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Everything posted by slinaresholz

  1. Hello Cheryl, Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope the new Chemo does the trick. Sharon
  2. Hello Tracy and welcome to the site. Hope your Dad comes out okay with his pet scan. I also have NSCLC and have known about it since November. I had surgery the end of January and I'm not feeling too bad. Hope your Dad will have good luck. Sharon
  3. Hi Sharyn, Sorry to hear your Dad is not feeling well. Sure hope they can give him something to boost his stamina. You and he are in my prayers. Sharon
  4. Dear Paige, So sorry to hear about your mother. Some day we will all be together again. Prayers for all of you. Sharon
  5. Very sorry to hear about Connie. Hugs and prayers . Sharon
  6. Ginny, Very sorry to hear about Earl. Prayers for you and your family. Sharon
  7. Wishing your Dad and Beth the best of luck with the chemo. Sharon
  8. Betty, Very sorry to hear you're having more trouble. Hope the radiation does the trick. Sending prayers your way. Sharon
  9. Best of luck on the scan and I hope the pain goes away. Sharon
  10. Very sorry to hear about Larry. I know you will miss him. Prayers for all the family. Sharon
  11. Very sorry to hear about David A. Hope he is at peace now. Prayers and hugs to the family. He was a real fighter! Sharon
  12. sure hope everything works out for Bob and that they can control his pain okay. Best wishes. Sharon
  13. Hello Rich and I'm glad you're done with surgery. It takes awhile to get back on your feet. I had a lobe removed January 26 and I still have some pain in the side and tenderness. Compared to right after surgery, I've come a long way. I do not take anything for pain, it mostly bothers me when I walk. I remember how rough it is right after surgery. You can hardly get out of bed and it is rough sleeping. Hope you come through with flying colors! There's one fellow on the site that had a lung removed and he is an avid biciclyst and I don't think he even needs oxygen. Best of luck to you. It will get better little by little. Sharon
  14. Char, Very sorry to hear about your brother and I'm sorry your husband has not been feeling well. Prayers for all three of you! Sharon
  15. Hello Nancy, Sorry things are bothering you right now. Hope everything goes okay for you. The hat business is very understandable to us women. Our hair is our crowning glory. I understand it usually grows back even nicer when you're done with chemo, so you have that to look forward to. My cousin wore a little hat when she had chemo for breast cancer. Hers is all grown back now. My Mom 's hair just got thinner. If it cheers you up, treat yourself to a little wig. I've been a little worried myself that my cancer might be getting worse. Every new ache and pain, I worry myself sick. Last night I stayed up till six o'clock in the morning reading information from the site: Thoracic surgery". According to that I don't have the chance of a snowball in hell since I had one lymph node in the mediastum positive,. Then the hospital I did the surgery at sent a form for a survey of people with advanced lung cancer. That made me feel like a million bucks!. Anyway, we should cheer up and treat ourselves to something nice to take our mind off this business. I think they do have good luck with chemo on the small cell cancer and it is not extensive for you, it is limited so that is very hopeful. Best wishes! S haron
  16. I think you are making the right decision. Hospice will make sure your Mom is not in pain. They are wonderful. My own mother went through hell with that chemo and it ruined her quality of life. She had surgery and was feeling pretty good until she started that. She didn't have lung cancer, but she did have cancer. When my Dad was sick with prostate cancer, The doctor said he shuddered to think what they were doing to my Dad in the hospital when he was so ill with cancer. They don't seem to think anything about making the very ill sit and wait forever for those chemo appointments either when they are so weak and sick. They could care less. I think your Mom is right about that. God bless the two of you and give your Mom a big hug for me. Sharon
  17. Very sorry to hear about your hubby's pain. Hope the new pills do the trick. Best wishes. Sharon
  18. Tess, I was very sorry to hear about Rob. He was much too young. Glad he is out of pain now. Prayers and hugs for you and the family. Sharon
  19. Hello, My ex-husband was on that for asthma and it made his bones xsoft. My aunt was on it for asthma also and as a result her bones are breaking like twigs. She has post polio syndrome and the predisone with another medicine caused her to lose bone density. Now she is in the nursing home and a specialist prescribed a very expensive injection she has to take now for bone density. Before that she has broken bones three or four times. She is 74 years old. That's about all I know to tell you. Best wishes. Sharon
  20. Nell. Sure hope they can find something to help Bob. It's terrible when you're hurting. Sometimes they don't pay attention to what you tell them. God bless both of you! Sharon
  21. Minnie, Sorry to hear about your mother. Hope everything will be all right. Prayers and good wishes. Sharon
  22. Sorry that you're feeling so tired and hope you get some energy. Take good care of yourself and have a Happy, Happy Birthday! It is awful hard to breathe in the hot weather. I notice that too. I feel real tired on those muggy days. Thanks for all your encouragement. I will get my first disability check in August. You were right. They didn't give me a hard time at all! Prayers and hugs to you! Sharon
  23. All my prayers and best wishes for T Bone. Hope they're keeping him comfy. Prayers and hugs for you Too. Sharon
  24. Glad to hear the surgery is over. Get lots of rest and take good care of yourself. Prayers and best wishes to you. Sharon
  25. Dear Cheryl, I'm sending prayers your way and hope you qualify for the clinical trials. Best of luck! Sharon
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