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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. BeckyCW

    Mom is gone

    Melissa, I'm so very, very sorry. BeckyCW
  2. Carleen & Keith, thanks for sharing the good news. I'm so glad you're going to be able to celebrate and enjoy this blessing together! I know you were both hoping for even better news (regression is a beautiful word, and I hope you hear it next time!), but this truly is a blessing you have now, and I know you're thankful. I am, too! BeckyCW
  3. BeckyCW

    Now I'm Ready

    Kasey, don't know how I missed this for so long, but wanted to add my WOO HOOO!!! Congratulations!!! I'm sure they're STILL partying over at the bar, so I'll join you with a whatever... especially since Frank's still buying. I'm soooooooo happy for you! BeckyCW
  4. Great idea, and thanks for the address. BeckyCW
  5. Ginny, I love "small world" heartwarming stories like that! I'm glad you have a special neighbor. And I think it's a great tribute to Earl that you're still here, helping support others. BeckyCW
  6. BeckyCW

    Cathy R has passed

    Caryl, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I've missed Cathyr here already, and she will continue to be in our hearts and memories. She was a special lady, and I'm so glad she had those she loved nearby as she went through these last weeks. Thank you for letting us know. You'll be in my thoughts & prayers as you go through this difficult time. BeckyCW
  7. BeckyCW


    Val, I'm so sorry - I just don't know what else to say. I'm glad she's no longer suffering, and I pray you will get through these next days and weeks with much love and support and happy memories. I'm just so sorry. BeckyCW
  8. Kurt & Beth, geez Louise... I'm sorry to hear this! I hope you amaze the docs and nurses (in a GOOD way, you hear?!) and get better quicker than expected. Sorry you're in the "boo-boo house" for so long. I hope the food is good, the pillows comfortable, and the staff is full of good humor. Prayers for better news soon, BeckyCW
  9. Beth, I'm also thinking of you and hoping all goes well and that you're feeling better already. You're in my thoughts and prayers! BeckyCW
  10. Me, too. I hope Cathyr is not in pain and that she is still surrounded by people who love her. BeckyCW
  11. Beth, I'm so sorry this is happening! I hope you get better news soon and that your pain eases up sooner. You're always in my thoughts and prayers, BeckyCW
  12. Gay, it was good to hear your "voice" here and get an update on Dean. I pray his pain is gone and that he's enjoying the song of the birds and the purring of the cats and your good company, and will be able to play poker soon! Please tell him we miss him, and you come back and talk again soon, okay? BeckyCW
  13. Thanks, Becky, for showing us Cathy's face (and that red hair) again. Cathy, we're thinking about you and praying for you and your family. You rest and keep that smile in your heart and remember how many people love you. BeckyCW
  14. My heart is breaking for Cathy's family. I pray Cathy does have a pain-free and peaceful transition. She has been such an inspiration to us all here. Shellie, those were beautiful words. BeckyCW
  15. Dean and Gay, how frightening! I'm so sorry! You're in my prayers, and I hope for as little pain as possible. BeckyCW
  16. I'm so sorry for this turn of events. I know this must be so hard, and especially having to wait until Thursday. I'm saying fervent prayers for you and Brian, hoping he feels much better soon, and that you will soon have a good, solid plan to help Brian get through this. ((((hugs)))) BeckyCW
  17. I have no medical info, just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and your mom, that this will not be a setback, and that she will continue to do better and better. BeckyCW
  18. Don & Lucie, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! What a wonderful day to celebrate. Congratulations! And like Ginny said, invite us for the 50th - We might just surprise you and actually show up!
  19. Rich, I had a sad, weepy kind of day yesterday, too. I'm sorry, and I hope you're having a better day today. I just played my piano awhile, and that helped some. Hang in there and I hope you're finding thingis to smile about today. BeckyCW
  20. Debi, I missed your post until today, for obvious and very sad reasons. But I just wanted to add my sincere congratulations on your 2-year mark, and especially on the fact that your tests and appointments have become more of a ho-hum affair! I hope your health remains a very boring and uneventful thing, altogether, from here on out. You mentioned the thing about wondering why you're still here when so many other great folks are not. I think many of us wonder that about our own selves, whether we have cancer or not. It's pretty clear to me that it all has nothing whatsoever to do with who is "worthy" and who isn't, so I try to stop those thoughts, too, and do as you said: Live as well as I can to celebrate the miracle that is life, and to make those we've lost proud of what we're doing with the days we've been given. I do find myself noticing the good things more -- a sunset, a smile, a friend's kindness. Maybe that's only a way to keep my sanity as there are so many painful things, too -- or maybe God's just making the good things more obvious to keep me from losing it altogether. In any case, I wanted to say congratulations, and I'm very, very glad you're here! BeckyCW
  21. Cindi, thanks for inviting us all in to such a warm place. I don't even like beer, but since it's a cyber beer anyway, I'm having a bottle of Moose Drool in memory of the bottle David drank every night we were at Glacier National Park last summer to celebrate our parents' 50th anniversary and David's 40th birthday. He and Karen and I would sit on the front steps of our "duplex" cabin after Faith was asleep and look at the mountains and stars and talk or just sit quietly and enjoy. David, if you're putting down your trumpet for a minute to join us in the cyberbar, you can have a swig of mine, or your Sam Adams... or both. Just know that we all love you and miss you and are proud of you. BeckyCW
  22. WOO HOOOO!!!! This really makes my day! Becky, thanks for passing on the good news. Sandy, you GO, girl!!! I'm so thrilled. BeckyCW
  23. Doug, thanks for making me laugh, although the subject is terribly serious. (Cancer is, too, of course.) I'm afraid I don't know many good remedies for flatulence, other than stepping out on the front porch to look at the moon now and then (and closing the door behind you). For some reason, going into the local Barnes & Noble usually brings on a case of it for my husband and me -- possibly because of the fish & chips we have next door just prior. At home, he often pretends to do laundry and leaves the dryer on with no clothes in it -- making just enough racket to cover unexpected noises. Sometimes I notice the TV gets rather loud, too. So far, our cat has been safe, but last night I noticed a smell very unlike violets coming from her direction of the bed... I had to leave the room... and go look at the moon. Seriously, you have a great sense of humor, a fun way with words, and a great way of explaining things so others will understand. I'm crossing my fingers (and sometimes my legs, too) that all test results come back with the absolute best news, and that you and the docs will fight off every last friggin' cancer cell and keep them away forever. Go, Doug, go, BeckyCW
  24. Maryanne, thanks for letting us know. Shar, I'm praying for you and Hal. BeckyCW
  25. I'm so sorry to hear about your scary night, and hope the doctors will find what's doing this to Brian and make him better quickly. BeckyCW
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