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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. John, You are sooooo bad!!! (and I love it!!) Angie
  2. Anyone know when FRANK LAMB is due back from vacation? Shhhhhh, don't tell him, but I miss that turkey!! I think we should fine him for being away so long. I know he got a hall pass..........but he's been gone too long. Hurry back Frank. I never thought I would miss you!!! Angie
  3. I got a PM from Elaine this morning asking about Dad's CT results. (thanks Elaine ) So, I thought I better post. The CT of the shoulder showed some lymph node involvement in the area suspicious for metastatic disease. I thought for sure that it was a met to the bone the way that Dad described the pain. I didn't even know that lymph node involvement could cause pain. Has anyone had lymph node involvement that caused pain??? Does the lymph node swell and put pressure on something??? Dad is on Iressa. This pain started shortly after he started taking Iressa. We are going to try and stay on the Iressa for a little while and see if the Iressa will take care of this problem. Dad is getting another CT at the end of the month. (chest CT) If the new growth in his lung shows enlargement, then Dad might have to come off of the Iressa and go back on chemo. NOT what I want!! The good news is that his pain seems to have decreased a bit. (I know this because I check Dad's Lortab Rx daily to see if he has had to take any. Yep, I'm a snoopy daughter......but the snooping is done with much love!) Maybe I was little "jumpy" at the doctor and his staff for not wanting to do the CT. Nah, this is MY Dad and I want ALL of his pains checked out. RIGHT NOW!! If anyone has had a lymph node to cause pain, please let me know. Thanks in advance! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  4. Stable is not bad news. Although, we want to hear that this chemo has removed all traces of cancer from your body. Maybe it is just too soon. I'm praying that the next scan will show MUCH improvement. I hate that you are under "house arrest" right now. I think of you often. Better days are ahead.........just wait and see. Love to you! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  5. Karen, This is really strange..........this afternoon I was thinking of your mother. For some reason she was on my mind. I even went so far as to pull up her profile to send her a PM. One of the kids came in and interrupted and I never got to send it. Please let your Mom and Dad know that they are in my thoughts and prayers.(as well as you, Karen) Angie
  6. Happy birthday to Faith!! And YEAH for you and Dave........Faith is out of the terrible two's!!! Although my youngest daughter, who is about to turn eight years old, has yet to get out of the terrible two's!! She's a little stinker. Can't you just see the mischief in her eyes?? (in our Avatar photo??) She is constantly making us laugh with her antics. Such a special day for Faith and the rest of the family. And best of all her grandparents and Aunt Becky get to share it with her. By the way, you do know that you are going to have your hands full after the grandparents and Aunt Becky go home, right???? My youngest is in rare form after she has spent two or three days with the grandparents. Have a great day Karen and enjoy your angel's special day!! (wish I would have known, I would have sent her a b'day card) In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  7. A dog sounds great for your Mom. I do have to agree with Becky......I used to have a Yorkie growing up. He was PRECIOUS, BUT he never quit "piddling" in the floor. I got him as a 2 month old puppy and he lived 13 years. That's a loooooong time to put up with "piddles" in the floor. Now, I have aslo had a cat. Actually, I saved him. I found him with a dead mommy. He was only 2 or 3 days old according to the vet. I had to stick a tiny tube down his throat to get the formula to his belly for the first 4 or 5 weeks. (this was done 8 times......count them 8 times each day. (yes, during the night, too) He was a breeze to train with his litter box. He NEVER, not one time, had a "piddle" in the floor. Now, he did like to leave me presents. There's nothing like getting up in the middle of the night to go potty and feeling a big hairball squish between your toes!!! YUCK!!! And, he did want to get on the kitchen counters and prowl. So, all in all, I guess the dog was better. What is best though is that now I have a pound puppy who stays OUTSIDE!! She has almost 200 acres to roam free on so I don't feel bad about leaving her outside. Good luck on your search!! Angie P.S. The VERY BEST house pooch that I ever had was a cross between a shitzu and pekignese(sp??) She was adorable and VERY easy to train. I have heard that boy dogs are harder to train. ???? I don't know.
