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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. I also posting this under tech support, but since not everybody checks that forum, I'm repeating it here. I wasn't getting pop-ups that I had new messages in my inbox. The reason is because I have my browser set to block pop-ups. However, you can usually add in a site. Since the name of this site changed from a .com to a .org, you might need to add the new site name (lchelp.org) to allow pop-ups on this site. I don't know where the settings are in other operating systems, or if you have a special program to block pop-ups, but here's how you do it in Windows XP: Click Tools Click Internet Options Click Privacy Tab At the bottom, you will see Pop-Up Blocker. In that box, click settings. In the box provided, type lchelp.org Click Add Click Close Click OK Maybe others can post how you allow pop-ups on this site with other operating systems or programs. Peggy
  2. Today I am thankful: 1. For another beautiful and good day. 2. That hubby is once again out on his Kawasaki. 3. That Melanie was able to walk around the yard. YAY!! 4. That Ginny is moved and about to begin a new phase of her life. (I love you, Ginny!) 5. For having a dirty house to clean today because I'm so thankful I have a house to clean.
  3. Hi Starry and WELCOME! You've gotten good advice above from the pros. I just wanted to welcome you. Here are some thoughts about God not giving you more than you can handle: That particular well-known phrase is not in the Bible. We get LOTS of stuff we can't handle. There is very little, if anything, about my husband's disease that "I can handle". It's not about us handling it, it's about God handling it. We all must remember that He doesn't give us His help until we need it. I am very weak about this whole crappy ordeal. Any strength that is demonstrated by me is not me. It's not usually until AFTER the hard time that we realize that He was there. Hang in there, sweetie! God will see you through this. Love, Peggy
  4. Hi bc, I'm sorry to hear about the femur lesion. I know how scary it is when this happens. My husband has femur lesions in both legs, as well as many other bones, but they aren't giving him any trouble. In fact, he's out cruising on his huge Kawasaki as I type. We're praying that Tarceva will keep all the lesions under control, and that he will be cruising again this time next year. I hope that you are able to be active as well. Love, Peggy
  5. A prayer has already been prayed for your mom. I hope she's ok. Keep us posted. Love, Peggy
  6. Happy Birthday, Maryanne!! Love, Peggy
  7. Congratulations, Charlie. May you have many, many more anniversaries just like this one. Love, Peggy
  8. Tess, I'm so sorry. You've certainly had a very tough year. May God bless you with His comfort and peace. Love, Peggy
  9. Dear Betty, I'm fighting back the tears as best I can, but it isn't working well. I don't know what to say. At times like this there are just no appropriate words in our language. I can only express how I feel - sad, sorry, and well, just so sad. You are an exceptional woman and have been there for all of us on this board, and I'm sure the same is true for those that love you. You have never complained and have always just been an inspiration to others. God loves that and your reward awaits you in heaven. I love you! Peggy
  10. Janet, The fluid around the heart is probably a pericardial effusion. My husband has one, but so far, even though it's "large" they haven't needed to drain it. Several people on this site have had pericardial effusions drained and even pericardial windows put in to prevent further fluid buildup, and they have done just fine. I, actually, wish they would go ahead and drain my husband's. I feel like we are waiting for trouble when it could be prevented, however, I also understand the reason to not do such an invasive procedure unless it's necessary. Hang in there, kiddo. One thing we have heard repeatedly is that once effusions are drained, the patient feels a LOT better. Keep us posted. Love, Peggy
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDI! To me, 50 wasn't bad, except for having to check the boxes that say age 50-59. LOL! I think I'll start lying when I have to check that box that says 60 or over. Hope you had a marvelous birthday, darling! Love, Peggy
  12. OK. I'm in. Hubby has been on vacation all week and has ridden his motorcycle three times, about 2-3 hours at a time. Let me tell you, right now, that is the happiest story in my life! Love to all, Peggy
  13. Frank, You have no idea how much my heart leaped for joy when I logged on and saw that you were posting an update about yourself. DON'T DO THAT AGAIN (leave us that is)!! Also, I hope you are able to rid yourself of your new body party extensions real soon. Love, Peggy
  14. Today, I am thankful: 1. For new cell phones. 2. That our taxes are done and mailed for me and hubby, our son, and my dad's final return. 3. For good weather for the next 4 days for hubby's vacation. 4. For my sister that I can talk to about ANYTHING. 5. For photographs.
  15. stand4hope

    Still a NERD!

