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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Catlover3, Hi, and welcome! Like Betty said, things may be a little slow over the holiday weekend, but there are people who will chime in, and you WILL hear about survivors. My brother, DavidC, was diagnosed with SCLC in March 2003. He finished treatment and was free of disease for about a year, and is now fighting a metastasis to the bones in his sinus cavity. We're looking for him to be cancer-free again soon. You can do this. You'll hear of several here who have beat those nasty odds. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, and will come back to give and get support. This is a great group of people who will really be there for you. BeckyCW (also a cat lover)
  2. BeckyCW

    Sad News

    Don, I'm so sorry to hear this news about Lucie. I'm glad you were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with those you love, but sorry this shadow had to be cast over it. My prayers are with you both, and I hope this is just a bump in the road, and that NED will be moving into your house soon to stay. BeckyCW
  3. Eileen, Happy Thanksgiving, and the same wishes for you! (and all of us!) BeckyCW
  4. Melinda, I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you, too, and saying a prayer. Is Aunt Mae your mom's aunt, and if so are they very close? I'm hoping your mom needs you because she's losing someone dear to her, and not because of health problems of her own. (One can hope!) I know you must be very frightened, and my thoughts are with you. "Happy Thanksgiving" doesn't seem to be an appropriate signature here, but I do hope your trip brings you and your mom and your great aunt some happiness, and that you can make some good memories for whatever lies ahead. BeckyCW
  5. Teecake, I'm sorry you're having a bad time, and just wanted to say I'm thinking about you and all of Terry's family this Thanksgiving. As he always said, Praying for us all, BeckyCW
  6. Karen, you won't be surprised by my response: What the heck took you so long?! I'm glad you're going to see the therapist. Also, the words "weak" and "depressed" don't belong in the same sentence, in my book... one has nothing to do with the other! Especially when you have the strength to take charge of the situation by getting what you need. I would say that if my husband had been diagnosed with cancer, I'd probably have gone to a therapist the same week. But as Elaine accurately pointed out, none of us knows what we'd do in a situation like this unless it happens to us. So what I will say is that I think you're doing the right thing, and that getting help in this way is IN NO WAY a sign of weakness. It's just smart. (And by the way, I've been to see MY therapist a few times since his diagnosis.) You know that I love my brother, and you also know that I love you, and I'm glad you're doing this to take care of yourself. Also glad you have a safe place here to talk to and hear from others who are in more of the same situation. Wish I could be there for Thanksgiving. Cyber hugs instead, to all of you. Love, BeckyCW
  7. Gail, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I feel for you, too, with having your college kid come home to this tonight, as I'm sure that will be a bittersweet homecoming. Even problem-child cats are hard to lose. Thinking of you, BeckyCW
  8. TeeTaa, I love the bird named Dean and what you wrote about him! The bird is beautiful, and it should be honored, indeed. BeckyCW
  9. Dean, what a huge milestone, the mark of a major accomplishment (clean and sober for 25 years!!!). Overcoming such a difficult challenge, well, that alone is more than most people achieve in a lifetime. You have earned the right to be very proud, although I know you are a humble man. It makes me feel good to know you're enjoying this day. Congratulations, and hugs to you and Gay, BeckyCW
  10. I'd be willing to bet that beeswax candles with plain cotton wicks would be fine. They don't really have a "scent," but I think they smell good -- they make me think of the bees and their natural work when I burn them. Beeswax candles can be expensive in stores, but you can buy sheets of beeswax (the honeycomb-textured ones) and roll them yourself in about 2 minutes -- and then when you burn the candles you have the added joy of knowing you "made" them yourself. Neither the wax nor the wicks are expensive, either. Lighting a candle is a symbol that makes my prayers feel more meaningful, too. BeckyCW
  11. Good point, there, Curtis. I'll try to get a little more creative in a different way. BeckyCW
  12. Thanks, Hebbie! So the ones you REALLY have to stay away from are those with the lead wicks... and to be safe, I'm going to forget anything that's not clearly just a cotton wick. And I guess those scented candles I like so much are not good, either. @#&*()@$~! Oh well, I do have some beeswax candles I rolled myself, using cotton wicks. They'll do just fine! Thanks again for the info. BeckyCW
  13. Sometimes you can't win for losing! Hope you found some peace and quiet to write. BeckyCW (who lives in a small house and can only write when her husband is gone!)
