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Angie Daughter of Bill

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Everything posted by Angie Daughter of Bill

  1. Melinda I share the grief that you are feeling. I haven't posted much this past week because I was afraid that everything I posted would be "gloomy". It seems that our dear, sweet Mo not only helped us while she was here on earth, but she is helping from Heaven. Amazing! Thank you, Melinda and thank you Mo. Mo, I miss you and so many others who are with you now. Angie
  2. Nell, I hope that the doctors get to the bottom of your friend's problem. So sorry that he is in such pain. That is rough because there is nothing you can do to help except be there and be a good friend. (and threaten to remove a vital body part from the doctors if the bone scan results are not in REAL soon!) In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  3. Welcome back Jim!! Sorry you didn't get to fish as much as you would like. Could I interest you in catfish or bass??(sorry, no trout in my pond) I really need a good fishing buddy while my hubby is at work. Come on down to Alabama........and bring your shadow............we'll fish all day. Angie
  4. Karen and David and Becky CW, I hope you have a wonderful time! Don't worry David, I will watch all of the bloody Discovery Health Channel shows for you and let you know what happened. Yeah, I watch all of those medical shows.........my hubby hates it. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  5. I LOVE that song!! You should hear my 12 year old daughter belt it out solo at church. Her young voice.......that old song.........it just does something to me. My Dad wants that song at his funeral also. Sounds like you had a beautiful morning. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  6. Well Peggy, I had some of those same feelings this morning when I logged on and found out that TBone had passed. When I saw the post, I just busted out crying. My husband was sitting on the sofa and asked what was wrong. When I told him, his words were, "Angie, why do you do this to yourself??" All I could say was, "I don't know." I thought about it all morning............I was thinking that if I never came here again I wouldn't have to deal with all of the heartache. EVER AGAIN!! But then I thought..........what if I had never come here?? I would have never got to know TBone and his family.(especially TeeTaa......she is a doll.....we have PM'd several times) I would never experienced the wonderful wisdom that Dean Carl has shared with me concerning my Dad. I would have never met my "bestest" e-mail buddy, Shelliemacs. (whom I have been neglecting lately) I would have never met a strong and courageous woman named Fay A. I would have never heard all of the dirty jokes that I missed growing up......thank you Snowflake. I wouldn't have met David A. and got to joke around with him..........women are the superior sex, David. I would have never met Ry and John, Norme.......sweet Norme..........so many others.........too many to name. And Peggy, I would have never got to meet your beautiful, caring soul. I also thought about what my mental state would be had I not found this site. It is a difficult journey for me. I have no brothers or sisters to share this with. My parents are divorced. That puts me as an only child and the only caregiver my Dad has. He is depending on me and I will not let him down. Not now! After all of these thoughts came flooding in my mind, I figured out why I was here and why I stay. Love. Plain and simple. Love for all of you and love for my Dad. It's been a rough few days around here...........certainly hard to take. Peggy, you do what feels right in your heart. I'm selfish. I do hope you stay. I ALWAYS look for your responses.......they are straight from the heart. I certainly understand though if you should need to leave us. Much love to you all!!!
  7. I am trying my best to type through the tears.........I am soooo sorry that TBone is no longer with us. It was certainly a blessing that you guys were able to spend some time with him...........and especially for TeeTaa, his baby sister, to be able to hold his hand while taking his last breath. TBone was determined to do things HIS way and not let this disease take anything from him. I always admired that about him. He taught me a lot as did his whole family. In a crisis, your family pulls together.......that's the way it should be. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will miss TBone greatly. To quote TBone, "praying for us all". Much love to you all!!! Angie
  8. Well, David, it stinks that there is some progression. I LOVE your attitude. There is no doubt in my mind that you will beat this! I'm here cheering you on my friend. In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  9. Dearest Cheryl, I am praying that this chemo works for you. You are such an inspiration to many. In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  10. Wishing you a very happy birthday!! May all your birthday wishes come true! Angie
  11. Thank you for taking the time to give us an update. I'm so sorryt that things are not looking good. May God comfort you, Tbone, Vivi, Ann, Ginger, Guy............the whole TBone clan. The tears are freely flowing from my eyes right now................ In my thoughts and prayers~~~~ Angie
  12. Welcome Dianne!! This is a wonderful source of support. You will find all of these people to be caring, compassionate and helpful. Stick around for a while. Glad to hear that you are doing well at this time. Angie
  13. Hmmmmmmmm......are you talking about a medication that has a 10% response rate? If so, it sounds to me like the medication would work for 10% of the people who took it. ?????? JOHN>>>>>>HELLOOOOOO???? Maybe John will jump in here and help you on this. Angie
  14. Dan You are in my thoughts and prayers. We miss you!! Angie
  15. David I'm with Ginny, I think that they might want to check for infection. You certainly don't need to start chemo with an infection. You know that deep down. Please try not to worry. (I know, easier said than done, right?) I think that your wife and your doctor is just being protective of you. That's a good thing. Sounds like you are in good hands. Wishing you the best of luck on the bronch!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie
  16. Ditto what Don Wood said!! That's the way I feel and I couldn't have said it better than Don. Angie
  17. Oh Becky..........I first heard this song on some country music awards show. Tim McGraw sang it live. As I sat there listening, I was crying like a baby. When Dad first was diagnosed, all I did was sit around and hold his x-rays up to the light hoping that the dr.'s were wrong. Every time I hear this song on the radio, I have to turn it.............unless I'm up for a REALLY GOOD crying session. It is a beautiful song.........I just can't hardly listen to it. Angie
  18. Thanks Ry. I will keep this in mind since Dad just started Iressa last week. Angie
  19. Hello all, I spoke with TeeTaa earlier today. She said that her and Ginger did get TBone's reliner to the hospice facility. That seemed to please him. She also said that he is more "to himself" today. She said that he seemed more content. I was trying so hard not to cry while I was talking to her....my voice did crack once..........so did hers. They are really having a rough time, but as usual, they are all pitching in and doing what needs to be done. I'm not giving up hope~~~~ Angie
  20. Thanks for putting names with the faces. I really thught that Lisa O. belonged to an adult. Lisa, sorry.......I thought you were one of the kids!! (I mean that as a compliment of course.) I wish I could have been there. It sounds as if evryone had a great time!! Still envious~~~ Angie
  21. TeeTaa You KNOW how I feel about you and the whole TBone clan. I soooo wish that there was something I could do for you right now. Words just won't come to me at this time............I don't know what to say. Love to you!! Angie
  22. Happy birthday Dean!!! I love your attitude and zest for life. You are such a great inspiration!! Thanks for for the update. We all care so much about YOU!! In my thoughts and prayers~~~ Angie P.S. I love NYPD!! I'm probably watching the same time that you are watching!
  23. Yes.......TBone and his family needs our prayers. The last time that I spoke to Katha(TeeTaa) she was going to post the whole extent of the situation. She has not been able to do that. I'm sure that she has been busy with TBone. The whole TBone clan needs our prayers.........RIGHT NOW!! They are such a great family going through a difficult time. Praying for TBone and his family~~~ Angie
  24. Peggy, I just sent a PM to TeeTaa. Maybe she will get back to me and let us know if he was able to come home. The way she talked in her last PM, things are really hectic right now. I sure hope that he is home and PAIN FREE!!! Angie
  25. Elaine and Ginny I didn't even think about it, but this should qualify for at least five points. Frank Lamb seems to be our score keeper........how 'bout it Frank, is this worth more than 1 point........at least 5 points??? David A., if you delete this one, I'm going to ship a case of toilet paper to Ry's house for this weekend...............she will know just what to do with it!! Angie
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