I particularly recall all of our vacations to California. I was obsessed with Los Angeles. I loved visiting Beverly Hills, seeing the stars, etc. And my parents obliged me by taking me out here year after year (I grew up in NY).............And now that I live here and spent a year in Beverly Hills, I wanted to knock the tourists out of the way to do my business and the celebrities can be quite obnoxious Another great memory was in 1990 my parents bought me an Acura Integra and my dad surprised me by adding the "spoiler" to the rear which made it extra cool. He was still driving his 72 duster, but his kid was driving in luxury
  20. Dr offices who take forever to get back with test results. I really think Congress should pass a bill where same day immediate results must be available. Ah me and my little dream world
  21. I was being videotaped. I looked up and saw the camera. So I.....
  22. Ditto what Ry said Yellow pages; call attorneys you have heard of through work; if you have an atty for other purposes like tax, etc, call for a referral to an employment law atty; or go to the NY state bar website.
  23. Good luck on both!!!! I have two related stories to share that hopefully will help calm you down a bit. Altough telling you not to worry will be pot calling kettle black 1. Lung--I had a ct scan 3 years ago for kidney stones. It showed a lung infiltrate, so I was told to follow up. I freaked out, went to a pulmonologist, was told how common it was. I was followed with ct scans, it went away but showed up in other lung. Then both resolved, end of chest ct scans. So apparently it is common to have little spots show for no reason. 2. Boobs--I had my first mamogram 6 months ago, they saw something, was told 6 month follow up. My fertilty dr didn't like it, so I had a breast MRI in May which was clear, and my 6 month follow up this past Monday and it was clear. My close friend in NY also had her first one, a breast biopsy, and she was fine. I hope the same for you!
  24. "What about your wife? Am I really all yours? Is my dream coming true?". And he said......
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