  8. You got it Ray! Wishing you the very best and a quick recovery. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  9. I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this. (especially right now.......with Frances headed your way......that in itself is enough to worry about) I wish I could pack you up and bring you home with me. I hate that you are by yourself. I pray that your MRI shows that there is nothing in your head.........well, except for what is supposed to be there. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  10. From one Angie to another..........believe me, I know how it is. I am in the same situation with my Dad. Dad's doctor wanted to do a CT of his shoulder on Sept. 21st for pain that he is having in his shoulder. While at the doctor's office, Dad said that was fine........that his pain wasn't too bad. Well, Dad lives with me and I know how his pain has been. I called the doctor's office as soon as we got home and DEMANDED a CT the next day. Dad was a little ticked at first, but after I talked to him he was fine. Actually, he was grateful. This is what I told my Dad........I told him that we HAVE to find out what is going on. If we know what we are facing, then we can fight it head-on. I told him that I would be there every step of the way. If we find out that his cancer has spread more, we will see what can be done about it. If he chooses to do more chemo, then I will take him and we will fight. If he chooses no more chemo, I will respect his choice. BUT, we have to find out what is going on. I think that for my Dad it is hard for me being the one to take care and fuss over him instead of the other way around. I am an only child and Dad has always made a big fuss over me. In fact, there have been times that I've had to remind him that I am grown up now and can care for myself. He likes to have his little nose in everything. Maybe one of those heart to heart, daughter to Dad talks is in order. I hope everything turns out o.k. for your Dad. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  11. Geoff, I'm sorry that your Mom had to make that trip to the ER. I will be thinking of you, Melinda and your Mom tomorrow while you are finding out what's going on. I will also be praying for all of you. I know it's a scary time. I am currently waiting on a CT of Dad's shoulder to see what is causing him such pain. Waiting is terribly nerve-wrecking. Good luck! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  12. REMEMBER.........call me if you get to take flight and make it to Georgia. You are going to be REAL CLOSE to TeeTaa, TBone's little sister. TeeTaa, her sister Vivi and I have been wanting to meet up. Maybe we could do it while you are in Georgia and you could join us. It would be a "mini southern bash"!! Hey, there's Nushka too. She's a little farther away than I am, but she might be up for a road trip. Please, do give me a call so that we know that you are safe.(even if we don't get to meet up) In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  13. Good to hear from you! You must be trying to stay on Ry's good side.......checking in while on vacation and all. Good luck and best wishes for Bob. Have a wonderful vacation!! Angie
  14. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!! I'm so thrilled for both of you. Please let us know how the appointment goes. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  15. Dearest Cheryl, I'm am sooooo glad to hear that you were able to get out and enjoy your boat. I know how much you like that. I hope the trip was a little smoother than last time. Good luck on your scans. I will be thinking of you. Oh, and happy belated birthday!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  16. Kitkathi CindyRN has pericardial effusion. You might PM her and ask about. Others will probably be of help also. I'm sorry, I don't know too much about it. I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and your Dad and will be praying for you. Angie
  17. I don't want to discuss this!! I am not smaller, YET. I have been sooooooo stressed with Dad that nothing cures the stress except for a big bowl of rainbow sherbert! Today is a new day though. After releasing some frustration at the dr.'s office yesterday, I think I can do without the rainbow sherbert today. I'm going to try hard. Today is "grocery day" for me. I will try to make healthly, low fat choices and avoid the ice cream section! Congrats to all of you who have lost some pounds!! YEAHHHHHH!! Angie
  18. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this terrible news! Please let her know that I am thinking of her and saying special prayers for her and Scott. Angie
  19. Sorry to hear about your hubby's surgery and the liver mets. I have no experience with liver mets. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your hubby. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  20. Haylee, I'm glad that your sister is through surgery and doing fairly well. Being sick at your stomach is a real bummer though. Hoping and praying that ALL of the cancer was removed and your sister is on the road to recovery. Hang in there Haylee. I know it's tough. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  21. First of all..........great picture! Secondly, you are one crazy man!!! (totally kidding of course!) I wish that I had just one ounce of your spunk and "get up an go". I'm proud of myself when I walk, not drive to my mailbox! O.K., give me a break......my driveway is a little over a quarter of a mile long.......one way. I don't think I'm ready for your hiking trip just yet. It does sound wonderful though. David, you are awesome!!!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  22. Dearest Cat, I'm so sorry that son of a wench doctor treated you that way!! Geesh...I had a bad day with doctors, too. I hope that SOMEONE can tell you SOMETHING so you can get treatment or know what to do. This is ridiculous. I have some leftover tar and feathers............I'm sending them to Florida. Heck, I'll come down and tar and feather that fart head myself! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that today. Praying for better days and better doctors for you. (also better weather) In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  23. Shelly I have been thinking of you and your sister a lot. You have both been in my prayers. I hope and pray that there is no more surgery in her near future. I pray that ALL of the cancer was removed. You are a great sister Shelly. Your sis is lucky to have you right now. When I get finished "tarring and feathering" Dad's doctor and get his scans done, I'm going to try to call you. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  24. Well, first of all, thank you ALL for your kind words. I got so many compliments that I wasn't "fishing" for at all. I just wanted to say to everyone, Don't let doctors and nurses put you off. Don't let them treat you like something is not important, no matter how small it may seem. Don't let them treat YOU like you are not important. You ARE important. (you are all very important to me )You might have to "ruffle some feathers" to get results. If you don't speak up, they WILL put you on the back burner. It's sad, really, that one has to put aside their "southern hospitality" to get results. I do sympathize with the doctors. I know that they need a vacation. In fact, they probably need many more vacations than they take. I understand that. But they have to understand that they are dealing with people. HUMAN BEINGS who have family members who care deeply for them and love them with all their hearts. This disease is traumatic enough without being treated that way. Now, I do believe that Elaine is right. I do believe that my Dad is scared to find out what is going on with his shoulder. Dad and I had a long talk about that this afternoon. I told him that we HAVE to find out what is going on in order to fix it and alleviate his pain. I told him that we have to face every sypmtom "head on". I will be there to fight with him.......whatever it takes. Well guys, I appreciate ya'll coming out with the tar and feathers. It's good to know that I have such a great group of friends. Now, if anyone needs their doctor tarred and feathered, give me a call. I have experience and will be happy to do it for you. Much love to all! In my thoughts and prayers! Angie P.S. One day I am going to post a little bit about my Dad. (his background, where he grew up, etc.) I realized today that you guys know very little about him. Although, you probably know more about ME than you would like to.
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