    Oh, Fay, I've got goose bumps up and down both arms. Really! This is SOOOOOO exciting, and I am so happy for you. Ry: Just call her Quick-Link McBecky! Peggy
  16. Becky and Karen, Other signs are excessive sleeping, no interest in anything going on around you, lack of caring, not responding, not opening mail, not paying bills or even caring if they get paid, avoiding people. We've been through this with our son. Depression is markedly different than sadness, coping or anger. You can be depressed and have sadness, coping problems and anger, of course, but I think some of the more severe elements above and the ones Becky mentioned need to be present for real down-and-out clinical depression. These comments are made from personal experience only and learning from many pychiatrists and psychologists for the past 16 years, and NOT because I am medically qualified in any way to give an opinion. Peggy
  17. stand4hope


    Oh no, Shirley! I am so very sorry. God bless Shirley and her entire family! Love, Peggy
  18. Dear Beth, You and I have PM'd quite a bit, but not about this issue. I, myself, do not feel one bit of anger - absolutely none. Don't ask me why - I don't have any idea. I'm sure others do or have, and can help you more with this. There is just nothing about it that makes me feel anger. I lean more toward the depressed side than anything else. And, with that, I'm not saying that I'm depressed, but I have my moments, sometimes longer than moments. I can't bear the thought of living my life without my husband who has been by my side for 37 years, so if I let my thoughts take control (which I try not to do), then I can get depressed. Anger is a very real and common feeling. Hopefully others can help you more than I can. All my love, Peggy
  19. Di, I don't know. I think I'm going to put a little different spin on this. I, of course, understand your frustration w/the doctors 100%, but I just want to put in my 2 cents about your reports and the biopsy. There could, of course, be something different going on, but from what I've read and learned on this board, SCLC can not be there one minute and be there the next because it grows so fast. I think if it were me, I would have the biopsy. The doctor talked about a "negative" result, right? What about positive? There's a possibility it could be positive, right? I know that's not the possibility you want to hear, but I shudder to think what might happen if it is positive, and you didn't get the test done. I hope I'm not confusing you further or scaring you, and I know this doesn't help with the switching oncologist situation, but it just kind of scares me that the adrenal is suspicious, and you might not have the biopsy done. Love, Peggy
  20. Shelly, I am crushed to read this. I just can't believe it. I don't know what to say except that I'm so very sorry you have to go through this again. And I'm saddened for your husband as well. ((((((((((SHELLY & HUBBY)))))))))))))) Love, Peggy
  21. Beth, I don't have a clue what this could be, but I can feel your fear, and I know how that feels. Hang in there, honey, and send me a PM anytime you want to talk. I'll be thinking about you the next few days, so don't forget to let us all know what you find out. Love, Peggy
  22. Thank you, Ginny, for taking over for me. From the lack of responses, I would guess that many are not too excited to report in. Not only am I not excited to tell, I'm not going to. Let's just say, I've gained, but I'm not giving up! Love, Peggy
  23. Hi Linus, I'm so glad to hear your mom's scans were negative. I think remission means NED (no evidence of disease), and of course, stable means it's still there, but not active. So, if by negative, he meant NED, then that's very good news. Did you get copies of the written reports? That's always a good idea. Buy your mom a hot fudge sundae and celebrate! Love, Peggy
  24. Hi Kim, My dad had severe COPD and it sounds like your mom is getting similar things in her nebulizer that he did. You don't mention oxygen. Is she on oxygen? If not, I'm assuming her oxygen saturation is ok. I'm afraid I don't have anything else to offer, but I know that as bad as my dad's COPD was, he only had to take prednisone occasionally, and usually just a 6-day dose pack. He did get much worse and was later hospitalized and he was on some kind of steroids off and on, but not continually. Mostly, they had to keep increasing his oxygen. If she isn't strong enough to do the treatments and keeps getting worse, I would just take her to ER. Also, I don't know what a PA is, but I'm assuming it's a nurse or assistant of some sort. When you call to make an appointment, can't you ask specifically to see the doctor and not the assistant? If not, then I would be doctor shopping, if I were you. Any lung disease is very serious and needs the attention of a specialist. Lots of love and prayers, Peggy
  25. Well, phooey! I'm glad you are both getting treatment, and expect to hear that you are out and running around again by the end of the week. I'm surprised that they radiated that area again, too, Don, but I sure am glad that did. Get well, soon, both of you! Love, Peggy
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