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Cindy RN

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Everything posted by Cindy RN

  1. Cindy RN


    YIPPEE!!!!!!!! We woke up to 6 inches of snow this am. I went to bed and no snow. I could not believ how much there was at 8 am today!! It must of snowed like crazy last nite. More to come tonite!! I have 2 girls who do the shoveling! Cindy
  2. I have no idea who keeps track of the number of survivors with SCLC. There have been many new drug combos (Camptosar) used and better survival rates since then. I know I was told without treatment a few months, with treatment maybe 1-2 yrs. Well I love proving them wrong. I still believe the stats they use must be old ones!! Good thing to get some of the org. to do is to have them update the numbers! Cindy
  3. I know how you feel. I too have had that same thing said to me. Or you are my inspiration. I have never set out to be. I feel guilty also seeing my friends-here and at church- die from this awful disease. What do you say to someone who says that??????????????????? Cindy
  4. Just a quick note about CT scans and PET scans. First-- the PET is very expensive, I do have insurance so that has not kept my Dr from using it. They show up live cancer cells-(usually) --by an injection of radioactive glucose into the body. Cancer cells suck up sugar! They then glow on the scans. The CT scan does show up masses or tumors-much less expensive--and yes, it shows scar tissue but after a few scans they show that there is no growth or sometimes if we are lucky they show a shrinkage of that area. Once in awhile they will do just a chest xray and it will show anything new that may have popped up-if it has then a CT is usually done. Please do not look for numbers of how many make it to 5 yrs with SCLC because they are very grave, and as said before VERY outdated. They used to say this CA could not be cured and nobody lives free of SCLC more than a few yrs.Many of us have proved this WRONG. You are just now in NED or remission for a few months and it takes time to learn to 'live' with this. Your body is going thru so much right now, I did not do PCI so I can not imagine how that must effect you. If you are unable to work, do SOMETHING. Volunteer at a local charity org. Nothing feels better than helping others. I pray that you will have a peace that will see you thru this. Love Cindy
  5. Well I have made it almost 4 yrs. This Feb 2005 will be 4 yrs since my diagnosis. Read my bio below. I have had 1 reoccurance in that time. I have been 'chemo free' since last Aug. and am now working teaching at a local college nuring classes. There is hope. I had extensive-it was in the mediastinal, around the heart, R lung and L adrenal gland. I had 1 PET scan done after the first completion of chemo in Dec of 2001. I do get CT scans about every 2-3 months to watch for it to come back. When it does it is fast. I had a scan in Dec 2002 and it was NED then in Feb 2003 there was a baseball size tumor in the upper L lung. God has been with me and the Drs thru out this. YES there are some of us who are living --LIVING--much longer than what we are told in the beginning. Love Cindy
  6. Cindy RN

    Good scan

    You go!!! Have a great time. Love ya Cindy
  7. I guess I have a different perspective since I am the one with cancer. I went and pre-planned my funeral. The plots were bought back when my mom was sick and she made me pick out ones for my family near hers. I did not take anyone with me. I wanted to do this alone. Maybe if you tell your dad that you want to wait til Jan. to finish up his plans he would understand. I know if I was him I would. My family does not do well when I talk about the end part of cancer. God be with you, Cindy
  8. NORMAL-That word is such a good word!! I am glad you are able to make the salad and happy you are here for this Christmas. I remember in Feb 2001 I was not given much hope of seeing Christmas 2001. Well here's to making a liar of those awful words, "you have ____ much time left!!!" You party til the cows come home tonight and prayers said for many more fruit salads in the future! Merry Christmas, Cindy
  9. OK!!!!! You all make me feel old!! I lived in Whittier CA, a suburb of LA. I was in Jr High, I remember the Charlie Manson era. I can not recall if it was the end of 69 or 70. I moved to little Robinson in Aug of 1970. Started High school that fall. I just had my 30 yr class reunion this summer. Cindy
  10. I just sent you a pm. I wanted to post also tho. We have been on here along time together. I know you were there for your dad thru all this, he was so blessed to have a family like the one you all have. Just know that God has added another soul to the Choir. Prayers are being said for you all this Christmas time. Love Cindy
  11. Cindy RN