  14. Wow, very interesting! Does anyone have any info about burning candles at home? I seem to remember the bad kind (for your lungs) has a wire (?) wick, and the better ones have cotton wicks. Can anybody confirm that, or elaborate? I love candles at home... BeckyCW
  15. Hey, y'll... Can I just say how HAPPY I am that David's HOME?!?!?! Karen called me a little while ago and I just couldn't believe it. I'm thrilled -- I can only imagine how happy THEY are! (And no, I'm not talking about the nurses being happy to see him leave - ) Happy dancin' in sunny Southern California, BeckyCW
  16. David, I'd hug you through cyberspace, but I don't want to hit any of those tubes by mistake. I'm sure it's not exactly a piece of cake, but I'm so glad to know you're doing this good! Karen, thanks for the update, and for keeping the old curmudgeon in line -- or trying, at least! (He did turn 40 this year, y'all.) Both of you, blow Faith some kisses from Aunt Becky! I hope you've got that squirrel thing on tape. Love, BeckyCW
  17. Great news! So THAT was the little puff of wind I felt down here in So. California today -- your sighs of relief! Happy Thanksgiving, indeed! BeckyCW
  18. WOW -- This IS amazing. I hope the treatments in this article finish their testing with flying colors and get out there for folks to use SOON! BeckyCW
  19. Don & Lucie, Thanks for the good update. I'm thankful for YOU and hope you both have a wonderful Thanksgiving together. BeckyCW
  20. Sharlene, this is such great news! Now we all have one more big thing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! BeckyCW
  21. jjoan, please be assured NO ONE here would think you are crazy! I have no answers to your questions, just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry for what you're going through and that you lost your mom this year. I know the holidays will be hard, and am glad to hear you're thinking of counseling. I just wanted to let you know I care. BeckyCW
  22. I'll chime in a couple of things here. But first I have to thank the other Beckster for the farting comment -- That was priceless and I plan to use it (in the nicest way, of course). First, I can't even wrap my head around "the cause" for cancer, as a concept. To me, it seems like cancer is really so many very different diseases. Lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, blood cancer (leukemia), etc. We know certain things cause an increased risk of different types of cancer, and some treatments work for some cancers and not for others. Surely there are some common causes and some that are more particular to each type of cancer. Also, from what I understand, researchers are learning more and more in genetics about why some people get cancer and some don't. For instance, I learned in my previous job that there is a type of childhood cancer that needs a particular set of genes to be switched on or off a certain way. If a child is born with 3 of the 4 of those already set, so to speak, then it only takes one more "malfunction" to set off that last one, and the child will have that type of cancer. (I'm way oversimplifying, I know, but that's the gist of it.) So I wouldn't be surprised to hear that there are things about each individual's body makeup (in ADDITION to lifestyle and environmental aspects) that will make his or her risk for getting certain types of cancer more or less likely. This would explain why some people can smoke for 70 years and never have a problem with their lungs, and others can never even touch a tobacco product and get lung cancer. That wouldn't mean that cancer is "predetermined," just that some individuals are more at risk than others. All I know is that most of us do engage in some behaviors that we know will put us more at risk for cancer and other diseases -- whether it's smoking, not exercising, not getting enough fruits and vegetables, etc. I've never touched a cigarette, but you won't hear me brag about that, at least while I'm still addicted to chocolate and not exercising enough! BeckyCW
  23. Addie, yes, my folks are still with them. They've been living on David's property in their big (I mean big!) RV since late August, and they are a big help especially with Faith. My mom (Faith would say "MY GrandMom!") left me a phone message awhile ago to say she and my dad had visited with David awhile this afternoon and that he was "his old self" and doing good. So I'm guessing they have his pain at least relatively under control. I sure hope! I know he'll be glad to get home, but it'll be a few more days. BeckyCW
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