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I have a met on my spine T-11


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Well, I have had this flank pain I have been complaining about for 4 months. I have been in so much pain, I was unable to lay down for the hour long MRI. So, they did xrays and a CT which said all okay. WRONG! MRI is the gold standard for every body part.

I found a stand up MRI and had it done yesterday (Have no idea why none of my medical experts knew this machine existed I found it on the internet). My onco suspected the other reports were wrong and I had a met.

I start radiation for it tommorow. The good news is its an old met. It showed up on my pet 4 months ago, but w/ the xrays and Ct came back ok, they wrote it off to Deg. Disc. Disease. My onco feels the Topo has held it at bay. It has not entered the cord and there is only one.

Who has had spine radiation? How did it go? Did it work?

I have been sobbing all day. Its not new and I dont know why I am not getting more out of that good information. I am just worn out and scared. My blood pressure has been very low, my RBC is way down and I feel like crap.



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Again Jen, I ask you to somehow rally yourself. I stare at the picture of your young kids and implore you to look into their eyes when the going gets you down.

I would give 25 years of my life to have one more day with my mom and dad. I turn away from other mothers and daughters now becuase i feel robbed of my mom and dad for that matter.

please find something deep down to hold onto and stoke the fighting flames that are there inside you.

Always praying for you....

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You can do it!

You've taken everything that this crappy disease has handed you and stomped on it. No reason to think you can't do it again........just take some deep breaths and keep on truckin'.

I'm sorry that you've got another thing to beat but have every faith in you, you're one tough broad (notice I left off the old!!)

Take care Jen, I'm thinking of you


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Jen, Lucie's main tumor was a large met to her upper spine, C-7/T-1. She had a series of radiation done and it worked well. It arrested the damage and she has had no further damage there. Her met was high enough that the esophagus was also radiated, and she had trouble swallowing for a while. Yours is low enough that this should not be a problem. Good luck. You should get good results. Don

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I am confident that this is going to be okay for you. You have faced so much already and gotten through it, this is just one more hoop to jump through. So just jump REALLY high!

Many prayers and warmest of wishes to you, Jen. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day.

Love and support coming your way.


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I have to wonder too, why your med. team didn't suggest the standing MRI :( , but I'm very glad you found out about it, Jen.

You can do this. The pain should diminish pretty fast with the radiation....and it's very good news that the tumor didn't invade and was held steady by the topo. Remember, TOPOTECAN WORKS!!

Thinking of you sweetie...and knowing you'll be feeling better very soon.

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Jen, you have encouraged so many others and we thank yo for that. You are doing well and this is a treatable place with generally good results. Praying this will take care of the pain you have been dealing with. Bless your heart, this is tough but you can handle it by the grace of God. Get lots of hugs from those sweet kids and let them tell you how much they love you and vice versa. pammie

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Oh Jen you have been through so much already more than I could ever imagine.

You do have a wonderful family and you must find the inner strength to make it through this. You will get thourgh this next hurdle and you will come through this feeling so much better.

Continued prayers sent to you Jen, you are a real trooper through all of this. Handg in there.


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I, for one, am glad that they found the source of your pain. I feel sure the radiation will zap it away. What a relief to be pain free again. You have been through the ringer lately, so I am glad this time it is treatable and will be over soon. Enough pain. Keeping you in my prayers.


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Pain is awful, that's for sure, but you are a fighter. Look how much you've gone thru. You can meet this challenge and beat it. Besides, you have to root for me next week. I fully expect you to stand up and cheer when I get the go ahead, just as you will very soon. Keep fighting kid, you're in there for the whole battle.


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I'm so sorry that your pain continues but at least the source was found. Just don't know why you were the one to have to find the "standing MRI". Don't lc patients have enuf to deal with without having to be researchers too but we all know we have to be vigilant with our treatments... Anyway, I send my prayers that the radiation will take care of the pain for you quickly.

You remain in my thoughts and I will continue sending my prayers.

gail p-m

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Jen, Dennis had radiation for spinal mets and it was amazing what a good job it did of reducing his pain. I'm sure you will do very well with this treatment. Like you, I can't understand why the doc didn't know about the standing MRI. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang tough!!!

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My mom's T-12 spine met was found in January and she has not had a y radiation for it, although her pain is really bad. She just had a CT scan yesterday, so I am praying that they say she can have radiation to alleviate the pain. Let's try to see this as a good thing that there is a treatment! All my love and prayers for you..

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