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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. BeckyCW

    Number of posts

    Rick, I'm am convinced that you never sleep! Love the "number of posts" milestones, and love the new design, too. You're incredible! BeckyCW
  2. Peggy, Thanks so much for the update. Angie, we're thinking of you! BeckyCW
  3. Fay, I just saw this. Are you still waiting? This has got to be making you (and him!) crazy with worry. I'm so sorry. Please let us know as soon as you know anything more. Phillip is in my prayers, as are you. BeckyCW
  4. I'm so sorry you have to be here, but wanted to add my welcome to the crowd's. As for going to Mexico, I agree that the U.S. has the best hope of giving your mom the best treatment possible. If you have access to a research hospital (usually one affiliated with a university), please try to get a second opinion there. They're most likely to be up on all the latest research, even if they then refer you to someone more local for the actual treatment. As far as words of encouragement, the best thing might be for her to see how many people are here on this message board who have "beat the odds" and are living their lives. It's always difficult to hear "survival odds" but 1) the odds she was given are actually not so bad (better than the odds many have gotten, who are survivors!), and 2) Every patient either survives 100% or doesn't -- She just needs to convince herself she will be among those 35-40% who DOES. I am thinking of you and your mom and wishing you a New Year that will surprise you with GOOD things. BeckyCW
  5. Cheryl, I read this last night and couldn't even post anything, I was so devastated for you. But as others have said, YOU CAN DO THIS. Time to get those mets out of there and continue on the course you were headed for. If you weren't scared, I'd be worried about you! But you're one strong woman, and you have a passionate advocate in Jack, and we're all here holding your hand. I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers, and wish you all the very, very best. BeckyCW
  6. Wow -- Go, MaryAnn! Thanks for all you do to support so many. BeckyCW
  7. BeckyCW


    Curtis, the words to the song are very fitting. I hope you have a meaningful time at Trinity, and that your day will be full of more happiness at what you had than sadness over your tremendous loss. Easier said than done, no doubt. But I've always sensed how grateful you were for the relationship you shared with Becky. The church seems an appropriate place to spend some time today. I wish you peace, BeckyCW
  8. Anais, I'm so very sorry. You are right -- much too young to lose a mother. I wish you peace and happy memories to help you through the difficult days ahead. BeckyCW
  9. Postscript - I'm not removing my original 7/2005 post, but at last I'm updating: My little brother David left this world for the next on June 15, 2005. Apparently, Gabriel couldn't wait any longer for another great trumpet player (with a great sense of humor) to join the horn section in heaven. I miss him every day and I thank God that He gave us 40 years with him. Dave, you always did good. Becky Hi, my name is BeckyCW and I’m here because of my brother DavidC. While I think the world of all of you here, I would have preferred that he hadn’t given us reason to meet! One day in March 2003, I was home, packing to attend a meeting of the Children’s Oncology Group in Atlanta, when my sister called from Virginia to tell me David was in the hospital, and the doctors thought he had lung cancer. At the conference the next evening I was in the computer room researching lung cancer on the internet with tears rolling down my face, when a nurse friend took me aside, listened, and made me feel hope. Then a parent of a childhood cancer survivor led me to the Stephen Jaye Gould article about statistics, which made me understand intellectually that there is indeed hope. (http://cancerguide.org/median_not_msg.html ) Several oncologists also reminded me the statistics are based on treatments that are at least 5 years old, and while research isn’t as fast we’d like, they are learning more all the time. While I was in Atlanta, David’s diagnosis was confirmed (small cell lung cancer), so instead of flying home that weekend, I flew to Virginia. David had already started chemo, but was home and in good spirits. He’s always had a great outlook on life, and lung cancer wasn’t going to stop him. (It never will. He’s much stronger than it is!) A few months later, his scans showed NED – no evidence of disease. That was one of the roughest days of my entire career, but I practically laughed through it – David was NED, what else could really matter? (Cancer really puts things into perspective, huh?) Our parents came and lived at David’s house in their RV for about 7 months, to help out during treatment. He and Karen live in a beautiful place in the country, but there’s a lot to maintain, and they also had a 1 ½ year old – the best little girl ever to come out of China, who they’d brought home just 6 months before his diagnosis. You can usually see her smiling face on DavidC’s avatar – not that I’m crazy about her, or anything! I’ve tried to visit every 2 or 3 months; David thinks I’m coming to see him. (Silly, really!) By October, David’s treatment was finished and he & Karen & Faith began to get back to a normal life. In January of 2004, Karen called to ask me to post a message on LCSC about David; she had taken him to the emergency room, and they wanted to let everyone know he was fine, that it wasn’t cancer coming back. That was my first post to the message boards, although I had read a little here and there. David told me I should get involved with LCSC, myself. I had thought it was mostly for patients and their immediate families who would want this to be their own private space. He disavowed me of that notion and asked me to see if I would offer my help to this new nonprofit organization. I contacted Rick & Katie to volunteer, and soon found myself on the board, where I am proud to serve. I’ve spent my whole career (over 25 years) working for nonprofit organizations, doing fundraising and communications. I’ve worked for several programs for abused children, was director of membership for the Natural History Museum of LA County, worked (twice!) for the John Wayne Cancer Foundation, and spent the last 7 years as director of development for the National Childhood Cancer Foundation (now called CureSearch). In June 2004, I “retired” to start a consulting practice, a long-time dream. My work with LCSC is, and always will be, strictly as a volunteer and board member. (I’m not independently wealthy, so fortunately I have other paying clients. ) After a year of major changes (and major burn-out recovery), I’m gearing up to make 2005 a successful one for raising the funds LCSC needs to keep providing the best possible support to lung cancer patients and caregivers. I may be posting fewer messages, but will be working more behind-the-scenes, where I can be of better use. I’m so impressed by what Katie and Rick have done here, committing so much more of their own finances, time, energy and expertise than anyone probably can imagine. I’m not sure when they sleep, really. I’m older and need my sleep – but I’ll be doing the best I can. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help with fundraising (or friend-raising!), please don’t hesitate to contact me. There’s something almost everyone can do to help. In July 2004, David began fighting cancer again, this time a met to his sinus cavity, of all places. What can I say? He’s never been ordinary in the least. (Anyone remember the “David in Drag” fundraising escapade?) Treatment will be done in mid-January 2005, and it looks like the tumor is gone, thank God! This battle has been tough, but again, he’s tougher, and he is winning, of course. Our parents have been there helping out again for about 4 months, and will soon be taking their RV to a warmer clime. David & Karen are looking for a house closer to town, and we’re all looking forward to a healthy and happy New Year. I wish the same for everyone here.
  10. BeckyCW

