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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. I TOTALLY understand the expression that having lung cancer is like a rollercoaster ride...........and I want off the ride! O.K.........just two days ago I posted about Dad's hands cramping and drawing. Thanks to you all who responded, I wasn't too worried. I did call Dad's doctor who also agreed that it is probably effects from the chemo. (his last treatment was about 2 1/2 months ago) Well, yesterday and this morning Dad has had REALLY BAD pain in his right shoulder. He is hurting "where the shoulder connects and around the back to his shoulder blade". (his words) Since diagnosis, Dad has had very little pain. He had some bone and joint pain from the chemo and Zometa, but that's it. He took maybe 5 Lortab during all 6 rounds of chemo. Well, since yesterday morning he has had 8 Lortabs because of this shoulder pain. (and it's not really helping him) I will be calling first thing this morning and demanding, or should I say politely requesting, a CT of his right shoulder. This has me really scared. Please, remember my Dad, Bill, in your prayers. I have noticed that he has not been up to himself for the last couple of weeks. One other thing..........Dad has been on Iressa for one month now. I picked up his Rx yesterday and was reading all of the precautions and side effects, etc. I noticed that you should not take any type of antacid while taking Iressa. The sheet said that it would not allow the Iressa to be fully absorbed. Well, that's great! Dad takes Protonix!! Why would someone not catch that he is taking Protonix? The doctor? The pharmacist? I did ask the pharmacist about the Protonix......he said to call the doctor. Dad should not be taking it. POOP!!! So now for the past month, I don't know if he's had enough of the Iressa in his system to work. Plus, he had to be off of the Iressa for a little over a week due to side effects. Not good! So for all the rambling. It seems that there is a lot going on with Dad right now and I just needed to vent! (Guess I'm scared ) Love to all!! Angie
  2. TeeTaa How did I miss this?? I love it! Certainly I'm not offended. I KNOW that Terry and David A. would love it. Thanks! Angie
  3. Good gracious, Lillian! What a nightmare!! I am so glad that you are safe and that your home is safe as well. Keep on watering those flowers. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  4. Thanks for posting that. My sister in law is a hospice nurse. Right after Dad was diagnosed, she gave me a copy of that. I misplaced it and have been meaning to ask her for another copy. Much truth to be found in that short verse. Thanks again. Paige, how are YOU doing? In my thoughts and prayers~~~
  5. Gee.......Becky do they ship those to Alabama?? Debi, wishing you a VERY happy birthday!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  6. Now Frank, my hubby's truck only has tobacco spit stains on one side.......and it ain't mine! Take one point away from the guys for making fun of us Rednecks. This one might also involve a fine. We'll have to wait and see what Ry's ruling is. Angie
  7. Dearest Ginny, What a beautiful tribute to your true love! I am so sorry for the loss of Earl. This is such a sad day! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  8. Dearest Ginny, I am sooooo sorry for the loss of your beloved Earl. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are what I strive to be.............the very best caregiver one can be. You are such an inspiration to me and to everyone here. This is yet another truly sad day! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  9. Thank you Cheryl! By no means do I want you to play doctor. But, I do value the experience that many of you have had on this board. There have been times during Dad's treatment that I have mentioned something that I read here and the oncologist took me a lot more seriously because I seemed "educated". He seems to talk to me more because I stay on top of things. Know what I mean?? I have found that if you are passive with this disease, that is how you will be treated.........passive. If you are aggressive, ask a lot of questions, let the doctor know what you know.......then you get treated a bit better. Gotta' watch out for my Dad.............Lord only knows just how passive he is. So it still could be neuropathy.........I didn't realize that. See......I'm still learning. Cheryl, I hope and pray that your new chemo works a miracle for you my dear. You certainly deserve some good news. I think about you often and wonder how you are doing in your treatment. Then I remember that you have Jack in your corner..........I know that he takes good care of you. Thanks for responding. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  10. To all of you who replied to the post about Dad's new symptom. .......(the drawing of his hands) First of all, thank you so much for your input. Secondly, Dad has not had any chemo for about 2 1/2 months now. Would neuropathy just now start showing up in his hands?? He has had neuropathy in his feet for a while now. They are totally numb except they occassionally have a tingling sensation. Dad is on Iressa now. Anyone heard of Iressa causing the drawing of your hands?? Don Wood, where was Lucie's spinal tumor? Which vertebrae? Did Lucie's hands draw or did she lose function? Please expand a bit more if you don't mind. Sorry for being a pain in the rear.........I just want to have all of my ducks in a row when I call the doctor. Thank you all so much!!! Just what would I do without all of you????(It would be pretty hard to care for my Dad from a mental institution ) Thanks again! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  11. Hello gang! Well, I am back from my "board break" and ready to go again. I need your input on a new symptom that Dad has. He woke up this morning complaining that his hands were "cramping and drawing up". (his words) His hands are not drawn up all the time.........they don't stay that way......it has been coming and going all day. Has anyone had an experience like this?? You guys know me, I am thinking the worst. (maybe his new lung tumor is pressing on something that is causing it.......maybe the cancer in the spine has gotten worse and is causing it) I will talk to the doctor about it. We see him next week. If it continues or becomes bothersome, I will certainly call before then. Thanks in advance! By the way, it's good to be back! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  12. Sharyn, I think calling the doctor is a good idea. I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. I know what having a "sick Daddy" is like. It is heart breaking for sure. I pray that your Dad will get his spunk back real soon. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  13. Glad you have found us. You have the sweetest sister-in-law and I am sure that Earl is just as sweet. I hope you find much support here. Angie
  14. Keep me on the list. (I think I am on both lists) Thanks for doing this. Angie
  15. I totally understand your feelings. I hope that you can find "Jane" this week. I also hope that you do return to us...........I know......I'm being selfish. I enjoy your posts so much. You do what feels right for you, my dear. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  16. Anna, sweetie, that was a wonderful tribute to your Dad. Please know that your Dad loved you very much. He still does love you and he is watching over you and your Mom and brothers. Anna, I pray that God can ease the pain of losing your Dad.............turning those tears into smiles. What a sweet daughter you are. Your Dad must be very proud. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ ANgie
  17. Dearest Ginny, I am saddened to read that your beloved Earl is not doing well. I have been keeping you and Earl in my prayers and I think of you often. (eventhough I haven't been around here much lately) I know that there are no words that I can say to make you feel better........just know that I do care deeply. Hang in there Ginny. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  18. Dede, Welcome to the family. I am so sorry about the loss of your dear brother. I am missing him..........can't imagine how you must be feeling. My God hold you close...... In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  19. Paige, Please accept my deepest sympathy during this most difficult time. May God hold you in His arms and comfort you during this time. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  20. Angie Daughter of Bill


