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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. (((Hugs))) and prayers for you and your family, Peggy. You are so incredible to be here helping everyone the way you do especially when you carry these heavy burdens yourself. Thank you Peggy for everything you do and know that prayers are said for you daily. God Bless, sue
  2. My heartfelt sympathy to family and friends of Grumpy One Lung. It sounds like he will be missed by many. sue
  3. Cindi, Sorry, I missed this before. Sure hope you are feeling better. Ummmm , how about a hot toddy? Bet we can find the ingredients at the pub. In my house, my two sons and I have had the cold, achey, feverish thing . I'm on day 9 now with the coughing fits etc. So far, hubby has escaped it. I really worry about him. We had a shortage of flu shots here in Virginia and they literally just gave him his shot about 2 weeks ago. Take care of yourself. We need your smile on the board and someone to run the pub. sue
  4. Sure hope the Tarceva works out well for you and the rash can be easily handled. Let us know how you are. sue
  5. TAnn, I know we all hope for shrinkage , but stable is great news. I'm encouraged to read the long lengths of time people have remained stable with Iressa and hopefully that will be the case with Tarceva. In the meantime, there's always hope of some new medical breakthrough. Keeping you in my prayers.. sue
  6. Welcome Barb, So glad you decided to join us. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Will be waiting to see the results of those scans. sue
  7. Fay, I can feel your relief from here. Keeping your family in my prayers sue
  8. I just want to welcome you and to add that my husband, Mike , is also a stage IV nsclc patient and doing pretty good at the moment. Know that there are many here with similar cases and there is lots of hope in their stories. Keep us informed and let us know how we can help. sue
  9. Hi Traci , I just want to welcome you and tell you that you have found a wonderful, caring group of folks here to help you through this. I know it must be very hard on you to be left in the dark about your mom's case. There is a lot of information here, but every case is so unique. Maybe you can find some positive way to approach it with her. There is so much hope to be found here. My thoughts and prayers are with you. sue
  10. Lukiss, Thank you for updating us. It sounds as though you have had some priceless , quality time with your dad. I know that must be a real comfort to you. I just want you to know that you , your dad and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless, sue
  11. Hi Maryanne, Sure hope you found the answer.. Pain meds are notorious for causing nausea. Poor Joel. I hope he will soon feel better. (((hugs))) sue
  12. I see warm smiles and a lot of love. Thanks Angie for sharing your Dad and your daughter with us. sue
  13. Little Mo, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Will be anxiously waiting for those results. God Bless you and yours, sue
  14. Hi Kel, Such hopeful news and such a heartwarming story. Thanks for sharing it with us . My prayers to you and mom for even better things to come. I can just see her putting with the nurses now....wonderful story.. (((hugs))), sue
  15. I think maybe Cindi's Bar and Grill or Pub or whatever she calls this joint deserves it's own forum. It seems to be the most popular forum on the board and it serves as a great meeting place . It's early, ya got a cuppa coffee around here, cream and sugar please. sue
  16. Wonderful picture and a beautiful moment captured.. Thanks for sharing. sue
  17. Pier, Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for the loss of your mom. My prayers are with your family. sue
  18. Hi Cindi, I just realized that I never sent hugs for this great news. I was too busy making tracks over to your bar. This is wonderful news . Meet you at the bar. At least we know where we can find you .. (((hugs))) sue
  19. Sending prayers your way for success in your treatment. Hope eveything continues to go well. sue
  20. Cathy, Sometimes , I believe things happen for a reason that we don't yet know. Hang in there. With all these prayers and positive thoughts coming your way, remain hopeful. Keep us informed. Know that you are in my prayers . love, sue
  21. Laura, Don't blame yourself. Even if you had been there and made sure she was closely monitored it may have had the same outcome. My husband is a perfect example. He was getting follow up scans and then xrays from 2001 til 2004 when he was diagnosed with recurrence stage IV. His didn't show up on xray. It was in the bronchial stump and coughing up blood is was the symptom that took us to the pulmonologist. He did a bronchoscopy and that is how the discovery of the recurrence was made. I just want to say that thinking about "what if" won't change anything and you will never know. You are doing your best now and that is what matters. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. (((hugs))) sue
  22. That's great news Ry. Thanks for sharing it with us and I sure hope the Tarceva will treat John as well as the Iressa. I know you will keep us informed, if you can... ummmm I see you making a lot of trips to Cindi's bar... lol Meet you there. Love, sue
  23. Prayers for Grumpy and all that love him.. God Bless, sue
  24. Prayers for Grumpy , his family and friends. God Bless, sue
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