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Taking the Palmetto pass...


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Ok my turn. I am taking a hall pass and leaving for a family vacation in beautiful South Carolina. We have a place on the ocean. I hope to read a million books, walk the beach, and just plain relax. We will leave Friday the 25th and return Sunday April 3rd.

Now I have arranged for Debi to keep an eye on the hall pass forum. I do not want to come back to a problem with someone running the halls without a pass. You know the rules. No leaving without the pass. I have left my cell number just in case she needs to report someone. Ginny and Becky will man the phone circle.

Now you all behave, be good kids, and no goofing off while John and I are gone. :wink: Hoepfully Frank can handle the joke forum...Bruce you might want to help him out there. :P

Have a great Easter break everyone.


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Hope you and John and the kids enjoy the trip. It is well deserved. I too am going to take my 1st trip to the ocean this year. Yes, Debi, I am going to the beach. I can't abandon Dollywood tho. She will be opening the park soon.

Don't worry Ry. I know Debi is capable of keeping everything under control. Have fun.

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Well Ry, it looks like I also missed your post too. I feel so bad that I missed this forum completely. :shock:

Well anyway I hope you had a wonderful trip. 8) It sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Peace and quiet and tranquility for you and John. Oh, what more can you ask for?

See ya when you get back!! :wink:


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