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Everything posted by jean44

  1. jean44

    This Is Us

    Thanks for all of your kind responses. Patti, we are about 45 miles east of Cincinnati. Jean
  2. jean44

    This Is Us

    Ha! Ha! You're right Donna. They were taken in Oct. 2008. It was a beautiful day full of wonderful memories. Jean
  3. jean44

    This Is Us

    Thanks Linda! I am glad that at least 1 of the 6645 users saw my post! It was a special day for us when we had these taken. Jean
  4. jean44

    bone mets

    Hi Bucky, My husband has bone mets on his spine and is currently receiving Zometa. There isn't much pain involved so no radiation has been ordered at this time. He has scans again in a couple of weeks and has had three infusions of Zometa so we will see how it goes. Good Luck! Jean
  5. jean44

    This Is Us

    Just thought I would add a picture to my Avatar so you could put a face with my posts. This is Thom and I and it was taken in Oct. 2008 by Thom's request. We had never really had professional pics taken but, it was important to the both of us to have it done now. (Thanks alot Katie for your assistance!) Jean
  6. I love these posts! Thanks Shelley from the wife of Thom who was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in Sept. of this year. We avoid stats and BELIEVE that anything is possible. We BELIEVE with God's help we can get through this as well. I am printing off this e-mail to show my husband. Thanks and Happy New Year! Jean
  7. jean44

    Christmas Gift

    Thanks for your kind respsonses! While we are elated about Thom's news, I also wanted to post his results to offer hope to others diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. The first Oncologist offered Thom no hope or encouragement. Once we went for the second opinion and heard the word "hope", we were hooked. Thom has a fighting spirit and I believe with with medical staff we have in place he will do great! There is ALWAYS hope. Happy Holidays everyone! Jean
  8. Hi Creekgirl, My husband had his first infusion of Avastin on Wed. and so far, so good. He does not have a port and his Oncologist hasn't recommended it yet. He had the Avistan in combination with Carboplatin, Taxotere, and Zometa. He didn't have to have the Neulesta shot yet either. He is stage IV and so far has had wonderful results after three treatments of chemo and no radiation. We feel fortunate. Good luck, Jean
  9. jean44

    Christmas Gift

    Thanks everyone for your kind responses. I am absolutely "over the top" with happiness! Holiday blessings to you all! Jean
  10. jean44

    Christmas Gift

    I struggled with whether to put this in the test results or good news. The good news prevailed. Thom went to have his fourth chemo treatment yesterday and to get his scan results. He had a brain MRI which showed that the two spots that were there are now totally gone. His scan showed that the lympth node, mass in his chest, and the mass on his adrenal gland all had more than a 50% reduction in size! We are absolutely thrilled. While we have a ways to go, we are off to a good start. The doctor was thrilled as well with the results stating that this is what they strive for but don't always achieve. So Merry Christmas to us! Yesterday was also our daughter's 28th birthday. She told her Dad this was the best gift he could have given her. Besides the chemo, I believe our hope, positive thinking, prayers and faith in God have gotten us this far. Happy Holidays to everyone! Jean
  11. jean44

    Three Years Today

    Beth, I will be holding you close in my heart and thoughts today. Thanks for your kind words. Love, Jean
  12. Hi Hope, Just wanted to relate my husbands experience with Emend. He had it in the IV with all his chemo treatments and has never had issues with nasea. His Oncologist also gave him a prescription for the pill form of Emend and fortunately he hasn't had to use it. It has made his treatments tolerable. As for radiation, the first Oncologist we saw had my husband set up for 35 rounds of radiation plus chemo. The second opinion we received from my husbands current Oncologist was to stop radiation. He said we may revisit it at a later time but wanted to work with just the chemo now. My husband is Stage IV. Hoping for good results for you sister. Jean
  13. Hi Marci, My husband's first and second line of chemo was Taxotere and Carboplatin. On his third chemo they did Taxotere, Carboplatin and added Zometa. He will have his fourth chemo next Wed. which will be the same as the third only they will be adding Avistan as well. Thom has done really well with very little side effects. They added emend to his IV for nausea and he had no problems. He had some minor issues with constipation but soon realized that if he started the stool softners on the morning of chemo and continue for about a week it solves that problem. I can't say which chemo caused the constipation or if it was a combination of the treatment but, he has done really well. He did loose his hair and had lost most of his beard, he has since shaved. We will get final scan results next Wed. but do know that the scans look good. Good luck-wishing you the best. Jean
  14. jean44

