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it's A Pity Party and You're ALL invited!!!

Fay A.

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You certainly deserve a pity party and being able to come in our comfy grubbies makes it all the more inviting.

You've been so strong and positive for everyone else, it's your turn. You are so right, there is nothing at all wrong with feeling sorry for oneself, after all we are just humans like the rest of the world, we just got stuck with this garbage disease to try to deal with :x

Hope you're feeling stronger by Monday and ready to continue treatment.


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If a rip-roaring pity-party is what it takes to continue the good fight...then that's what we'll do. I doubt chicken soup is high on the list of 'party appetizers'...but a big bowl of homemade can sure pull a sad stomach together in a hurry. Do you think it could help Fay?? I wish I lived close by...

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Hey Fay, I don't have a long list of war wounds at my signature like a lot of folks do, but what the heck sign me up to for a little "pity on" this weekend. Monday I have a appointment with my surgeon and it will be time to get back to work.

But serioulsly, sometimes I think it is perfectly ok to give myself a mental hug. I tell myself, there there it will be ok, like I was talking to my inner child.

I have a drum and a harmonica, will that be good enough? And is a tartan like a spirit guide or somthing?

Don M

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Okay, since I am a caregiver, can I come and pity all of you just for a night. Monday its back to positive thinking!!

I hope I can come, I will bring, let me see, ummmm how about Chocolate Chip cheese cake..... and capachino coffee!!!!

I promise I will pity you all.... let me come please!!!!

Maryanne xxxxxxxo

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To quote the late, great Sir Harry Lauder, "Just a wee doch and dorris before we gang awa" -- think along with the chocolate you'll need that wee drap to get the pity party perking as it should. I play a mean Scotland the Brave on the (alto) recorder -- and can try it on my cello as well -- would that add to the cacophany? Not quite the pipes, perhaps but I can be pretty dissonant (even when I don't try). OK, ok, I'll stay home and spare you the pain but enjoy your pity party -- the time is ticking away and it'll be Monday morning before you know it.


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Fay, I havn't been around in a while, but when I checked in and saw your invite, I was so glad I didn't check in too late.

I'll supply the rice crispy treats (HOME MADE, not the packaged stuff) and will be sporting my, literally, Holey sweats and bugs bunny slippers (the ORIG. BUGS, NOT THE NEWLY RE-MADE that I saw on the news the other morning-it quite disturbed me).

I'll also bring some somber music, too-lets see-I've got the Smiths (an 80's band that pretty much wore itself out-record form-remember records? The Smiths were the band of choice for the depressed, pitty partiers-man, there were periods where I could pitty party anyone under a table.) And maybe some poetry I wrote in High School-now THATS DEPRESSING...

Oh, Fay, I couldn't think of anyone that I'd rather meet and be able to party with-even if its a pitty party-YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!! Deb

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ANY party that included you would be a humdinger and one that I'd gladly attend. This one is starting to sound over-the-top and has added tributaries to the main theme stream several times. Diversity rocks! Meet you back in the real world on Monday, with loins girded and shields at the ready (hiding our blue faces????? 8) )

Love and hugs.

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