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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. I predict we'll make it to a cool $1,000 before this is over.
  2. BeckyCW

    900 Users

    Pretty darn incredible. This is quite a community. Yes -- big, big thanks! BeckyCW
  3. Awwwww, David A -- THAT oughta make her feel better! Becky, I really can't help you out. Here in So. Calif., it was a horrid 52 degrees this morning when I left the house and was only supposed to get up into the 70s by mid-day. (I never left the office, so I can't vouch for that.) And tomorrow it's supposed to RAIN. (What's the world coming to?) Sorry... BeckyCW
  4. Erin, I am so very sorry you and your family are going through all this. I watched a dear co-worker go through a similar time a couple of years ago, and then I watched that dear friend become very ill herself from the stress of it all -- So I'll just add a gentle reminder that it's very important to take care of YOU, even in the midst of all this. (My frieind endured over a year of attempts at a diagnosis before she was finally found to have MS. The stress gave her many different symptoms that kept disguising what is already a hard thing to diagnose, I guess.) I will keep you and your husband and family in my prayers. BeckyCW
  5. BeckyCW


    TBone, I can't reply with any help on the medical front, but just wanted you to know that I'm still prayin' for ya. I guess you've earned the right to have the blues now and then... but hoping you'll be feeling better (inside and out) soon. BeckyCW P.S. Hope the sun is shining bright tomorrow where you live!
  6. BeckyCW

    PET results

    Yet another Becky here, voting for door #3!!! BeckyCW
  7. What great pictures -- I love the "proud big brother," too! Thank you so much for posting. Give the baby a hug for me! BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW

    he did it again

    Dear Anon., I am so sorry you have to go through this -- and proud of you for making the decision to stand up for yourself. Anyone who tells you he wishes you would smoke... well, that says enough. Fay, it's strange you should mention the thing about some people starting big fights just before special days. This just happened to a close friend of mine yesterday -- Her husband picked a really stupid fight, then said he wanted a divorce and began to pack up clothes to leave... then decided maybe he wouldn't leave just yet. He's done similar things just before other special days, too, just not as bad as this time. I hope he does leave -- and stay gone! My friend will have a hard time, but will be better off without him. Anonymous, I'm glad you posted here, and hope you have some people who are close to you who will support you in the days ahead. (We here will support you, but the "in person" support will be important, too.) You've got a tough road to walk, but you can do it. Keep your chin up and remember you are special and you deserve respect, love and tenderness. BeckyCW
  9. Dan, I've been watching to see what your scans showed, and am so happy for the results! I agree with everyone about getting a second opinion about treatment, in light of your GERD. Can't hurt to have more info to consider. Anyway, go, Dan, go! BeckyCW
  10. a., I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. I'm glad he is no longer in pain, and sorry for the pain you are now in. I pray for healing and peace for you and the others who loved your dad. BeckyCW
  11. Eileen, GREAT NEWS!!! Hang in there -- You can do it! Lots of people rootin' for you, here, and I'm one of 'em! BeckyCW
  12. Katie, I was having real issues trying to figure out why you seemed to have so many more hours in the day than I do! I mean, you've got a new baby, a job, a husband, this website that you're so faithful to, and all the other work I know you're doing for LCSC... and I was starting to feel like you must just NEVER SLEEP. Now I know 'tis true. I'm sorry it's been rough, sorry little Kennedy has been sick -- but glad things are looking up. Hang in there! (The "Calgon take me away" idea is not bad, either.) BeckyCW
  13. Dean, Hell's Angels got nothin' on you!!! Love the picture -- I was at work and I went to the message boards just for a second to find some info, and I passed by your new photo and just hollered right out loud. My friends came running and I had to explain, and we all just sat there and beamed. Enjoy your freedom to move about the country! BeckyCW
  14. I pray all will be better than expected -- more good news, no bad news. My thoughts are with you and your mother. BeckyCW
  15. Norme, I have only belonged to this list for about a month now, but every time I log on, I look for your posts, to check on Buddy. Your love shines through every message, and I can't begin to imagine what you're feeling now. I hope that soon the happy memories and the strong love you and Buddy have for each other (still, even now) will begin to be stronger than the grief, but I know there's no way around the grieving. To be in love with someone for 51 years is truly amazing -- a gift not many are granted. Yet 51 years does not seem long enough for the two of you. I am glad Buddy is no longer suffering, but so very sad for you. You will continue to be in my prayers. BeckyCW
  16. Mo, here's to 8 weeks!!! So glad to hear your news! BeckyCW
  17. Count me in for a donation in honor of the soon-to-be drag queen! And David, I will vouch for your leggings story, but traumatized for life? I don't know... You seemed to recover so well. I always thought it was the drapes that did that. Y'all remember Scarlett O'Hara making her new dress out of the drapes? David was one of the 3 Kings in the Christmas play in kindergarten, and our mother pulled a Scarlett O'Hara on him -- Yep, made his costume from the purple striped silk drapes! It was brilliant. He was a very dignified little Wise Man... with or without girls' leggings underneath -- I'll never tell. BeckyCW Still looking for naked baby pictures to post...
  18. Joyce, I found the article I mentioned above. You can find it at: http://cancerguide.org/median_not_msg.html Parts of the article are difficult for me to grasp, but the main point is not that hard to get, and is a very, very good one. This is a man of science speaking about statistics on survival -- not "just" talking about how it helps to have a good attitude (although he says that, too!). I hope it helps answer your question: "Is it possible to live longer than what my doctor originally said?" YES! About your other question, I don't know if not being a smoker affects the outcome or not, once you have lung cancer or not, but I bet it can't hurt!!! It sounds like you've had a rough time of it, but things are looking up. I hope you're feeling well and strong now. BeckyCW
  19. Karen, Congratulations on the good news. Whew! Here's to a healthy 2004 for you and David! And Faith! Now... Either get a picture of Faith smiling up there, or light a fire under David for the drag pictures! (I hate seeing her unhappy , even if it was over a year ago.) I'm sooooooo glad you're all clear! BeckyCW
  20. Berisa, I'm not sure if David will be insulted, or if I should be! Just kidding!!! He looks a little more like our mom, and I look a little more like my dad, but there is a family resemblance. The funny thing is that Karen swears that their little one, Faith, also resembles David's baby pictures, and you know, it's true! BeckyCW
  21. Howard, what a beautiful spirit you have. Thank you for your message, and for letting us know so we can keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers especially at this difficult time. You are surely a hero to many and have taught the people around you such wonderful things about life and faith. I hope you feel less pain and more love than could be imagined. BeckyCW
  22. Joyce, I can't say it near as well as everyone else here has, but you have every reason to hope for the very best outcome. As another Becky here (Snowflake) has said, we ALL should have our affairs in order, as any one of us could be hit by the proverbial truck any day. But you sound like a strong person who knows how much she has to live for, every day. I wish I could remember where to find it, but maybe my brother will chime in here -- Soon after he was diagnosed, a friend gave me an article to send him, written by Stephen Jaye Gould, about statistics for survival. SJG was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of cancer (mesothelioma) and given a short while to live. He proceeded to live over 20 years, I believe, and died of something else. We all know that "just thinking positively" or "living a good life" will not necessarily shield us from harm; God has His own schedule for our lives that we will not know until we are not able to directly communicate it back to the living - ha. Still, it was an encouraging article and maybe DavidC can post a link to it, or I'll find it again. I'm glad you introduced yourself, and glad you've come here. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. BeckyCW
  23. BeckyCW


    Love the song, thanks for the chance to read the lyrics -- I can never remember it all. It is beautiful. And Becky, thank YOU -- I always see that quote ("... dance like no one is watching.") and always wonder who said it first. Now I know! Same guy who said one should never marry unless one absolutely can't help it. (Seems many of us couldn't help it, and that's good.) BeckyCW
  24. BeckyCW

    Leaving For A Few

    Ry, who said you could leave your computer? BeckyCW P.S. Have a great trip!
  25. BeckyCW

    CT on Thurs.

    You're both in my prayers. Keep us posted when you can. BeckyCW
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