    Not Again

    Thank you all for your responses, kind words and prayers. Thom had his first chemo last Thursday and his first radiation yesterday. So far, so good. His attitude is so positive, he says he will beat this and I HAVE TO believe him. Sue, thanks so much for your response. The last line really hit home and you are so right. We are hopeful and plan to stay that way. Five years ago today I lost my Dad to lung cancer and I refuse to let cancer take my husband as well. So, we have on our fighting gloves and will battle the beast. I pray that we win. Thanks again, Jean
  15. jean44

    Not Again

    I joined this site when my Dad was diagnosed with NSCLC IV. He passed away a year after diagnosis. He was 67 years old. That was Oct. 14, 2003. On Sept. 26, 2008 my 52 year old husband was diagnosed with NSCLC IV. We have been married 28 years. He started Taxotere and Carboplatin chemo yesterday and will begin 35 rounds of radiation on Monday. Needless to say, devestated doesn't begin to cover my feelings. I feel like a little of me is dying each day. He is staying positive and says he will beat this. He knows there is no cure but also has a great determination and a strong belief in God AND miracles. Please keep my husband Thom in your prayers as I continue to do for all on this board. Heartbroken, Jean
  16. jean44

    Still Missing Dad

    Thanks to those of you who responded to my post. Your kind words were appreciated. Jean
  17. jean44

    Still Missing Dad

    Four years ago on Oct. 14th I lost my Dad to lung cancer. As I sit and type this the tears are streaming down my face because I still miss my Dad and am still grieving his loss. I know there is no time limit on grief however, I did believe that after four years it wouldn't "hurt" as bad. But, it does. I miss him and hate what lung cancer did to him. I will go to the cemetary, pay my respects, and try to deal with the heartache and loss the best I can. So heres to my Dad......I wish you were still here with me, I love you, and miss you everyday. Jean
  18. jean44


    Ann, That was beautiful and so true-thank you for sharing. Jean
  19. Hi Cindy, I am sorry to hear about your Dad's condition. I lost my Dad to lung cancer 2 1/2 years ago. We also had Hospice for Dad for a period of about 6 weeks before we lost him. Like your Dad, mine was reluctant to discuss his feelings much about his illness and future. Fortunately, Dad had a wonderful oncologist who discussed his Hospice options with him. Dad respected his opion and talked more openly about his illness with his oncologist than with us. I was thinking that maybe your Dad would be more open to this discussion with someone outside of his family. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as this is a most difficult journey. Jean
  20. Ann, Your post warmed my heart and made me smile. What a wonderful example of how we should all take the time to make someone's life a little easier. Jean
  21. Ginny, Having lost my Dad to lung cancer I cannot imagine what it is like to lose a spouse but, I believe if a grief forum for widows/widowers would help anyone I think it is worth the effort however, it doesn't seem that it is likely to happen here. Jean
  22. Hi Lori, So glad that you and Beth were able to meet. I wish I would have known as I was in Cincy. this week-end, come there quite often and would love to meet the both of you. Please keep me in mind for future visits. Jean
  23. Hi Cindy, I lost my Dad to lung cancer over two years ago. When I come to this web site and see that you and others are living and surviving this monster it gives me such happiness and satisfaction to know that others are fighting and winning even if my Dad is no longer here. I hope that soon you can accept and enjoy your results. Congrats and God Bless! Jean
  24. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband and father. I will keep your family in my prayers. Jean
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