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Tape of Lisa, World News Tonight (UPDATE #2)


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Hi all,

We missed the show as we had another committement and our VCR was programmed but it was on AM instead of PM. gurrrrrrrrrrrr. :shock: Joel's chemo brain. :roll:

We read the transcripts and was so proud of Lisa and there was alot brought out about things we wanted people to be aware of that smoking is not just a smokers desease and ex-smokers coming down with LC. Also, and important women and LC.

Anyway, we are really really are upset that we missed this as we were really looking foward to view it. If anyone happened to have taped it. Please PM me, I would like to view it and will send back ASAP.

Thanks so much.

Maryanne& Joel

PS. I work for Gillette, and have lots of samples, will sent them back with tape. :wink:

PS 2. just an afterthought, If anyone has the tape and can make a copy of it, we can use it as a chain letter tape (for lack of a better word) and send it on to the next person etc.

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If we get a copy I can do the list.

You don't have to put everyones address on the list, just when the person is finish viewing the tape they PM the next person on the list for their address.

How's that sound :?:

But first we need a tape. :roll:


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Hi Maryanne, I have a tape of the broadcast. It's in the middle of a tape I was using and I have no way of copying it but I'd be glad to pass it on.

If you pm me with your address I'll send it on and maybe you can start the chain.

I don't need the tape back (buy them by the dozen at Costco) but maybe someone on the chain will be able to copy it to make life easier.

Looking forward to getting Lisa's fame chain started.


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Keep checking, Katie had said in a previous post it was replayed by her and my mom said she saw it this morning on ABC here.

Lisa if you see this, my mom was moved to tears by your story. She did not realize I "know" you from the website when she told me what she saw on the news. She said you were beautiful!

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Okay this is the list so far for the tape.



Cindi o'h



joe B





We seem to have 2 tapes here. One is a VHS but it is in the middle of the tape. Which is okay, just when you send it on it would be nice to start it at the beginning of World News Tonight, so the person does not have to seach for it.

We also have a DVD. Which is good, but not everyone has a DVD player.

You people on the list let me know what you prefer, DVD or VHS

If anyone would like to be added let me know ASAP as I would like to get started with this.

I will get in touch with Geri (VHS) and KarHart (Karen H). DVD

I will have to submit 2 lists- one for VHS and one for DVD.

Let me know. Like I said I do not need addresses, when the person who has the tape is finished they could PM me and I will give the name of the next person on the list, they will PM them for the address.

The last person will sent it back to the owner.

How does that sound?


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