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Everything posted by paddy

  1. My Dear Peggy, How strange that I should log in again on this particular morning only to hear this very sad news. Peggy, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your son. I will send a P.M. Love, Paddy
  2. Hi There All, Just wanted you to know that I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers although I haven't had time to post lately. I sold my house and now I am madly packing.I am finding it very hard doing it on my own.I think I am going to be taking up some offers of help from my neighbours soon! I will be leaving the house on the 12th and will be off to MI in a few days after that. I must say this is a terribly emotional time and I feel as if I am leaving the life I lived with David behind. So much of our stuff has had to be sold or given away and everytime something goes I feel very sad. The other day some friends came and chopped up Dave's beautiful model railroad into small pieces, ( so that it could fit into a dumpster,) I could'nt even bear to watch. Today I tore up the manuscript of his last book,and threw away the photos, it all seems such a darned waste. Well I must go and get busy again. I will let you know when I get settled in Michigan. Watch out Mr and Mrs Ry, I am on my way! Love to you all, Paddy
  3. Good to see you are back in the States and on the site again. Paddy
  4. So glad to hear this good news! Paddy
  5. Oh No Sharon! I am going to miss your posts so much. I have felt like you do at times and sometimes became very depressed but now I am back again. Perhaps you will keep in touch with some members of the board or check in sometime to let us know how you are doing. In the mean time I wish you all the best and it was so nice having you in my life, even in such awful circumstances. Love, Paddy
  6. paddy

    A wee favor...

    "An Imposition!" No way! Prayers for Nathanial and all the family and positive vibes too. Paddy
  7. What a dear little thing and a terrific name too. Paddy
  8. Great News Cindy! I am going to ask my doc to find me some of "that there stuff" when I have my colonscopy. I don't want to know a thing about it until it's over! Paddy
  9. Well done Marion, what courage you all have! My admiration goes out to you as well as my prayers!Paddy
  10. Lets hope the radiation does the trick for your Mom. Just Zap "them things"! Love Paddy
  11. paddy

    Quick update

    Dear Friend Peggy, You know you and your family are alwaysin my prayers! Paddy
  12. Glad it wasn't more serious Fay. Hope you will be feeling a lot better soon. Love Paddy
  13. paddy


    Hi Sandy, Yes, I agree with all the others. Get to another onc. as soon as you possibly can. The oncologist you Dad is going to now should be ashamed of himself! Paddy
  14. Congratulations Beth, keep fighting. Lifting a glass, albeit "adams ale" to you. Paddy
  15. Welcome Michael, Sorry you had to come to this site but glad to meet you. There are so many young people here that you will be able to talk to whenever you feel the need. Most will know just what you are going through. Best of luck with your treatments. Paddy
  16. I second Pat and Brian's post. I wouldn't wait until Monday. Paddy
  17. paddy

    Asking for prayers

    Prayers for your son coming your way Don. Will be sending positive vibes. Paddy
  18. Whoops! Sorry Karen, I think I called you "Kathy" in my post . I am going nuts I think, dashing about getting ready to sell my house and move. Please forgive me. Paddy
  19. So very sorry Shellie. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Paddy
  20. I hope you will soon be feeling much better again Frank. Paddy
  21. I am so very sorry to hear this sad news Randi. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Paddy
  22. paddy

    Good Luck Ginny!

    I just wanted to wish you Ginny Good Luck with her move on Thursday. I will be thinking of you! I hope you and your family will be very happy in your new home Ginny. You have been an inspiration to me and I am sure many on this board. Thank you for all your hard work as a moderator. Love, Paddy
  23. Pat, Gail, Don M, Sue,Peggy, Nina,Maryanne,Curtis, Ry,Cyndy,and Ginny, you Guys are Terrific! Thank you so much for your kind words and positive support.I was going to try to reply to you all seperately, but I just don't have the time at the moment. Suffice to say that each one of your posts is appreciated more than you know. I think David did know I would head to MI if anything happened to him, but I had a moment of panic thinking he might not "know where to find me". I feel much better about that now. Can you believe it, the two families that came around to look at the house yesterday are both making offers tonight! Whew, I didn't expect that so soon! Now I have to have a garage sale, phone the movers, book a flight for me and my dog and pack,pack pack! I must say I really am looking forward to being around my family again, especially those two little one's. Thank you all once again. I will keep in touch. Paddy
  24. Hello All, I'm sorry I have not been too attentive to the board lately but I have been so busy doing all the things one has to do before putting one's house on the market. My house looks so good now that I hate to leave it. I have "taken the plunge" however and I had my first prospective buyer in this afternoon. I really am quite emotional over this, I still feel as if I am "selling the memories" of part of my life with David. Do you think he will know where I have moved to?! I actually started weeping while signing all the "dislclosure" forms yesterday - felt a bit of a "prune"! I thought long and hard about it and decided that if I stayed in California I would have to move into an apartment anyway so I might just as well "go the whole hog" and move to Clarkston, MI to be close to my daughter "Karen" (who is also a member of the board,)and her family. I don't enjoy the hot weather here in CA so I hope I will find the Michigan climate more to my liking?! My Grandson Scotty,(who will be five years old tomorrow,) said something very sweet when Karen told him that I might be coming to live in Clarkston. He informed her that I "had" to live with them. When Karen said that she thought I would prefer to have a place of my own, he replied, "No Mommy, Grandma must come to live with us , she needs a lot of love now because Grandpa isn't here anymore"! Wasn't that sweet, I must say I am looking forward to those special hugs! Well my friends, wish me luck, I really need some moral support here. I am trembling in my boots! Love to you all, Paddy
  25. paddy

    Update on us

    Peggy Dear, I am so sorry to have missed this post. I have been so busy, "sorting," "selling" and "trashing", that it is sometimes days before I my visits to the board. I do hope the "Tarceva" is working well and that you will be able to affirm this soon. I also hope that your son will soon be feeling much better and will be able to eat normally soon. Hang in there Peggy! Much Love,Paddy
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