    Truly Thank God

    Berisa, I'm so glad to know you are safe. I have a cousin working in Thailand, and a week or so ago he was in the area that was hit, but he had moved to the other side of the country and was safe, also. It's such a huge tragedy for so many people. Thank goodness you were not harmed! BeckyCW
  11. Oh, Shellie, how horrible! I am praying for the girl and her mom, and all those treating her to have great wisdom and skill to find a cure. Prayers for you, too. It's so hard to see a best friend suffer. BeckyCW
  12. Andrea, if anyone gets mad at you for posting this, I'll be mad at THEM! I do hope and pray that you find out what this is, and that it's nothing serious whatsoever. I'm very glad you're getting it checked out, and hope you get results very soon and can stop worrying about this. Please let us know as soon as you have some news! BeckyCW
  13. Dean, It's so good to hear from you, and I'm not at all surprised about you beating the odds. (Seems you've beat them before in other ways, so why stop now?!) I hope you and Gay had a wonderful Christmas and are looking ahead to many moments to cherish in 2005. BeckyCW
  14. Cathy, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your husband, but glad to know he was able to come home and go in peace,. My thoughts and prayers are with you. BeckyCW
  15. Curtis, Galled is a mild word, in my book. I'm beyond that! And they do this two days before Christmas, too? Merry Christmas, and by the way, you might be suspended? As if this Christmas wouldn't be difficult enough in other ways? I give some of these folks a D for "disclosure of expectations." Straight A's (with everything that's gone on!), and this? Makes no sense to me. Hang in there, Curtis. I hope that if you do take a break, it will be a welcome one and that it will be your choice, not theirs. BeckyCW
  16. Andrea, here's hoping your mom never needs anything to keep NED at her side forever! BeckyCW
  17. Beth, have you seen the Wizard of Oz lately? ("There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place...") I'm so glad you're home for the holidays... Now, stay there! I do hope things will calm down now, and that you can enjoy the holidays in much better health. Thinking of you, praying for you, wishing you a Merry Christmas! BeckyCW
  18. Fay, this sounds scary and I hope it ends up being NOT scary at all... And I hope you know something before Christmas. That would be a really nice gift... to know Phillip is okay. You're both in my thoughts & prayers, BeckyCW
  19. Yes, Dean & Gay, I'm thinking of you, too, and wishing you a Christmas with many, many of those moments that take your breath away -- and good memories to make. BeckyCW
  20. I am so happy to hear this, too! Everyone likes to share good news -- If your own news is not so good, sometimes you need a reminder that good news is still out there and that there is, indeed, hope. Thank you for sharing, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! BeckyCW
  21. BeckyCW

    Round 3

    Betty, I've been off the computer for most of the past week, and was so very sorry to learn about this today. I just can't believe it. BUT you've kicked cancer butt before, and I expect you will do it again. Sure hope you can manage to have a nice Christmas in spite of this, and that your biggest gift will be for NED to move back in, in early 2005! BeckyCW
  22. Aunt Becky is shamelessly bouncing this one back to the top, too, to say Ho Ho Ho to all of you on this day before Christmas Eve! BeckyCW
  23. BeckyCW

    Daddy's Funeral

    Sharon, I haven't been on the computer much this last week, and just now read this. Your tribute to your father is just beautiful, and I'm glad you shared it with us. It sounds like he led a loving and remarkable life, and raised a loving and remarkable family. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time. BeckyCW
  24. Sharon, I'm so very sorry for your loss, and so happy for your sense of peace and even happiness at his having gone home to relax. I know the days ahead will be hard, and will keep you in my prayers. It sounds like you and your dad shared a very special love, and that never dies. BeckyCW
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