    Round 3

    Betty--I sent you a pm. I also wanted to say the camptosar and the cisplatin work very well. You might ask about it. You keep those chocolates around., NOTHING wrong with that!!!!! Prayers are with you, Cindy
  12. Hi Everybody!! I am still doing well, life goes on and I am so busy that days actually pass and I forget about the cancer. Amazing huh? I have tests coming up next week-those every 2 month CT's that have now gone on since Feb 2001! I must glow at nite I am still teaching nursing and absolutely love it! The students are a good bunch, I do run out of steam on clinical days, I am running back and forth so much. Had a Great Thanksgiving, had my family all in and good food! Gobble! I got the yard work all done today NOW I can decorate for Christmas, my 4th one since D day. I thank God for the time I have and for friends like you-all. Please keep me updated-use email. I do check it daily and I do check the SCLC forum. Love to all-Cindy
  13. Well this the first chance I have had to read this whole post!! DOC-you have the terrible job of telling pts. things they DO not want to hear. I have been an RN for along time and have been in there when families have to hear these things. It is so hard on medical prof. to go thru this. It is hard to go home day after day knowing that a families entire life has been turned upside down. Just because what we had to tell them. It is so easy to 'blame' the person who tells you the bad news! I am a long term survivor! I am almost at the 4 yr mark since diagnosis. Granted I have had 1 relapse in 2003 but I still feel good and am back working! My oncol just smiles when I come in-every 2 mos-because he thinks he has saved me I let him think that Anywa, Med. people have thick skin. It does get bruised tho. Thanks for being here Dr!!! Love to all Cindy
  14. Hello!!!! I have been so busy with my new job. I have a new found appreciation for teachers!! My class is mostly people ages 20-40. They have been a good class, thank goodness. I am teaching M-W-F nights 4 P to 10 P. and we just started clinicals at the local nursing home. I am still busy with the volunteer groups I have done for years but this has taken so much more time than I thought it would. My family is not used to it and they are NOT really picking up the slack around the house! I am going to take advantage of the beautiful sunshine we have today and go blow leaves down to the street. I know there is green grass under there somewhere! My baby-Roxy is enjoying the weather today too. Hope you are all doing well-CATCH ME UP PLEASE with anything new going on and how you all are!!! Love to all, Cindy
  15. Hello!!!!!! Just a note to let you all know I am still here. I will write my update in General-Glad things still look good here. Cindy
  16. I had always been told with this type of ca that it was not helpful. Dr Joe-My oncol. uses the LDH to watch for changes. He also gets a chem profile and cbc every 2 months So far so good for me- Jen-I have missed you! I have been so busy tho-Call and catch up. Love Cindy
  17. You all in my prayers. It is a bit far for me to travel tho to help out. Good luck!! Cindy
  18. I wish I had the magic cure for not smoking!!! I quit the day I went into the hospital for my biopsies. I made it about a year, I never felt normal-crazy huh? I did start again, not nearly as much and the Dr knows. He did say I may have breathing difficulties later but so far I really have not. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT IT IS PROBABLY BETTER TO QUIT. I just wanted to feel normal-the cancer had changed my life so much that the one thing I fell back to was the smoking. I am doing well-Thank God. More power to those of you who have quit! Cindy
  19. Bet- My daughter was 14 when I was diagnosed-maybe they could email each other. Just a thought. Cindy
  20. (((Shelly)))))) YOU have been missed BUT I totally understand! You have been thru too much for anyone! As for the pain med!!!!! BULL!!!!!! She could of had some, I never in all my nursing - heard of NOT giving a pain med because they hadn't 'gone' yet!!! Sometime after surgery the bladder and the bowels slow done but that does not mean you can not have pain meds. Sorry this is such a sore subject for me! I have been in those shoes and if I want it I WILL GET IT!!!!!!!! You hold on and you and sis are in my prayers. Cindy
  21. So sorry about the diagnosis. Tell her I am almost at 4 yrs. out! Actully I am 3 yrs and 8 months since diagnosis. I have had 1 relapse during that period and at this time have been chemo free since Aug of last yr. Mine was extensive also(see bio below) Tell her there are a few others I have heard that have gone as long as 6 yrs!! I plan on beating that record too. The steroids will freak a person out!, see if she can get some xanax for nerves and maybe ambien as a sleeping pill. They really helped me when I was on steroids. Good luck-pm me if I can help Cindy
  22. Great news. I know how hard it is to wait for those test results when it comes to our moms! Enjoy FL!! Cindy
  23. GINNY_ So glad you had a good time! Glad you are back! Cindy
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