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Everything posted by jean44

  1. Michelle, Getting no sleep is not good however, I just wanted to let you know a couple of things I experienced while Thom was ill. A few weeks before he passed away he woke me up a few times in the middle of the night just "to talk". I never minded because I was always afraid there may come a day when he wasn't around to talk to and it didn't happen everynight so I was getting sleep. (total different situation but still not how life used to be) It also become a habit for him to come into whatever room I was in and interrupt whatever I was doing (cooking, laundry, cleaning) and ask me to come sit with him "to talk". So, it seemed like I always had unfinished things to do but, since losing him I treasure those times and wish he was still here to interrupt me. Take care and sweet dreams. Jean
  2. Hi Michelle, My husband had several treatments of Zometa with no side effects at all. Good Luck, Jean
  3. jean44

    Thom Harmon

    Thomas B. Harmon (February 12, 1956 - August 8, 2009) Guest Book | Sign Guest Book | Send Private Condolences Thomas B. Harmon, age 53 of Georgetown, Ohio died Saturday, August 8, 2009 at his residence. He was a tree farmer. Mr. Harmon was born on February 12, 1956 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his father-in-law – George Malone. He is survived by his wife – Jean (Malone) Harmon; one daughter – Kate Harmon of Jeffersonville, Indiana; his mother – Louise (Hinds) Lindeman of Cincinnati, Ohio; a sister-in-law – Lisa Germann and her husband Augie of Felicity, Ohio and special friends – Otis, Tony and Carmella. Funeral services will be held at 12:00 P.M. Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at the Cahall Funeral Home in Ripley, Ohio. Visitation will be from 10:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M. Tuesday. Interment will be in the Red Oak Cemetery near Ripley, Ohio. If desired, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society or to the Hospice of Hope, 215 Hughes Boulevard, Mt. Orab, Ohio 45154. Condolences may be sent to the family at the above link. I am still in shock. Jean
  4. Paula, When it was time to call Hospice for my Dad,it was actually done by his Oncologist. Hospice called us and set up an appointment to meet with us and get things started. His Oncologist was a God send. It was a relief at the time that he offered to take of this for us. Good Luck Jean
  5. Michelle, You are fabulous! The 911 call was great. When it comes to over loved ones getting the best care possible, we do what we have to do. Keep the faith, Jean
  6. Hi Tova, I understand your Mom being scared. Brain mets are scary. My husband (stage IV-nsclc) also just found out he has brain mets. Several small ones throughout his brain. He has started whole brain radiation having four treatments with 10 more to go. While it is common with lung cancer, it still really sucks. He was diagnosed in Sept. 2008 and went all this time with no issues to his brain. This was my greatest fear. So far, the radiation has been far worse than the chemo. He has had 15 chemo treatments with no side effects to speak of but after 3 radiation treatments, he is feeling really ill. We keep our fingers crossed and pray alot. Good luck to your Mom and remember that everyone is different. I know there has been folks that have been through radiation without the issues that Thom is having. We just keep hoping for the best. Jean
  7. Kasey, I read your post several days ago and wanted to respond but, didn't know how to put in words how I felt so I thought about it for a few days. I lost my Dad to lung cancer six years ago. I was a Daddy's girl and never thought I could recover losing him emotionally. But I did-I had no choice. I watched my Dad go from a big, strong, healthy man to a man bedridden the last few days of his life. That image is burned in my mind. Move ahead to Sept. 26, 2008. My husband of 29 years was diagnosed with Stage IV squamous cell lung cancer. I was numb. My mind kept going back to thoughts of Dad and how I had lost him to cancer and could not bear the thought of Thom going through the same tragedy. Because of people like you, Kasey who have advocated and raised funds for cancer reasearch my Thom has access to new treatments that were not available for my Dad. So many positive things have come about just in the past few years that I really believe that Thom actually has a chance to survive this monster-because of people like you. I know losing someone to cancer brings about emotions we don't even know we possess but, we are allowed to let them surface to deal with our feelings so we can move on and hopefully, help others. So, thank you Kasey for all that you have done and believe that you have made a difference in many lives even if you can't see it in front of you. Jean Aimee, I had never heard that story before have filed it away in my memory as I feel it will come in handy in the future.
  8. Hi Katy, my husband is currently getting emend with his chemo and has since his first treatment. He has NEVER had issues with nausea and he has been having treatments since Oct. 2008. He gets the emend in the IV with his meds and he also gets a prescription for two pills to take the first two days after treatment and it has worked great. Good luck with finding a solution. Sometimes you just have to keep trying until you find something that works. Jean
  9. jean44


