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Frank Update 07/ 20/05// No Singing Fat Lady Yet.

Frank Lamb

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You just keep on surprisin' 'em, Frank. I don't care what it takes. A special combo of Connie and Bud Lite, maybe? :wink: Added to checking in here for some virtual support and a bit more virtual Bud??? :lol:

Whatever it takes, buddy...you just keep on surprising those docs by DOING SO WELL. Stay active and keep on as you have been. We're right behind you cheering you on.

Great report. Made my day! 8)

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Always get a kick out of your good news, Frank. You are truly an inspiration. I don't know how you do it, either! I am as perplexed as your docs!

You are one tough mother fella!

Keep on living well and pass that bottle over here...I'd like a cold pull from it!

Cindi o'h

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