    That's the million dollar question...........who knows.??? I have a VERY strong faith in God, but this past week, I have found myself asking him, "WHY??" I then begged God's forgiveness because I know that his plan is best. One day, when I get to Heaven, I will know his great plan. So will you. Until then, Cat, I guess we just have to live this life the best we can and ask for God's guidance. That's all I know to do right now. The way I am trying to look at things right now is that God wants the the best of the best folks in Heaven with him. That's why he takes all the good ones from us here on earth. I know that I have been of NO help to you..............just know that you are not alone. Much love! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  21. Welocme to the family Sandy! Glad our dear Ginny steered you in this direction. You will find much support here. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  22. Well guys, the time has come for me to take a break. I logged on this morning and found out about David A. I just can't get over it. In David's last post, it was as if he KNEW that he wasn't going to come out of the hospital. I sent him a PM to reassure him that there was nothing to worry about. I was wrong. After losing David and TBone so close together and so suddenly..........well, I just can't take it. On top of that, Dad's doctor think he is having a toxic reaction to the Iressa. They have taken him off of it until the end of this month. I asked about starting a new chemo right away because we KNOW that he has a new lesion on his lung that is malignant. The doctor said that Dad can't stand it right now. No Iressa, no chemo, new growth...........God please give me the strength to deal with whatever comes my way. The doctor said no new chemo for about eight more weeks. We have to get some of the toxic junk out of Dad. WHAT DO I DO???????? I have never felt so helpless in all my life. So deperate to DO something, yet I don't have the strength or even know what to do! I love you all!! I will answer PM's but I just don't think I am in an emotional state to be of support to anyone right now. "praying for us all" Angie
  23. Angie Daughter of Bill

    David A

    To David's family, It is through tears that I am typing this............I logged on to specifically check to see how David was doing after his procedure and found this. I am sooooo sorry for your loss. David and I never met in person but we did exchange e-mails a few times and we enjoyed picking on each other in the Just for Laughs forum. He was a great guy. I am truly going to miss him. May God comfort all of David's family during this time. Angie
  24. Hi Ray! Sorry about that stubborn adrenal gland! The new chemo is the one that David A. has jsut started, I believe. (somebody correct me if I'm wrong) I can't think of anyone else. I hope it works for you. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  25. Vivi I love the songs and the idea of printing the sentiments here from the site. Sounds beautiful. I have been thinking of you, Teacake, and TeeTaa so much this week. I have been praying for all of you including Ann and the kids. It is so good to hear from you. Please don't be a stranger......I enjoy your posts. (and posts from TeeTaa and Teacake) "praying for us all" Angie
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