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Just received resuts from MRI. Looks like my Thecal Sac has tumors floating around in there. My Oregon Doc has recommended heading south immediatly for tests & treatment. Not an easy thing to do when you live up here & have dogs to farm out. Thank god for good friends to help out. I'll probably be off for a bit. Fly to Oregon on Friday & may go right into the hospital. This may call for a hall pass!! I'll get back to you when I can. In the meantime be happy & healthy.

Has anyone had thi happen? I would like your views.


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Dear Rachel,

I too wish you all the best on this new found journey. If I lived closer, I would take your dogs. I know how we worry about our pets, as I had to go through that situation of boarding them out as well. Good luck to you, and we'll be looking for your Updated posts.

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Wish you a nice trip and an empty Thecal sak on your return (you'd think someone would have clued us in what the heck a thecal sak is but nooooooooooo). Anyway...hope you are sakless or whatever one should wish for on your return.


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The thecal sac is a thin walled tube filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surrounds the spinal cord . CSF is the cushiony fluid that protects the brain and spine and helps distribute nutrients to these structures.

I just looked that up, boy do I wish I knew everything!

Best wished on your trip and with your treatment Donna G

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