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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Welcome to our family Lynda, First of all, I want to say, I am so very very sorry for the loss of your sister. I can only try to imagine how devastating this must have been for you. You are in the right place for information, love , and support. No one "deserves" to have cancer of any kind . The stigma that people attach to smoking and lung cancer has hurt us all. My husband did smoke and his cancer was most likely caused by smoking , but I feel he is a cancer patient just like any other and yes we have the right for support and compassion as in any other kind of cancer. You are in the right place to find people that support your viewpoint. We are all either patients or have had loved ones affected by this horrible disease. God Bless, Sue
  2. Leslie, No experience with brain mets here, but as you know many here have. From what I see many of them have done very well with their treatments . I saw this post earlier and didn't know what to say. I think each and every one of us can relate to the feeling we get when there are new mets, progression, increase in size of tumors etc. At first , it is really hard. Once we accept it and get a plan as to how to deal with it, we are better able to move on. You have my prayers , Leslie. Keep in touch with us and never underestimate how much you are cared for here. You aren't alone. Love and Prayers, Sue
  3. Cathy, Glad to hear your good news, but I sure hope something can be done to help your dad with the pain. There are lots of pain meds out there.. Hopefully they can find the right one to help your dad. Sue
  4. Barbara, I'm so sorry you have to be here, but I'm glad you chose to share with us. There is a wealth of information, support and help available at this site. I'm not familiar with your type of cancer, but it sounds like you are early stage and that is the very good news. I think you owe it to yourself to weigh all your options before you make a decision. As for the smoking, if you want to quit there is a wonderful site that helped me... whyquit.com .I smoked 38 years and quit 2 years 8 months ago. You have a lot of choices to make and we are here to support you. God Bless. Sue
  5. Sharon, I loved reading about the time you spent with your daughter. That's wonderful that you had that time to share. Wishing you the best for Wednesday's scan results and your court day next week. Love, Sue
  6. TAnn, I'm so sorry to hear this. Pain in your lung??? Red flags went up on that one. Do you have any idea why the pain? That doesn't sound normal. Mike had problems begin after his 6th treatment with Alimta where he became severely short of breath. In his case he had developed pneumonitis, but he had no pain . Just to be on the safe side, I would make sure your doctor knows about that right away. Take care and I hope you feel better quick.. Love, Sue
  7. Oh Janet, This put me more than on the brink of tears. I'm afraid you started a real waterfall here I will be praying really hard that this works out for Ron. Keep us posted and know you aren't alone. We are pulling for the two of you. Love, Sue
  8. Denise, I'd just like to add that Mike has been on prednisone for 2 years in different amounts, but always to treat one thing ... shortness of breath and inflammations of the lung. Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory drug and is usually used to treat things that fit in that category. It has never been given to Mike for increased energy and I've never noticed that it does this for him. Mike is on 10 mg at the present time and that has no adverse effect on him, but the higher the dosages like 40 mg plus it did very bad things to him mentally. It made him hyper, aggressive and for a period of time he didn't know what he was doing. He actually experienced steroid psychosis for nearly 6 weeks. I'm just skimming over things here, but I've written a lot about his experiences on this site. Now decadron is another whole thing. It is oftentimes given as a premed and also to patients for swelling in reference to brain mets and treatment. It always made Mike really hyper. He couldn't sit still. It gave a total false sense of well being which can be harmful for any length of time also. It makes the patient try to do too much and thus labor their hearts etc. I'm saying all of this based on our own experiences and only as an opinion to help you make your decision. None of this is based on medical fact.. You know what I mean?. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about what I have written about. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad. Love, Sue
  9. Erica, I am so very sorry to hear about you losing your mom. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. Just can't find the words to express how I feel. She was too young.... God Be with you and your family. Love, Sue
  10. Welcome Home , Addie, Sending you lots of love and prayers. Love, Sue
  11. God Bless you Jackie. Love and Prayers, Sue
  12. Thank you, Donna. That is beautiful. My God be with you . Love and Prayers, Sue
  13. Malou, Sending my prayers your way for a good treatment plan for your husband. Let us know how what the oncologist comes up with. Love, Sue
  14. Thanks for the Addie update , Geri. Addie I guess we don't have to tell you that we are all keeping our eye on you. Glad to know you are home in your own comfy environment. Keeping you in my prayers for continued recovery. Hope we get a dose of "addietude" soon. Love, Sue
  15. Val, I know this must have given you so much comfort. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love, Sue
  16. Donna, What can I say, you are a miracle in Minnesota and a gift to this group. Congratulations and here's to many more. Thank you for all that you have given back to all of us. Love, Sue
  17. Jen, I am so very sorry to hear that your mom has reached this point in her journey. You and your family sound so at peace with your decisions . My thoughts and my prayers go out to you. I hope hospice will be very helpful . Love, Sue
  18. Welcome Nelson, You won't find a better group anywhere. Everyone here is eager to help in any way that they can. This is the most caring group of people you have ever met. Looking forward to knowing you better. sue
  19. shineladysue


    Add my thoughts and prayers to the bunch , as well. Will be looking for your results. Love, sue
  20. ((((Addie)))), Know that you have my prayers coming your way , as well. We miss ya. Love, Sue
  21. Janet , I can feel you and Ron taking that big breath from here. Sometimes you just need a little time to regroup to make a fresh "run". I want you to know that you have my prayers . Keep us updated. Having positive thoughts. Love and Prayers, Sue
  22. Cindi, Thanks for the report on Jackie... Prayers headed her way. Love, Sue
  23. TAnn, I'm so happy to hear this news . I hope the Alimta will continue to do it's job. It's always a comfort to know that there are other options waiting in the wings. Keeping you in my prayers. Love, Sue
  24. Hi , I would like to welcome you and let you know that you have found a wonderful group of caring people. There is a lot of information and support here. Let us know how we can help. My best to you on your scans. Sue
  25. Welcome Joseppie, We are glad to have you here with us. Looking forward to knowing you. Sue
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