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Alimta #8 with Avastin called off


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My treatment was called off today. I have been having severe pain and they think it's my gall stones. I don't but no one will listen to me. I am trying to reach the surgeon to get surgery scheduled so we can back on treatment. Wish we could have done it few weeks ago.

I begged for one more treatment but they said no. I'm scared what if it's not my gallbladder that's causing the pain and we are doing all this and delaying treatment for no reason. Both the surgeon and my PCP wanted it out weeks ago (no questions asked) but couldn;t cause of the Avastin that the oncologist wanted. I can realte to TAnn, 2 hydrocodone every 6 hours and 3 Oxycodone every 4 hours and sometime it doesn't touch the pain.

Will keep you posted.

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I'm sorry to hear this . I knew something wasn't right with you because you haven't posted much lately. This gall bladder issue has me wondering. You say you have severe pain. Didn't you also have nausea ? What area is he pain in? Hope you don't mind me asking , but on Mike's last Ct scan they picked up a small gall stone. He is having some pain in his side in the area where his lung was removed 4 years ago, but he is experiencing some nausea also. None of this may be related, but if you don't mind sharing symptoms , I would appreciate it.

As for you, I can't tell you enough how sorry I am and I hope they get on with it so you can soon be feeling better and get back on track.

Love and Prayers,


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oh Beth.

Wish this weren't happening to you. But, it seems that with you if something can go wrong it will go wrong!! It's like a given.

When will your surgery be scheduled. I truly do hope that it is the stones that are causing your troubles. Like I said, if you are able to have the laproscopic surgery, it is a piece o cake.

Be sure to bring your laptop to the hospital!

Cindi o'h

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Sorry to hear about the pain and cancelling the Alimta treatment. Sure hope they can get that Gallstone issue cleared up and get to the bottom of the pain problem soon.

Hang in there kid, you are tough. We are all behind you and praying for a quick solution to your problems. Take care and God Bless.


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The ultasound I had in June showed lots of stones and the need for immediate removal, that's when we found out the cancer had spread and the doc wanted to try the avatin but I couldn;t have surgery because of the chance of hemmoraging with the avastin.

My pain is everywhere in my torso and he said it could be reflective pain. He said he wanted it out so ............................

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I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I will pray that the pain will ease up and that they can hurray up the surgery and that will be the end of the pain for you. It really hurts to see others in pain as I know how it feels to hurt. I will pray that they can get back to the treatment!

Sandie :)

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OK, gall bladder surgery for 07/18 @ 2pm....here we go again, maybe this time we can get the damn thing out!

Feel sorry for the girl at the doctor office, at first she said the 25th and I went off on her and said no that this was an emergency, she didn't understand that I had cancer and couldn't have treatments till after surgery and that she needed to recheck with the scheduling nurse. The nurse called me a couple hours later apologizing for getting the date wrong. I laughed and told her to apologize to the girl who called me since I had gotten a little excited. Sherry though that today was the 20th and couldn't imagine why I was so upset. Helps to go postal sometimes! :roll:

Hope this all works out!

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