    I'm sorry to hear that Caren. Please know that I will keep him in my prayers. I lost my Dad to lung cancer almost 7 years ago so I am on my second round of dealing with stage IV lung cancer with someone who is very close to me. It is not easy. I pray alot, take it one day at a time, and be grateful for everything I can be grateful for. Take care, Jean
  10. jean44


    Thanks Caren for sharing your Dad experience. I am so grateful to hear about the 50% shrinkage. Hoping for better days for your Dad. Jean
  11. jean44


    Thanks again for everyone's replies. Thom had the first infusion on Wed. and so far, so good. His doc seemed to think this treatment to be a little more kinder than his previous chemo-even though he didn't really have issues with it either. I appreciate everyone's input. Have a great week-end! Jean
  12. jean44


    Thanks Mike and Sandra for your replies. Thom starts this next week and has two weeks on (once a week) and one week off. Just was wondering how well it was tolerated. He will have it with Avastin. His doctor stopped the Taxotere and Carboplatin. We are praying for good results. Thanks again, Jean
  13. jean44


    Has anyone had this chemo? Would like to "hear" some personal experiences with this drug. Thanks, Jean
  14. Congrats Rich! Thanks for posting this. My husband is also Stage IV and this kind of news continues to give us hope. I love what you said, as long as there is life, there is hope! You've got that right! Jean
  15. Thank you Rich. You are "right on" with your post. As a past caregiver to my Dad and a current caregiver to my husband-both with stage IV lung cancer I do believe that you can either fight and do everything you can to beat this (as my husband is doing) or you can let it beat you (the way my Dad did). I don't believe my Dad realized he was letting it beat him but he did. I think with Thom more than anything, is his positive attitude and his will to live. I really believe that has alot to do with healing. Along with our faith in God and a wonderful Oncologist he is doing fine at this time and only believes he WILL GET BETTER! I will be the first to admit as a caregiver, it is not easy but, it is what we have and we have no choice but to live with it and deal with it. When you love someone it sure makes this journey a little easier. Thanks again Rich. It's nice to read others thoughts on this. Wishing you all the best and memory filled days ahead. Jean
  16. Alyssa, I am so sorry that you are living with with anger and I agree with Dana that you will always miss her and it does get a little easier with time. I lost my Dad over five years ago to lung cancer and my husband was diagnosed in Sept. 08 with stage IV lung cancer. You talk about angry! I am angry everyday over the what if's when it comes to Thom's treatments. The big one-what if the treatments don't work. I have found that I can't be consumed with anger. I have to stay focused on Thom and getting him well. I believe Janet has some wonderful words of wisdom in her post as well. You have a beautiful little girl that will someone love her grandma because you will pass the love you have for your Mom to your little one. I thought when I lost my Dad I would NEVER "get over" losing him and I probably never will however, time has sure made in alot easier to cope with the loss. Hoping the same happens for you. Jean
  17. Hi Ann, I remember your loving posts about Dennis when he was ill. May your memories sustain you and bring you comfort. Jean
  18. jean44

    Forgive yourself

    This was "right on target" Jamie. Thank you for sharing. Alot of times people are so quick to judge and/or quick to find the "reason" they loose sight of what matters the most-fighting the cancer and living. Jean
  19. Congrats Patti! I love hearing good news from scan results. Enjoy! Jean
  20. Sincere sympathy to Carol's family. She was truely an inspiration and had so much to offer this support group. She was certainly a brave woman who lived life to the fullest but most importantly, she lived life on HER terms. There is alot to be said for that. She was one classy lady. Jean
  21. jean44


    Hi Linda, I am glad that you are having a good experience with Hospice and they are providing you with comfort. They were a true blessing to my Dad. Hospice does wonderful things to assist us when we need them. Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Jean
  22. Hi Beachmama, I can understand your feelings. I was fortunate that the day my husband was diagnosed he stopped smoking. I think he felt he "had" to and the Oncologist said he felt treatment would go better if he wasn't smoking. I don't know that there is scientific proof of this or if the Oncologist was trying to assist him in his quest to quit smoking and he thought it may help him think more about it. Either way, he quit. It wasn't easy-it still isn't but like everyone has said, it had to be his decision. I am sorry that you are struggling with this. Good luck to you and your Mom. Jean
  23. Hi Ceedee, My husband just finished his sixth treatment (Carboplatin, Taxotere, Avistan, and Zometa) and has had the same issues since about his 2nd or 3rd treatment. We have discussed this with his Oncologist and it is common. The only thing he could suggest was nasal sprays and using neosporin (sp?) for the sore spots. My husband blows his nose several times a day and has the same problems that you are having. We have decided it's common and a side effect he has to deal with for now. I know how frustrating it can be. Good luck. Jean
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