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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    hall pass

    Curtis, Have a safe trip and try to enjoy if you can..
  2. cathy

    I'm running away

    Fay, Have a good time..Let us know when you return
  3. We were thinking of going next week, however we are going to Toronto instead but we are hoping to get there before the fall..I certainly will post it when we decide..So Deb maybe we will see you afterall...
  4. cathy


    Dear Kris, What a special but I am certain bittersweet memory..If you want to do something completely different you can come to mich. and we can celebrate and cry together, then we can go to Rys party the 24th...
  5. BLT, I just said a prayer that your husband starts to feel better and yours and your daughters upcoming test are ok..Thats an awful lot for you to have to deal with..
  6. What in the world is going on Shellie..I like Cat am speechless,unbelievable
  7. Hi Deb, Its okay I know how you feel..Sometimes I have so much to say but just cant seem to find the words either. Just glad to know your still here.. P:S I am planning in the near future, to take a mini vacation in New York, hopefully we can meet up..I am really bad with geography how far are you from the city?
  8. ((((((CHERYL)))))))) Hope that helps a little..
  9. cathy

    New Photo

    If every picture tells a story, you have a beautiful life..
  10. Have a beautiful birthday Mary Ann.
  11. Congratulations Tami.. It sounds like you had a beautiful wedding..
  12. Andrea, Just alittle tip they told us when my dad had his surgery. For every hour that you are in surgery count at least a month of recovery. Thats just the surgery part..
  13. cathy


    I know your anger, LC is often misdiagnosed because many times it is diagnosed as pneomonia. That was my dads case for months, I remember my mom at one time pointed out this mass that she had seen on the Xray and the doctor told her it was from smoking it ended up being a tumor, how crazy is that, the doctor didnt even know after seeing it.. I know how hard it is, the anger will take ahold of you and drive you crazy. My advice is to try and let go of it and concentrate on getting your loved one well..I know you are saying yah right easier said than done, but I have been exactly where you are and its an awful place to be, the anger is so overwhelming, on top of everything else that you will be dealing with, your emotions are not quite in tact right now..Vent all you want though we hear you and understand..
  14. cathy

    Found a new job

    Good Luck and congratulations Berisa..
  15. cathy


    T-bone, Glad you are feeling better..I am saying a prayer right now that you continue to feel better as the days go by..
  16. Shellie, You have to do what is good for you, absolutely no apologies are necessary..Let us know about your sister though.. I am here if you need me..
  17. Deb, Havent seen you in awhile..I know your last post you were having some hard times..Miss you
  18. Just did and will thinking of you on tuesday..
  19. Don, You are a good son, I can feel the desparation in your post. After my dad was diagnosed I went over their house everyday and visited, took him to his appts. and generally spent a lot of time with him, however the actual caregiving my mom did, there were a few times I was there when he had to be rushed to the hospital and in those instances I ran out of the house and hid in the backyard, because I couldnt stand to see him going through that, I just wasnt strong enough..My heart goes out to you I know how difficult it is...Your mom is very lucky to have you.
  20. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DON AND LUCIE!!!! Enjoy your evening out. Will absolutely say a prayer for Lucie..
  21. cathy

    An Update

    Dean, No matter how high or low your energy level may be you still continue to inspire me to enjoy the simple things in life..I hate that LC has brought us here thats the bitter part, but I am so glad to know you and that is the sweet part..Will keep you in my prayers...
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