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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Just had to chime in here and tell you I appreciate the chuckles from the photos, past and present! (I might have to disagree with my brother, though... These are hysterical, but I'm not sure they quite beat his "DavidC in drag" photos!) I'm involved in an event where people shave their heads to raise money for childhood cancer research, and I couldn't help sending your picture to my friend who runs that event, too. (They post "before and after" photos on the event's website, but this one was "special.") So you are spreading laughter everywhere, and we all need that! Hope all is going well with you. If you need a few hats to get you through the winter, I know someone who has a ton of them! BeckyCW
  2. Curtis, that was beautiful. I'm jealous of those who get the card with Katie's own handwriting, but glad you shared with the rest of us! BeckyCW
  3. Thank you, Ginny, for keeping us posted. I hope the love and support from all of us here can help in some small way during this awful time. BeckyCW
  4. Sharon, I'm so sorry. I just have no words. Please know your father and you and your family are all in my prayers. I'm just so sorry. BeckyCW
  5. Welcome home, Sandy. Keep us posted. I'm thinking of you. BeckyCW
  6. BeckyCW

    Still Clean

    Yes! "Clean" is such great news! Now you have more to celebrate this holiday season. Thanks for sharing your good news! BeckyCW
  7. Just adding my prayers, too. Keep us posted when you can, and I do hope you get some rest - Sounds like a lot on your plate! I hope the surgery on Wednesday is a tremendous success! BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW

    My Angel

    Elaine, I've been off the boards for a couple of days, and was so glad to see this! A human doctor, at last -- I'm celebrating with you! I hope all works out so that you never have to deal with people who don't care about you again. So glad your Angel doctor finally showed up! BeckyCW
  9. Cheryl, congratulations on being more of a survivor than ANYONE on reality TV. I hope you'll have those proteins that qualify you for the Epimmune trial, and that you'll have the best possible (complete!) response to that one, too. You're an inspiration. Go, Cheryl, go! BeckyCW
  10. Oh boy, I forgot! I'll send you some recipes early next week! Hope you get more from others, too! BeckyCW
  11. Angie, God is right (as always), you are a heck of a woman, but it seems a long way to go to prove a point. I'm so sorry you've gotten this news. You're in my thoughts and prayers. BeckyCW
  12. Angie, I wish the tears I'm crying now would do some good, but all the tears in the world can't make this any easier. I just wanted to say I'm praying for you and your dad. Don't give up. Believe and trust and keep going as best you can. Like Katie said, treasure each moment. I'm so sorry you and your father have to face this. BeckyCW
  13. Curtis, I was doing just fine until you mentioned picking out the angel that looks most like Becky. I know this will be a tough night for you, but am hoping that Katie and Alisa will make it also one with good memories. BeckyCW
  14. Thank you, Angie (she types through the tears)... That was beautiful. BeckyCW
  15. Hi, my name is BeckyCW, and I'm hiding. Seriously, I go up and down 2 pounds, and right now it's up. Rick, WOW! That's a lot of weight to lose in a short amount of time. Pretty incredible - congratulations on losing it and getting healthier. Andrea, I've got a family history of diabetes, too, and keep thinking that should motivate me to lose this weight. So far it's not working real well. With any luck (or hard work or dieting) I'll have a better report on Jan. 1st. BeckyCW
  16. Bo, I just read this thread and wanted to add something you might be interested in, if you haven't seen it already: http://cancerguide.org/median_not_msg.html This is an article I was given by the parent of a child with cancer, when she heard about my brother's diagnosis. She said, "I know you must be really worried about those horrid statistics, but you must read this." It really helped me and David and others I know. (Mind you, it took me 2 or 3 readings to really understand it, but it was worth it!) Bottom line, the author (a famous author) is talking about his 20 year survival of a type of cancer for which most would say "that's not possible." But he did. And he talks about interpreting the statistics in a way that is more positive -- AND realistic. Keep that positive attitude! BeckyCW
  17. BeckyCW


    Nina, A belated Happy 60th from me, too! My grandmother never said she was __ years old; she always said she was "going on __" (the next birthday)! So you are now "going on 61" and going strong! Congratulations! So glad you got to celebrate this milestone birthday in such a nice way, too. Like Ry said, invite us all next year! BeckyCW
  18. BeckyCW

    Sandy blew it!

    Sandy, here's hoping that the only way you "blew it" was to worry over something that turns out to be nothing... Awfully hard not to worry, and worry is such a tame word for it, I know. But I really do hope it's NOTHING. Weird angle, benign, whatever... just nothing! Praying for you, BeckyCW
  19. Karenl, Thanks for the info on Ian Gawler! I will check out his website. I appreciate it. BeckyCW
  20. Wow! I didn't MEAN to read the whole thing right now, but I couldn't stop! Thank you for posting this! BeckyCW
  21. J.C., I'm glad you found us and hope we can be of help to you and your mum. I hope you'll tell us sometime about the Ian Gawler centre; I'm probably not the only one who doesn't know about it or him. Sounds interesting, and I hope you have a good trip there and back. Welcome, and please come back often. BeckyCW
  22. Fay, I'm so sorry to hear this. Aunts are special people. BeckyCW
  23. Margaret, adding my prayers, too. Sorry to hear this, and I hope he's feeling much, much better and back home with you soon. BeckyCW
  24. Thank you for the report on Paddy. I think of her often. BeckyCW
  25. Don, thanks for this news! When I first heard, I thought to myself, "If only this would be like when we thought David had 2 brain tumors last summer, and it turned out to be 'only' the met in the bone in his sinus cavity!" Sounds like you got similar news, and I sure know what that feels like! Here's to Lucie's successful fight continuing! BeckyCW
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