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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Curtis, this is quite a testament to Dr. Becky and the impression she made on so many people. Thank you for sharing it with us. I agree that the letter should be framed and kept for Katie (and you). What a great tribute this is! I'm glad you can go to the ceremony. (I'm sure you wouldn't miss it for the world.) BeckyCW
  2. Elaine, thanks for the great info. For those who haven't heard it , here's my childhood cancer schpiel... (from a former job): In the 1950's almost every type of childhood cancer was virtually fatal. By now, over 75% of kids with cancer survive. The difference? More kids (infants, children, teens & young adults) than not are treated on clinical trials. Because of the high percentage of patients on these trials, research has made that much progress. By contrast, the last I heard, about 2% of all adults with cancer are on clinical trials. I know that it's not appropriate or desireable for all (or even most) adults to be on clinical trials, and there are lots of factors that come into play in that decision. But it's great that insurance costs don't always have to be one of those factors! Back to kids for a minute: The most common childhood cancer, by far, is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) -- and that's also the cancer that is most often survived now -- over 85% for some specific diagnoses. Why? Primarily because so many kids with ALL have been in clinical trials over the last few decades. Sadly, kids with the more rare types of childhood cancer, and especially brain tumors, have a much lower survival rate. (I only say this because it (understandably) irritates those parents no end to see this "77% survival rate" thrown out there, when they know THEIR child's prognosis is much different, and the overall rate is skewed by ALL.) Anyway, it strikes me that there are probably thousands of times the number of people with lung cancer as childhood cancers (all put together), and the potential for progress from clinical trials should be huge. Anyway, great links, Elaine! I'm proud of my state. BeckyCW
  3. Sounds good! That's where my husband is from. Might be a good time to go visit the old stomping grounds, and stomp for a good cause! BeckyCW
  4. Wow -- amazingly creataive and fun to watch! BeckyCW
  5. How horrible that you're going through this AGAIN! I soooooo hope they figure out how to stop this soon (and KEEP it away), and I hope you're feeling better already today. BeckyCW
  6. Me, too, praying hard for something else to come up that will help you. Thinking positive thoughts. City of Hope is a great place, let's see what they come up with for you. BeckyCW
  7. I agree -- Love the new look. It's nice and clean. Thanks, Rick, you're an officer and a gentleman! BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW


    This is incredible news! I'm sooooooooo happy for you! Celebrations are definitely in order! BeckyCW
  9. BeckyCW


    Incredible news! WOOOO HOOOOO!!! I'm sooooooooo happy to hear this! BeckyCW
  10. Just came across this in one of my e-newsletters today & thought it might be of interest: http://www.rwjf.org/news/video/cigaretteMythsTV.jhtml Praying for us all, BeckyCW
  11. So now we pray for disintegrating peas and NO lima beans or Brussels sprouts! (and the continued safety of the cat) BeckyCW
  12. David, I hope the cat has learned not to sit on your lap anymore! Glad to see you're not considering the dogs, yet. Am thinking about you and praying constantly. Love, Becky
  13. Tomorrow is David's appointment, and I'm shamelessly bumping this up to remind everyone to please keep praying for the best news. David has been Pea Brain long enough. Time for a new name, and Empty Head will work just fine! I'm sure he and Karen and Faith would like to welcome NED back to the family very soon. Thanks, everyone. Praying for us all, BeckyCW P.S. I hope the new avatar brings everyone a smile today.
  14. Shamelessly bumping this up and adding my prayers. David has so much to live for (see photo here, for one thing!), and it's time he and Karen had a break from medical problems! I pray the peas are not mets, and in fact that the peas are gone, and that we'll all hear shouts of joy tomorrow. (Beth, that goes for you, too, and your friend Mike.) BeckyCW
  15. Yes, wet.... very, very, very wet! I cancelled 2 appointments on Friday, not wanting to drive in it. I didn't relish the thought of driving over 30 miles (and back) on a freeway with others driving 70 miles an hour on a curvy, slick freeway -- especially when many of them have little experience driving in pouring rain! Anyway, we're okay in my neck of the woods -- just really wet! Actually, it was worse last week. One night I thought there must be a plane flying in circles over the house -- until I realized it was rain making that roar! BeckyCW
  16. Prayers from me, too. BeckyCW
  17. BeckyCW


    HOOORAAAY for NED! BeckyCW
  18. 1st try: 82%, 36 miles, 371 seconds. That was fun! I have a new goal in life...
  19. Leave it to my little brother to give the words "pea brain" a whole new meaning! Seriously, y'all... let's pray these peas are not mets, and that whatever they are, David is a permanent member of the Empty Head Club very soon, therefore truly finished with treatment! (His last chemo was this past Friday.) David, you know black-eyed peas are good luck on New Year's Day... Maybe they work all year and you should have them instead of split peas? (I'm not sure this could be found in any medical text, but...???) Praying for us all, and especially for David, Karen, Faith, my parents, ... BeckyCW
  20. I take the 5th, too. In fact, I'm rather proud that I've gained no more than one pound. As Scarlett O'Hara says (and I heartily agree), "Tomorrow is another day!" I'll hope to have better news to report by Feb. 1. BeckyCW
  21. KitKathi, Have a great New Year's Day, up in the frozen tundra! BeckyCW
  22. Thank you, Fay -- I second that! God bless us all, BeckyCW
  23. Rich, I'm really glad to hear you're doing well. Thanks for the new year's wishes, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and all of us. BeckyCW
  24. Berisa, I did not see your first post about this, but am so glad to hear that your mom's MRI did not find a serious problem! This will help you enter 2005 in better spirits, I'm sure! Thank you for sharing the good news. BeckyCW
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