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9/1 update on Cindi


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Hi guys,

Talked with Cindi again this afternoon and she sounded great and happy. They hopefully will remove her drains on Saturday and then maybe let her go home. She really likes her doctor and says he is cute. :lol: She said that she felt great and misses everyone. She also wanted someone to open the pub and have a drink for her but to remember to clean up.

I will check on her again tomorrow or Saturday


Leslie, Cindi said to tell you it was her talking

yesterday not the drugs. :D

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I just hope for that cute doc's sake, that his name isn't Ned...because we know our Cindi...and next thing you know she'll be telling us she was in a hospital bed with NED AND Ned! :shock::lol:

So glad you're doing well, m' dear. We miss you...and look forward to drinks half price at the Pub when you return.

P.S. How's the green jello? 8)

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Thank you for the update

it made my day.

Wonder if Cindi brought her wee bikini

to the hospital?

Wonder if the cute doctor is a fisherman on

Wednesday afternoon?

Get well Cindi, we will clean the Pub for

the reception we will stage for your return


Prayers still going

Candle still burning

and Cindi still getting better every day.



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Hey Cindi....I'm just going to sit here, elbows propped on the bar, drink in hand, until you get here to join me!!! But...bring the cute doctor with you when you come! I'm sure he's just love to have a nice tall drink with us!

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I would gladly open up the pub for you, if you left me the darn keys :roll:

We need you back to open it up. We had some good news here and we all need drinks to celebrate!! :D

Hurry back, I miss you!!

Your friend, :wink:


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I am home! Thanks for the call, Miss Pamela! Ya'll, she and I have been friends for over a year now, and this is the first we talked on the phone! She is a little southern gal, and that is no lie! Great to hear your voice!

I was a gigglin', yes I was. I was a handful of mischief in the hospital. They stopped and asked me if I thought I knew where I was and what had happened to me... I looked at them and said..you mean you don't know??? They said that they knew. They just wanted to see if I knew. I told them that this was a prison and that I had gotten caught robbing a bank again...right? Right?

I make for trouble. That'll teach the young ones for trying to outsmart me!

Had a good time. Passed alot of time and just enough flatus to leave a liquid diet and be put on soft diet. But, didn't have enough bowel movements to make it to normal.

Actually. I had wonderful nurses. One of them fed me ice chips with a little spoon. I felt like a baby bird being fed by the momma. I had a couple back rubs, some scratches and bed baths. Even a shampoo cap. I had my linens changed every day. And the excitement was the Bkft lunch dinner cart coming down the hallway.

I have a hole in my side that continues to leak all this fluid from my lung. They say it will close up in a couple of days. I hope so. It is gross.

No cancer nodules. Everything looked good! But, I have a problem that I have to find out more about.

Chylothorax... Anyone else have this? The nutritionist came and talked briefly about it. I have to learn more. They put me on a NO FAT diet. But, I am to drink or cook with a special oil called MCT oil, instead. Doctor believes this might "cure" my repeat effusions. I have a chylofistula somewhere in there, I guess.

I ordered his notes so I should be learning soon what he wouldn't tell me everday...you know what I mean?

I am still happy to have talked to both Haylee and Pamela. Two of my pals.

Now ...where the dickens has justakid been? Gotta ketchup on all of you now..

Cindi o'h

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Ohhhh Cindi,

It's so good to hear from you. I was getting a little concerned.. It has been much too quiet around here without you , not to mention that everyone has been lost without the pub. It seems no one had the keys and well, it's not the same place without you , anyway. Sure hope this problem you got is controlled with the diet and hope you will be breathing better and regaining some strength soon. Now don't go reading and scaring the hell out of yourself. Wait until you can meet with the doc and let him talk more to you about it. Take care and welcome back.



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